
Statutory Instruments

1992 No. 1621


The Motor Cars (Driving Instruction) (Amendment) Regulations 1992


6th July 1992

Laid before Parliament

7th July 1992

Coming into force

3rd August 1992

The Secretary of State for Transport, in exercise of his powers under sections 125(3), 127(2), 132(2)(b) and 141 of the Road Traffic Act 1988(1) and the Department of Transport (Fees) Order 1988(2), and all other enabling powers, hereby makes the following Regulations:

1.  These Regulations may be cited as the Motor Cars (Driving Instruction) (Amendment) Regulations 1992 and shall come into force on 3rd August 1992.

2.—(1) The Motor Cars (Driving Instruction) Regulations 1989(3) shall be amended as follows.

(2) In the Table in regulation 13—

(a)for the entry in column (3) in items 2 and 3 there shall be substituted in each case “£54”, and

(b)for the entry in column (3) in items 4, 6 and 7 there shall be substituted in each case “£180”.

Signed by authority of the Secretary of State for Transport

Kenneth Carlisle

Parliamentary Under Secretary of State,

Department of Transport

6th July 1992

Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Regulations)

These Regulations amend the Motor Cars (Driving Instruction) Regulations 1989 as follows:

(a)by increasing the fees payable for the driving ability and fitness test and for the instructional ability and fitness test from £50 to £54; and

(b)by increasing the fee for the retention of a person’s name in the register and the entry of a person’s name in the register from £170 to £180.


1988 c. 52; “prescribed” is defined in section 192(1).


S.I. 1988/643, which was made under section 102 of the Finance (No. 2) Act 1987 (c. 51). The relevant reference in S.I. 1988/643 is Table III of Schedule 1.


S.I. 1989/2057, as amended by S.I. 1990/1113and 1991/1129.