The A66 Northern Trans-Pennine Development Consent Order 2024


In the administrative area of Durham County Council

The authorised development is situated in the administrative area of Durham County Council.

A nationally significant infrastructure project as defined in sections 14 (nationally significant infrastructure projects: general) and 22 (highways) of the 2008 Act, and associated development within the meaning of section 115(2) (development for which development consent may be granted) of the 2008 Act, comprising—

Work No. 08-1— as shown on sheets 1 to 3 of the works plans for scheme 08 and being the construction of a new all-purpose dual carriageway (“the new A66”) and improvements to the existing A66 (“the improved A66”) between Cross Lanes and Rokeby, to include—

(a)Work No. 08-1A— as shown on sheet 1 of the works plans for scheme 08 and being the construction of a new all-purpose dual carriageway and improvements to the existing A66, to include—

(i)the improvement of the existing A66 eastbound and westbound dual lane carriageway;

(ii)works to effect the stopping up of the existing junction of Rutherford Lane with the A66;

(iii)works to effect the stopping up of existing private means of access to property at Pounder Gill and associated construction of new private means of access via Rutherford Lane, as shown illustratively on sheet 1 of the rights of way and access plans for scheme 08;

(iv)works to effect the stopping up of existing private means of access at North Bitts;

(v)works to effect the stopping up of a length of Bowes Footpath 1 and Rokeby Footpath 7;

(vi)the construction of new private means of access, as shown illustratively on sheet 1 of the rights of way and access plans for scheme 08; and

(vii)works to effect the removal of the existing observation platform at North Bitts;

(b)Work No. 08-1B— as shown on sheet 1 of the works plans for scheme 08 and being the construction of the new all-purpose dual carriageway and improvements to the existing A66, to include—

(i)the construction of new eastbound diverge and merge tapers for a new compact grade-separated junction (Work No. 08-4A) linking the proposed A66 with the realigned Moorhouse Lane link road (Work No. 08-5);

(ii)the construction of new westbound diverge and merge tapers for a new compact grade-separated junction (Work No. 08-4B) linking the proposed A66 with the realigned Moorhouse Lane link road (Work No. 08-5);

(iii)the construction of a new Cross Lanes Junction bridge to carry the new realigned B6277 (forming part of Work No. 08-5) over the new A66;

(iv)works to effect the stopping up of the existing junction of the B6277 with the westbound carriageway of the A66;

(v)works to effect the stopping up of private means of access to property from the A66 mainline;

(vi)the construction of new private means of access, as shown illustratively on sheet 1 of the rights of way and access plans for scheme 08; and

(vii)works to effect the stopping up of the existing junction of Moorhouse Lane with the eastbound carriageway of the A66;

(c)Work No. 08-1C— as shown on sheets 1 to 3 of the works plans and being the construction of the new all-purpose dual carriageway and improvements to the existing A66, to include —

(i)the construction and installation of new variable message sign on the south side of the new A66;

(ii)the construction of new laybys and observation platforms on both sides of the new A66;

(iii)works to effect the stopping up of private means of access to Street Side Farm from the existing A66, with new private means of access provided as part of Work No. 08-5;

(iv)works to effect the stopping up of private means of access to Birk House Farm from the exiting A66, with new private means of access provided as part of Work No. 08-6;

(v)works to effect the stopping up of existing private means of access to the fields east of Streetside Farm;

(vi)works to effect the stopping up of private means of access to Tutta Beck Farm and Cottages from the existing A66, and the construction of new replacement private means of access, as shown illustratively on sheet 2 of the rights of way and access plans for scheme 08;

(vii)the construction of a new eastbound diverge taper for a new compact grade-separated junction (Work Nos. 08-8A and 08-8B) linking the new A66 with the de-trunked A66 (now C108) (Work No. 08-8C);

(viii)the construction of new westbound diverge and merge tapers for a new compact grade-separated junction (Work Nos. 08-8A and 08-8B) linking the proposed A66 with the de-trunked A66 (now C108) (Work No. 08-8C);

(ix)works to effect the stopping up of private means of access (including to Ewebank Farm and Tack Room Cottage), and the construction of new private means of access, as shown illustratively on sheet 3 of the rights of way and access plans for scheme 08;

(x)works to effect the stopping up of a length of Rokeby Footpath 6;

(xi)the construction of new private means of access, as shown illustratively on sheets 2 and 3 of the rights of way and access plans for scheme 08; and

(xii)the construction of a new eastbound merge slip road connecting the new C165 Barnard Castle roundabout (part of Work No. 08-8C) with the eastbound carriageway of the new A66.

Work No. 08-2— as shown on sheet 1 of the works plans for scheme 08 and being the construction of a new footpath and private means of access, comprising—

(a)the construction of a length of new footway, linking Bowes Footpath 1 with Rokeby Footpath 7;

(b)the construction of new private means of access, as shown illustratively on sheet 1 of the rights of way and access plans for scheme 08; and

(c)works to effect the stopping up of Bowes Footpath 1 and Rokeby Footpath 7.

Work No. 08-3— as shown on sheet 1 of the works plans for scheme 08 and being the construction of a length of new footpath to connect the existing Rokeby Footpath 7 with the existing Rokeby Footpath 8.

