

Materials and principles of construction

124.  All working parts of crane weighing machines shall be protected from damp and dust.

125.—(1) The steelyard indicator on crane weighing machines constructed upon the lever principle shall be rigid and may be made of special metal to resist atmospheric influences.

(2) The rack and pinion on machines fitted with dials shall be made of hard metal.

126.  The range of any balancing or adjusting arrangement for crane weighing machines shall not exceed 2 per cent. of the capacity of the machine.

127.  Crane weighing machines constructed upon the hydraulic principle, in the use of which it is necessary to twist the load hook in order to get a correct indication of weight, shall have a prominent notice to that effect permanently affixed to the machine.


128.  Crane weighing machines shall, if practicable, be tested at each numbered graduation up to the capacity of the machine.

129.  Crane weighing machines fitted with dials shall not be tested for sensitiveness.

130.  The steelyard indicator or pointer on a crane weighing machine shall move freely, and the pointer shall return to its initial starting point after the load has been removed.

131.  Parts I and X of Schedule 2 hereto shall have effect for prescribing limits of error in relation to crane weighing machines.


132.  The stamp shall be placed upon the plug or stud provided for that purpose on a conspicuous part of the crane weighing machine.