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Your search for English language UK Private and Personal Acts from 1836 has returned 35 results.

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Complete dataset 1946 - Present

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Vesting part of the estate of Milliken (Renfrewshire) in trustees, to be sold for satisfaction of debts Act 18361836 c. 15UK Private and Personal Acts
Sir Charles Lockhart's estate: amending the Act of 1822 [c. 12] (vesting the lands and barony of Dryden in trustees to be sold, others to be purchased and settled in lieu), regulating the manner of holding the purchased estates and granting powers of feuing to the heirs of entail Act 18361836 c. 14UK Private and Personal Acts
Reverend James White's estate: enabling him, and the persons for the time being entitled to estates in Bonchurch (Isle of White) (Hampshire), to grant building leases Act 18361836 c. 13UK Private and Personal Acts
Enabling the Earl of Moray to borrow money secured against his entailed estates Act 18361836 c. 12UK Private and Personal Acts
South Petherton (Somerset) inclosure Act 18361836 c. 11UK Private and Personal Acts
John Gartside's estate: authorizing sale of a share of a tenement and farm called Limehurst (Ashton-under-Lyne) (Lancaster), other estates to be purchased and settled in lieu Act 18361836 c. 10UK Private and Personal Acts
Settling part of the estate of Delvine (Perth) to Sir John Mackenzie and a series of heirs, according to a deed of entail made by George Muir, and vesting in lieu the estate of Cassencarie (Dumfries and Wigtown) in fee simple Act 18361836 c. 9UK Private and Personal Acts
Stepingley (Bedford) inclosure and exoneration from tithes Act 18361836 c. 8UK Private and Personal Acts
Godmanstone (Dorset) inclosure Act 18361836 c. 7UK Private and Personal Acts
Amending Alstonefield (Staffordshire) inclosure, 1834 [c. 15] Act 18361836 c. 6UK Private and Personal Acts
Alveston and Olveston (Gloucestershire) inclosure Act 18361836 c. 5UK Private and Personal Acts
North Runcton (Norfolk) inclosure Act 18361836 c. 4UK Private and Personal Acts
Orwell (Cambridgeshire) inclosure and commutation of tithes Act 18361836 c. 3UK Private and Personal Acts
Wooton (Bedfordshire) inclosure Act 18361836 c. 2UK Private and Personal Acts
Hardwick (Cambridgeshire) inclosure Act 18361836 c. 1UK Private and Personal Acts

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