III.Days and Seasons during which Game shall not be killed. Penalty for laying Poison to kill Game.
IV.Possession of Game illegal after Ten Days in Dealers, and Forty Days in other Persons, from the Expiration of the Season.
V.This Act not to affect the existing Laws respecting Game Certificates.
VI.Every certificated Person may kill Game, subject lo the Law of Trespass. Proviso as to Gamekeepers.
VII.Under existing Leases the Landlord shall have the Game, except, in certain Cases.
VIII.This Act not to affect any-existing or future Agreements respecting Game, nor any Rights of Manor, Forest, Chase, or Warren.
IX.This Act not to affect any of His Majesty's Forest Rights, &c.
X.Nor to affect any Cattle-gates or Right of Common. Lod of Manor to have the Game on the Wastes.
XI.Landlord, having the Game, may authorize others to kill it.
XII.Where the Landlord, &c. has the Right to the Game, in exclusion of the Occupier, the Occupier shall be liable to a Penalty for killing it.
XIII.Lords of Manors may appoint Gamekeepers. Powers of Gamekeepers in Manors.
XV.Regulations respecting Appointment of Gamekeepers in Wales.
XVI.All Appointments of Gamekeepers to be registered with the Clerk of the Peace.
XVII.Certificated Persons may sell Game to licensed Dealers. Proviso as to Gamekeepers.
XVIII.Justices to hold a Special Session yearly for granting Licences to Persons to deal in Game. Dealers in Game to put up a Board.
XIX.Persons licensed to deal in Game must take out a Certificate, with a Duty of 2l.
XX.Collectors to make out List of Persons who have obtained Licences to deal in Game.
XXIII.Penalty for killing Game without a Certificate. This Penalty to be cumulative.
XXV.Penalty for selling Game without Licence, and on certificated Persons selling to unlicensed Persons.
XXVII.Penalty on Persons buying; Game, except from licensed Dealers.
XXVIII.Penalty on licensed Dealers buying Game from uncertificated Persons, or otherwise offending.
XXIX.As to buying and selling Game by the Servants of a licensed Dealer.
XXX.Penalty on Persons trespassing in the Day-time upon Lands in search of Game. Where the Occupier of the Land, not being entitled to the Game, allows any Person to kill it, the Party entitled to the Game may enforce the Penalty.
XXXI.Trespassers in search of Game may be required to quit the Land, and to tell their Names and Abodes, and in case of Refusal may be arrested. Penalty. Party arrested must be discharged, unless brought before a Justice within 12 Hours.
XXXIII.Penalty for Trespass in Day-time in His Majesty's Forests.
XXXV.The Provisions as to Trespassers not to apply to Persons hunting, &c.
XXXVI.Game may be taken from Trespassers not delivering up the same when demanded.
XXXVII.Application of Penalties for Offences against this Act.
XXXVIII.Time for Payment of Penalties, and Scale of Imprisonment for Non-payment.
XL.Power to summon Witnesses. Penalty for Disobedience of Summons, &c.
XLI.Time for Proceedings, and Mode of enforcing the Appearance of Offenders.
XLVI.This Act not to preclude Actions for Trespass, but no Double Proceedings for the same Trespass.
XLVII.Venue, &c. in Proceedings against Persons acting under this Act. Tender of Amends.