The Seeds (National Lists of Varieties) (Fees) (Amendment) Regulations 1995

Amendment of the Seeds (National Lists of Varieties) (Fees) Regulations 1994

2.—(1) The Seeds (National Lists of Varieties) (Fees) Regulations 1994(1) shall be amended in accordance with the provisions of this regulation.

(2) For regulation 3(1)(b) (concerning fees payable for tests for distinctness, uniformity and stability) there shall be substituted the following sub-paragraph—

(b)a fee payable in respect of tests for one year for distinctness, uniformity and stability of—

(i)a plant variety which is the subject of an application for entry in a National List, and

(ii)any of the hereditary sources of a variety which is the subject of such an application that the Minister may require to be tested,

being the new fee set out in the second column of Schedule 2 opposite the reference in the first column of the said Schedule 2 to the plant variety of the kind to which the tests relate, such fee being payable within 14 days of a demand made by the Minister;.

(3) For regulation 3(2) (concerning exemption from fees payable in respect of tests for distinctness, uniformity and stability) there shall be substituted the following paragraphs—

(2) Subject to paragraph (2A) below, the fees prescribed in Schedule 2 shall not be payable by an applicant who has paid the fees prescribed by regulations made under the Act in respect of tests carried out on his behalf for the purposes of a grant of plant breeders' rights in respect of the same variety.

(2A) Paragraph (2) above shall not apply to the fees prescribed in Schedule 2 in respect of any of the hereditary sources of a variety which is the subject of an application for entry in a National List..

(4) In regulation 3(3) (concerning fees payable for trials for value for cultivation and use) after the words “31st May 1994” there shall be added the words “or on or after 1st April 1995”.

(5) For Schedule 3 there shall be substituted the provisions set out in the Schedule to these Regulations.


S.I. 1994/676.