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Your search for English language UK Private and Personal Acts from 1845 has returned 33 results.

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Partial dataset 1801 - 1945
Complete dataset 1946 - Present

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The counts below reflect the number of documents on that match the search for items of this legislation type and are not intended to indicate the total legislation made, enacted or adopted in a particular year.


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Legislation by Year

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John Hawkins' estate: authorizing sales and leases for building purposes of estates in Cheetham, Manchester (Lancashire) Act 18451845 c. 13UK Private and Personal Acts
Morden College (Kent) : extending the provisions of an Act of 1771 [c.] Act 18451845 c. 12UK Private and Personal Acts
Kidwelly, St. Mary's in Kidwelly, St. Ishmael and Pembrey (Carmarthenshire) inclosure Act 18451845 c. 11UK Private and Personal Acts
William Turner's estate: authorizing building leases and investment of money in real estates, and other provisions Act 18451845 c. 10UK Private and Personal Acts
Amending Winwick (Lancashire) parish division, 1841 [c. 9] Act 18451845 c. 9UK Private and Personal Acts
Spoad, Trevorward, Perlogue, Menutton, Pentrehodrey, Hobarris and Hobendrid inclosure (Clun) (Salop.) Act 18451845 c. 8UK Private and Personal Acts
St. Mary's Nottingham (Nottinghamshire) inclosure Act 18451845 c. 7UK Private and Personal Acts
St. Mary's Leicester (Leicestershire) : repeal of the inclosure Act [1804 [c.]] as it relates to the regulation of the Freemen's allotments Act 18451845 c. 6UK Private and Personal Acts
Honourable Percy Barrington and Louisa Higgins: enabling them to enter into a marriage settlement Act 18451845 c. 5UK Private and Personal Acts
William Molyneux's estate: amending an Act of 1834 [c. 19] (confirming and executing a partition and division, and other provisions) Act 18451845 c. 4UK Private and Personal Acts
Duke of Argyll's estate: empowering him to charge the estate of Argyll with provisions for the Marchioness of Lorne and her younger children by the Marquis of Lorne Act 18451845 c. 3UK Private and Personal Acts
Foulmire (Cambridgeshire) inclosure Act 18451845 c. 2UK Private and Personal Acts
Charles Calvert's estates: disposal, pursuant to an order of the Court of Chancery, and confirmation of sales Act 18451845 c. 1UK Private and Personal Acts

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