The A66 Northern Trans-Pennine Development Consent Order 2024






Road name number and length


Speed limit

Scheme 07 – The traffic regulation measures (speed limits) plans – sheets 1 to 3
In the administrative area of Durham County Council

New A66 eastbound carriageway

For a length of approximately 3.6 km, from a point approximately 550 metres to the west of the existing Clint Lane Overbridge, along the existing and new A66 eastbound dual carriageway, to a point approximately 363 metres east of the access to Hulands Quarry.

National speed limit

(70 miles per hour)

New A66 westbound carriageway

For a length of approximately 3.6 km, from a point approximately 550 metres to the west of the existing Clint Lane Overbridge, along the existing and new A66 westbound dual carriageway, to a point approximately 363 metres east of the access to Hulands Quarry.

National speed limit

(70 miles per hour)

Scheme 07 – The traffic regulation measures (speed limits) plans – sheet 2
In the administrative area of Durham County Council

New A66 eastbound diverge slip road connecting to the A67

A length from its diverge point on the eastbound carriageway of the improved A66, for a distance of 427 metres in a north-easterly direction along its approach to the A67.

National speed limit

(70 miles per hour)

New A66 eastbound merge slip road from the A67

A length from its merge point on the eastbound carriageway of the improved A66 for a distance of 452 metres in a north-westerly direction along its approach to the A67.

National speed limit

(70 miles per hour)

New A66 westbound diverge slip road connecting to the A67

A length from its diverge point on the westbound carriageway of the improved A66 for a distance of 540 metres in a generally westerly direction along its approach to the A67.

National speed limit

(70 miles per hour)

A66 westbound merge slip road from the A67

A length from its merge point on the westbound carriageway of the improved A66 for a distance of 280 metres in a generally easterly direction along its approach to the A67.

National speed limit

(70 miles per hour)


A length of the existing A67 to be widened to facilitate a right turn lane, from the existing A66 overbridge for a distance of 209 metres in a generally northerly direction along the A67.

National speed limit

(60 miles per hour)

Scheme 07 – The traffic regulation measures (speed limits) plans – sheet 3
In the administrative area of Durham County Council

Improved side road – “The Street”

A 733 metre length of new unclassified side road, commencing 420 metres to the west of the existing junction of “The Street” with the improved A66 and continuing in an easterly direction for approximately 340 metres, then turning and continuing in a generally northerly direction and crossing the A66 via the East Bowes Accommodation Overbridge, then curving eastwards and southwards before terminating at the new private means of access to Low Broats Farm and High Broats Farm, on the eastern side of the existing Low Broats Farm property.

National speed limit

(60 miles per hour)





Road name number and length



Scheme 07 – The traffic regulation measures (clearways and prohibitions) plans – sheets 1 to 3
In the administrative area of Durham County Council

New A66 eastbound carriageway

For a length of approximately 3.6 km, from a point approximately 550 metres to the west of the existing Clint Lane Overbridge, along the existing and new A66 eastbound dual carriageway, to a point approximately 363 metres east of the access to Hulands Quarry.


(to include verges, hard shoulders and slip roads; and to exclude laybys)

New A66 westbound carriageway

For a length of approximately 3.6 km, from a point approximately 550 metres to the west of the existing Clint Lane Overbridge, along the existing and new A66 westbound dual carriageway, to a point approximately 363 metres east of the access to Hulands Quarry.


(to include verges, hard shoulders and slip roads; and to exclude laybys)

Scheme 07 – The traffic regulation measures (clearways and prohibitions) plans – sheet 2
In the administrative area of Durham County Council

New A66 eastbound diverge slip road connecting to the A67

A length from its diverge point on the eastbound carriageway of the improved A66, for a distance of 427 metres in a north-easterly direction along its approach to the A67.


(to include verges, hard shoulders and slip roads; and to exclude laybys)

New A66 eastbound merge slip road from the A67

A length from its merge point on the eastbound carriageway of the improved A66 for a distance of 452 metres in a north-westerly direction along its approach to the A67.


(to include verges, hard shoulders and slip roads; and to exclude laybys)

New A66 westbound diverge slip road connecting to the A67

A length from its diverge point on the westbound carriageway of the improved A66 for a distance of 540 metres in a generally westerly direction along its approach to the A67.


(to include verges, hard shoulders and slip roads; and to exclude laybys)

A66 westbound merge slip road from the A67

A length from its merge point on the westbound carriageway of the improved A66 for a distance of 280 metres in a generally easterly direction along its approach to the A67.


(to include verges, hard shoulders and slip roads; and to exclude laybys)