Town and Country Planning Act 1968

2Preparation of structure plans.

(1)The local planning authority shall, within such period from the commencement of this section within their area as the Minister may direct, prepare and send the Minister a report of their survey under section 1 above and at the same time prepare and submit to him for his approval a structure plan for their area complying with the provisions of subsection (3) below.

(2)The said report shall include an estimate of any changes likely to occur during such period as the Minister may direct in the matters mentioned in section 1(3) above; and different periods may be specified by any such direction in relation to different matters.

(3)The structure plan for any area shall be a written statement—

(a)formulating the local planning authority's policy and general proposals in respect of the development and other use of land in that area (including measures for the improvement of the physical environment and the management of traffic);

(b)stating the relationship of those proposals to general proposals for the development and other use of land in neighbouring areas which may be expected to affect that area; and

(c)containing such other matters as may be prescribed or as the Minister may in any particular case direct.

(4)In formulating their policy and general proposals under subsection (3)(a) above, the local planning authority shall secure that the policy and proposals are justified by the results of their survey under section 1 above and by any other information which they may obtain and shall have regard

(a)to current policies with respect to the economic planning and development of the region as a whole ;

(b)to the resources likely to be available for the carrying out of the proposals of the structure plan ; and

(c)to such other matters as the Minister may direct them to take into account.

(5)A local planning authority's general proposals under this section with respect to land in their area shall indicate any part of that area (in this Act referred to as an " action area ") which they have selected for the commencement during a prescribed period of comprehensive treatment, in accordance with a local plan prepared for the selected area as a whole, by development, redevelopment or improvement of the whole or part of the area selected, or partly by one and partly by another method, and the nature of the treatment selected.

(6)A structure plan for any area shall contain or be accompanied by such diagrams, illustrations and descriptive matter as the local planning authority think appropriate for the purpose of explaining or illustrating the proposals in the plan, or as may be prescribed, or as may in any particular case be specified in directions given by the Minister ; and any such diagrams, illustrations and descriptive matter shall be treated as forming part of the plan.

(7)At any time before the Minister has under section 4 below approved a structure plan with respect to the whole of the area of a local planning authority, the authority may with his consent, and shall, if so directed by him, prepare and submit to him for his approval a structure plan relating to part of that area; and where the Minister has given a consent or direction for the preparation of a structure plan for part of such an area, references in this Part of this Act to such an area shall, in relation to a structure plan, be construed as including references to part of that area.