The Water and Sewerage Undertakers (Exit from Non-household Retail Market) Regulations 2016

CHAPTER 3List of eligible sewerage licensees

List of eligible sewerage licensees

58.—(1) The WSRA must maintain a list of eligible sewerage licensees for each retail exit area.

(2) The list for each retail exit area must contain—

(a)the acquiring licensee or licensees for the area, other than—

(i)a sewerage licensee whose retail authorisation relates only to premises of the licensee or persons associated with the licensee (and expressions used in this paragraph are to be read in accordance with Schedule 2B to the 1991 Act(1)); and

(ii)any licensee that the WSRA has decided not to include on the list in accordance with paragraph (3); and

(b)any other sewerage licensee with a retail authorisation that has applied to be included and has not applied to be removed.

(3) At the request of an acquiring licensee, the WSRA may decide not to include that licensee on the list of eligible sewerage licensees for a retail exit area where—

(a)such a decision would leave at least one acquiring licensee on that list; and

(b)the WSRA is satisfied on the basis of the proposed business model of the acquiring licensee that it would be appropriate for that licensee not to be included on the list.


Schedule 2B to the 1991 Act was inserted by section 4(2) of, and Schedule 3 to, the Water Act 2014 (c. 21).