
Statutory Instruments

1998 No. 1169


The Textile Products (Indications of Fibre Content) (Amendment) Regulations 1998


6th May 1998

Laid before Parliament

8th May 1998

Coming into force

1st June 1998

The Secretary of State, being a Minister designated(1) for the purposes of section 2(2) of the European Communities Act 1972(2) in relation to provisions concerning the composition, labelling, marketing, classification or description of textiles and products incorporating textiles, in exercise of powers conferred on her by that section hereby makes the following Regulations:—

1.  These Regulations may be cited as the Textile Products (Indications of Fibre Content) (Amendment) Regulations 1998 and shall come into force on 1st June 1998.

2.  The Textile Products (Indications of Fibre Content) Regulations 1986(3) are amended as follows—

(a)in Part I of Schedule 2—

(i)in column 1 of item 2, by inserting “cashgora,” after “guanaco,”;

(ii)in column 2 of item 2, by inserting after “guanaco,” the words “cashgora goat (a cross between the kashmir goat and the angora goat),”;

(iii)in column 2 of item 20, by deleting the fibre description and substituting the following—

a regenerated cellulose fibre obtained by a modified viscose process having a high breaking force and high wet modulus. The breaking force (Bc) in the conditioned state and the force (Bm) required to produce an elongation of 5% in the wet state are:

Bc (CN)≥1.3√T+2 T

Bm (CN)≥0.5√T

where T is the mean linear density in decitex;

(iv)in column 2 of item 28, by deleting the fibre description and substituting the following—

fibre formed from synthetic linear macromolecules having in the chain recurring amide linkages of which at least 85% are joined to aliphatic or cycloaliphatic units; and

(v)after item 28, by adding the following new items—

Column 1Column 2
Nos.NameFibre Description
28Aaramidfibre formed from synthetic linear macromolecules made up of aromatic groups joined by amide or imide linkages, of which at least 85% are joined directly to two aromatic rings and with the number of amide linkages, if the latter are present, not exceeding the number of amide linkages
28Bpolyimidefibre formed from synthetic linear macromodecules having in the chain recurring imide units
28Clyocella regenerated cellulose fibre obtained by dissolution, and an organic solvent spinning process, without formation of derivatives. For this purpose organic solvent means essentially a mixture of organic chemicals and water; and

(b)in Schedule 3, after item 28, by adding the following new items—

Fibre No. in Schedule 2FibresPercentages

Nigel Griffiths,

Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Competition and Consumer Affairs,

Department of Trade and Industry

6th May 1998

Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Regulations)

These Regulations amend the Textile Products (Indications of Fibre Content) Regulations 1986 (“the principal Regulations”), as amended by the Textile Products (Indications of Fibre Content) (Amendment) Regulations 1988 and the Textile Products (Indications of Fibre Content) (Amendment) Regulations 1994. The principal Regulations, as amended, implement Council and Parliament Directive 96/74/EC (O.J. No. L32, 3.2.1997, p.38), which consolidated Council Directives 71/307/EEC (O.J. No. L185, 16.8.1971, p.16) and 83/623/EEC (O.J. No. L353, 15.12.1983, p.8) and Commission Directive 87/140/EEC (O.J. No. L56, 26.2.1987, p.24).

These Regulations implement Commission Directive 97/37/EC (O.J. No. L169, 27.6.1997, p.74). They add four new fibre names and corresponding fibre descriptions to the list in Schedule 2 of the principal Regulations and they also replace the fibre descriptions corresponding to the fibre names “modal” and “polyamide or nylon” in that list (regulation 2(a)). The Regulations also amend Schedule 3 of the principal Regulations by adding agreed allowances for three of the new textile fibres (regulation 2(b)).

A Regulatory Appraisal has been drawn up by the Department of Trade and Industry and is available from the Trade Descriptions Section, Consumer Affairs and Competition Policy Directorate, Department of Trade and Industry, Room 4.G.23, 1 Victoria Street, London SW1H 0ET, Telephone 0171 215 0329. Copies have been placed in the libraries of both Houses of Parliament.


S.I. 1972/1811.


S.I. 1986/26, amended by S.I. 1988/1350, 1994/450.