
Article 3

SCHEDULEThe Designated Area

That area of sea within Scapa Flow, Orkney Islands below mean high water springs enclosed by a straight line extending from a point on the line of the mean high water springs at The Ness 58°57.15'N latitude and 3°17.55'W longitude on the mainland of Orkney in a south-westerly direction to Braebuster Point 58°55.95'N latitude and 3°21.10'W longitude on the Island of Hoy; then in a southerly direction along the line of the mean high water springs on the eastern shore of that Island to North Ness; then in a westerly, southerly and easterly direction along the northern, western and southern shore of North Bay to The Ayre; then in an easterly direction across The Ayre to the Island of South Walls; then in a north-easterly, easterly and southerly direction along the north-western, northern and eastern shores of that Island to Cantick Head at 58°47.25' N latitude and 3°07.8' W longitude and then in a north-easterly direction to a point on Hoxa Head at 58°49.0'N latitude and 3°01.95'W longitude on the Island of South Ronaldsay; then extending generally in an easterly direction along the line of the mean high water springs on the northern shore of that Island until it meets Churchill Barrier No.4; then in a north-easterly direction across that barrier to the southern shore of the Island of Burray, then in a westerly direction along the line of the mean high water springs on the southern shore of the Island of Burray to Hunda Reef, then in a northwesterly direction across Hunda Reef to the eastern shore of the Island of Hunda; then in a south-westerly, north-westerly, north-easterly and south-westerly direction around the eastern, western, northern and eastern shores of that Island; then in a south-easterly direction across Hunda Reef, then in a north-easterly, south-easterly and northerly direction along the northern shore of the Island of Burray to Churchill Barrier No.3; then in a northerly direction across Churchill Barrier No.3 to the southern shore of the Island of Glimps Holm; then in a westerly, northerly and easterly direction along the southern, western and northern shores of that Island until it meets Churchill Barrier No.2; then in a north-easterly direction across that Barrier to the western shore of the Island of Lamb Holm; then in a north-easterly direction along the western shore of that Island until it meets Churchill Barrier No.1; then in a northerly direction across that Barrier to the southern shore of the Mainland; then in a westerly and northerly direction along the southern and western shores of the Mainland to Scapa Bay; then in a northerly, westerly and southerly direction along the eastern, northern and western shores of Scapa Bay; then in a westerly direction along the southern shore of the Mainland to the point of beginning at The Ness.