The A66 Northern Trans-Pennine Development Consent Order 2024

Limits of deviation

7.—(1) The following provisions of this article have effect subject to the requirement that the undertaker must, save for any works or operations authorised under articles 14 (protective works to buildings) or 15 (authority to survey and investigate land), construct the authorised development within the Order limits.

(2) In constructing and maintaining the non-linear works comprised in the authorised development, the undertaker may deviate laterally within the limits of deviation for those works shown on the works plans.

(3) Subject to paragraph (4), in constructing or maintaining the linear works comprised in the authorised development the undertaker may deviate laterally from the lines or situations shown on the works plans, within the Order limits, save that—

(a)in constructing or maintaining any linear work other than those referred to in column (1) of the table below, in deviating laterally from the centrelines shown on the works plans, the situation of the centreline may be varied up to a maximum of 3 metres either side of the centreline of that work as shown on the works plans; and

(b)in relation to the linear works referred to in column (1) of the table below, the centreline of that work may be—

(i)situated on the north side of the centreline of that work shown on the works plans, by a distance not exceeding the permitted limit for each such part, set out in the corresponding entry in column (2) of the table below; and

(ii)situated on the south side of the centreline of that work shown on the works plans, by a distance not exceeding the permitted limit for each such part, set out in the corresponding entry in column (3) of the table below.

Table referred to in paragraph (3)


Part of authorised development


Lateral limit of deviation of the centre line numbered work to the north side of the centre line shown on the works plans


Lateral limit of deviation of the centre line of the numbered work to the south side of the centre line shown on the works plans

Work No. 0102-1D10 metres10 metres
Work No. 0102-7BTo the extent of the corresponding fine dashed green line shown on the works plansTo the extent of the corresponding fine dashed green line shown on the works plans
Work No. 0102-8To the extent of the corresponding fine dashed green line shown on the works plans3 metres
Work No. 03-6To the outer extent of the earthworks on the south side of Work No. 03-1B (being the A66 mainline)3 metres
Work No. 03-7BTo the extent of the Order limitsTo the outer extent of the earthworks on the north side of Work No. 03-1B (A66 mainline)
Work No. 03-8To the extent of the Order limitsTo the outer extent of the earthworks on the north side of Work No.03-1B (A66 mainline)
Work No. 0405-4BTo the extent of the Order limitsTo the extent of the Order limits
Work No. 0405-6CTo the extent of the corresponding fine dashed green line shown on the works plans3 metres
Work No. 0405-83 metresTo the extent of the corresponding fine dashed green line shown on the works plans
Work No. 0405-12B3 metresTo the extent of the corresponding fine dashed green line shown on the works plans
Work No. 0405-18To the extent of the Order limitsTo the extent of the Order limits
Work No. 0405-19To the extent of the Order limitsTo the extent of the Order limits
Work No. 06-4B3 metresTo the extent of the corresponding fine dashed green line shown on the works plans
Work No. 06-4D3 metresTo the extent of the corresponding fine dashed green line shown on the works plans
Work No. 06-7ATo the outer extent of the earthworks on the south side of Work No. 06-1D (A66 mainline)3 metres
Work No. 09-1B5 metres5 metres
Work No. 09-1DTo the extent of the Order limits3 metres
Work No. 09-3BTo the extent of the corresponding fine dashed green line shown on the works plans3 metres
Work No. 09-3ETo the extent of the corresponding fine dashed green line shown on the works plans3 metres
Work No. 09-3F0 metres5 metres

(4) In constructing or maintaining the linear works referred to in column (1) of the table below, the undertaker may deviate laterally within the Order limits so that the centreline of that work shown on the works plans may be—

(a)situated on the west side of the centreline of that work shown on the works plans, by a distance not exceeding the permitted limit for each such part, set out in the corresponding entry in column (2) of the table below; and

(b)situated on the east side of the centreline of that work shown on the works plans, by a distance not exceeding the permitted limit for each such part, set out in the corresponding entry in column (3) of the table below.

Table referred to in paragraph (4)


Part of the authorised development


Lateral limit of deviation of the centre line of the numbered work to the west side of the centre line shown on the works plans


Lateral limit of deviation of the centre line of the numbered work to the east side of the centre line shown on the works plans

Work No. 0102-7BTo the extent of the corresponding fine dashed green line shown on the works plansTo the extent of the corresponding fine dashed green line shown on the works plans
Work No. 0405-7To the extent of the corresponding fine dashed green line shown on the works plans3 metres
Work No. 0405-13To the extent of the corresponding fine dashed green line shown on the works plans or where there is no fine dashed green line, 3 metresTo the extent of the corresponding fine dashed green line shown on the works plans or, where there is no fine dashed green line, 3 metres
Work No. 0405-20BTo the extent of the corresponding fine dashed green line shown on the works plans3 metres
Work No. 0405-20C3 metresTo the extent of the corresponding fine dashed green line shown on the works plans
Work No. 06-2BTo the extent of the corresponding fine dashed green line shown on the works plans3 metres