Work No. 08-4— as shown on sheet 1 of the works plans for scheme 08 and being the construction of the compact connector roads, connecting the improved A66 to the new realigned B6277 (forming part of Work No. 08-5), comprising—

(a)Work No. 08-4A— as shown on sheet 1 of the works plans for scheme 08 and being—

(i)the construction of a new Cross Lanes junction eastbound connector road linking the new A66 eastbound carriageway to the new B6277 Moorhouse Lane (Work No. 08-5); and

(ii)the construction of new private means of access for North Bitts via the eastbound compact connector road, as shown illustratively on sheet 1 of the rights of way and access plans for scheme 08;

(b)Work No. 08-4B— as shown on sheet 1 of the works plans for scheme 08 and being the construction of a new Cross Lanes Junction westbound connector road linking the new A66 westbound carriageway to the new B6277 Moorhouse Lane (Work No. 08-5).

Work No. 08-5— as shown on sheet 1 of the works plans for scheme 08 and being the construction of the new B6277 Moorhouse Lane link road, comprising—

(a)the construction of a new link road and bridge over the new A66 (Work No. 08-1B) connecting the B6277 Moorhouse Lane (to the north of the A66) with Rutherford Lane (to the south of the A66);

(b)the construction of new and improved lengths of carriageway, connecting Rutherford Lane with the new link road;

(c)works to effect the stopping up of Rutherford Lane between the new realigned link road and the realigned Rutherford Lane;

(d)the construction of new private means of access, as shown illustratively on sheet 2 of the rights of way and access plans for scheme 08;

(e)works to effect the stopping up of a short length of Rokeby Footpath 8;

(f)the construction of a length of new road to connect the new link road (north of Ivy Cottage) to the existing B6277 Moorhouse Lane North;

(g)improvements to the existing Moorhouse Lane (North) carriageway; and

(h)works to effect the stopping up of a length of Moorhouse Lane between the new link road and the new carriageway on Moorhouse Lane (North).

Work No. 08-6— as shown on sheet 1 of the works plans for scheme 08 and being the construction of a new side road around the north of the Cross Lanes Farm Shop, comprising—

(a)the construction of a length of new road connecting the existing Moorhouse Lane on the south side of the A66 with the new link road (Work No. 08-5);

(b)works to alter the existing access to Cross Lanes Farm Shop and Café to facilitate entry and exit;

(c)works to effect the stopping up of the existing exit from the Cross Lanes Farm Shop Café; and

(d)the construction of new private means of access, as shown illustratively on sheets 1 and 2 of the rights of way and access plans for scheme 08.

Work No. 08-7— as shown on sheets 1 and 2 of the works plans for scheme 08 and being—

(a)the construction of a length of new cycle track extending eastwards from its junction with the existing Moorhouse Lane (North) (Work No. 08-5) to the new Rokeby Junction (Work No. 08), where it links with the de-trunked A66 (Work No. 08-8C); and

(b)the construction of new private means of access (off Moorhouse Lane) as shown illustratively on sheets 1 and 2 of the rights of way and access plans for scheme 08.

Work No. 08-8— as shown on sheets 2 and 3 of the works plans for scheme 08 and being the construction of the new Rokeby Junction and improvement of the existing A66, comprising—

(a)Work No. 08-8A— as shown on sheet 2 of the works plans for scheme 08, to include—

(i)the construction of new connector road comprising part of a new compact grade-separated junction (“new Rokeby Junction”), connecting the new A66 to a de-trunked length of the existing A66;

(ii)the construction of a new underbridge, forming part of the new Rokeby Junction, and carrying the new connector road under the new A66;

(iii)the construction of new cycleway from the existing public footpath west of St. Mary’s Church (Rokeby Footpath 5), following the new junction and connecting with the new cycle track on the south side of the A66 (forming part of Work No. 08-9); and

(iv)the construction of new private means of access to Rokeby Grange, connecting the existing access to the connector road for the new Rokeby Junction, as shown illustratively on sheet 2 of the rights of way and access plans for scheme 08;

(b)Work No. 08-8B— as shown on sheet 2 of the works plans for scheme 08 and being the construction of new eastbound connector road at the new Rokeby Junction, connecting the eastbound carriageway of the new A66 to a de-trunked length of the existing A66; and

(c)Work No. 08-8C— as shown on sheet 3 of the works plans for scheme 08 and being the improvement of a de-trunked length of the existing A66, to include—

(i)the construction of a new roundabout at the existing junction of the A66 with the C165 Barnard Castle Road; and

(ii)the construction of a length of new realigned C165 Barnard Castle Road connecting the existing C165 Barnard Castle Road to the new roundabout.

Work No. 08-9— as shown on sheet 2 and 3 of the works plans for scheme 08 and being the construction of a public right of way, comprising—

(a)construction of a length of new cycle track from the new Rokeby Junction, eastwards towards Greta Bridge, and linking into existing cycleway provision which extends north-westwards out of Greta Bridge;

(b)the construction of new private means of access to Tutta Beck Farm and Cottages as shown illustratively on sheet 2 of the rights of way and access plans for scheme 08;

(c)the construction of new private means of access, on the same alignment as the new cycle track ((a) above), to land and premises (including Ewebank Farm¸ attenuation pond, and Tack Room Cottages), as shown illustratively on sheet 3 of the rights of way and access plans for scheme 08; and

(d)works to effect the stopping up of a length of Rokeby Footpath 6.