
3Entry of places of business on register of firearms dealers

(1)The prescribed particulars which a person applying to be registered in any area as a firearms dealer under subsection (1) of section eight of the principal Act is required to furnish shall include particulars of every place of business at which he proposes to carry on business within the area as a firearms dealer, and the chief officer of police for that area shall, subject as hereinafter provided, enter in the register every such place of business.

(2)Every person registered as a firearms dealer in any area (whether before or after the commencement of this Act), who proposes to carry on business as such at any place of business in that area which is not entered in the register, shall notify the chief officer of police for that area and furnish him with such particulars as may be prescribed, and the officer shall, subject as hereinafter provided, enter that place of business in the register.

(3)A chief officer of police, if he is satisfied that any place of business notified to him by any person under either of the last two foregoing subsections, or any place entered as the place of business of any person in the register of firearms dealers, is a place at which that person cannot be permitted to carry on business as a firearms dealer without danger to the public safety or to the peace, may refuse to enter that place of business in the register, or remove it from the register, as the case may be.

(4)Any person aggrieved by any such refusal or removal may appeal, in accordance with so much of the provisions of the First Schedule to this Act as relates to appeals, to the court of quarter sessions having jurisdiction in the county, borough or place in which there is situated the place of business to which the appeal relates.

(5)If any registered firearms dealer has a place of business which is not entered on the register for the area in which that place is situated, and carries on business as a firearms dealer at that place, he shall for each offence be liable on summary conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months or to a fine not exceeding twenty pounds or to both such imprisonment and fine :

Provided that this subsection shall not apply to any person registered as a firearms dealer at the commencement of this Act until the expiration of three months from- the commencement of this Act.