(5) In constructing or maintaining the authorised development, the undertaker may deviate vertically from the levels shown on the engineering section drawings: plan and profiles and the engineering section drawings: cross sections—

(a)upwards to any extent not exceeding 1 metre, or, in relation to the parts of the authorised development referred to in column (1) of the table below, not exceeding the permitted limit for each such part, set out in the corresponding entry in column (2) of that table;

(b)downwards to any extent not exceeding 1 metre, or, in relation to the parts of the authorised development referred to in column (1) of the table below, not exceeding the permitted limit for each such part, set out in the corresponding entry in column (3) of that table; and

(c)except that—

(i)in the case of Work Nos. 03-1A and 03-1B, the upwards and downwards vertical limits set out in paragraphs (a) and (b) will not apply where their application would preclude the undertaker from retaining the existing levels of the A66 carriageway along the lengths of those numbered works; and

(ii)in the case of Work No. 07-8, the upwards and downwards vertical limits set out in paragraphs (a) and (b) will not apply to the levels shown eastwards of chainage reference point 650,000 on Sheet 9 of the engineering section drawings: plan and profiles for scheme 07 where their application would preclude the undertaker from tying Work No. 07-8 into the existing ground levels at Bowes Cross Farm.

Table referred to in paragraph (5)


Part of authorised development


Upwards vertical limit of deviation


Downwards vertical limit of deviation

Work No. 0102-1D3 metres3 metres
Work No. 0102-7A2 metres2 metres
Work No. 0102-7B2 metres2 metres
Work No. 0102-7C2 metres2 metres
Work No. 0102-81.5 metres0 metres
Work No. 03-6To any extent the undertaker considers to be necessaryTo any extent the undertaker considers to be necessary
Work No. 03-7BTo any extent the undertaker considers to be necessaryTo any extent the undertaker considers to be necessary
Work No. 03-8To any extent the undertaker considers to be necessaryTo any extent the undertaker considers to be necessary
Work No. 0405-1A3 metres3 metres
Work No. 0405-2A3 metres3 metres
Work No. 0405-51 metre2 metres
Work No. 0405-6B2 metresTo any extent the undertaker considers to be necessary
Work No. 0405-6C2 metresTo any extent the undertaker considers to be necessary to tie in with Work No. 0405-7
Work No. 0405-71 metreTo any extent the undertaker considers to be necessary
Work No. 0405-8To any extent the undertaker considers to be necessary to tie in with Work No. 0405-07To any extent the undertaker considers to be necessary to tie in with Work No. 0405-7
Work No. 0405-12A1 metreTo any extent the undertaker considers to be necessary to use existing ground levels
Work No. 0405-12B1 metreTo any extent the undertaker considers to be necessary to use existing ground levels
Work No. 0405-133 metresTo any extent the undertaker considers to be necessary to use existing ground levels
Work No. 0405-20B1 metreTo any extent the undertaker considers to be necessary to pass beneath Work Nos. 0405-1B and 0405-2B
Work No. 0405-20C1 metreTo any extent the undertaker considers to be necessary to tie in with Work No. 0405-20B
Work No. 0405-181 metre0 metres
Work No. 06-1B1 metre0 metres
Work No. 06-1C0 metresTo any extent the undertaker considers to be necessary
Work No. 06-2A2 metres2 metres
Work No. 06-2B2 metres2 metres
Work No. 06-30 metresTo any extent the undertaker considers to be necessary
Work No. 06-4B1 metreTo any extent the undertaker considers to be necessary
Work No. 06-7ATo any extent the undertaker considers to be necessary as a consequence of any horizontal movement northwards2 metres
Work No. 07-1B1 metre1.5 metres
Work No. 07-2B1 metre1.5 metres
Work No. 07-7B2 metres2 metres
Work No. 08-1B1 metre2 metres
Work No. 08-4A1 metre2 metres
Work No. 08-4B1 metre2 metres
Work No. 09-1B1 metre3 metres
Work No. 09-1D1 metre4 metres
Work No. 09-3B1 metreTo any extent the undertaker considers to be necessary
Work No. 09-51 metre3 metres

(6) The maximum vertical limits of deviation referred to in paragraph (5) do not apply where it is demonstrated by the undertaker to the Secretary of State’s satisfaction and the Secretary of State certifies accordingly, following consultation with the relevant planning authority, that a deviation in excess of these limits would not give rise to any materially new or materially different environmental effects in comparison with those reported in the environmental statement.

(7) Without limitation on the scope of paragraphs (2) to (5), in constructing or maintaining the authorised development the undertaker may deviate by up to 3 metres from the points of commencement and termination of any linear works shown on the works plans.

(8) In this article, references to—

“linear works” are references to any works shown on the works plans by way of a centreline; and

“non-linear works” are references to any other works shown on the works plans.