Ecclesiastical Judges and legal Officers (Fees) Order 1990

Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Order)

1.  This Order increases the fees fixed by the Ecclesiastical Judges and Legal Officers (Fees) Order 1989 (other than the fees for certain items in connection with the register of patrons under the Patronage (Benefices) Measure 1986 (where the amount payable is, in effect, a fair and reasonable sum rather than a fixed fee) and the fees for acting as presiding officer at elections to the General Synod). It also substitutes a new table of fees payable on taxation of costs in discipline and faculty appeal cases for that contained in the Legal Officers Fees Order 1975.

2.  The practice of most of the Chancellors in exercising their jurisdiction in relation to item 2 of Table I has been to designate the following as matters for major faculties—

1.  Where estimated cost of work, excluding professional fees and VAT exceed £2,500.

2.  Where confirmatory faculty is sought.

3.  Where grave space is reserved.

4.  Where body is to be exhumed.

5.  Where light or air agreement is to be approved.

6.   Where faculty is sought under Open Spaces Act 1906 (c. 25).

7.  Where road widening scheme is approved.

8.  Where Chancellor so directs in case of unusual difficulty.