The Education (Publication of Draft Proposals and Orders) (Further Education Corporations) (Wales) Regulations 2001

Time and manner of publication of proposals under section 51(1)

4.—(1) Draft proposals referred to in section 51(1) (draft proposals for the establishment by the National Assembly of a body corporate under section 16(1) or (3) or the dissolution of any further education corporation by the National Assembly under section 27) which are required to be published by the National Council under section 51(2) shall be published (in accordance with paragraphs (2) and (4)) at least 4 months before the date specified in the draft proposals for the establishment or dissolution of the further education corporation.

(2) The National Council shall publish a summary of the proposals—

(a)in at least one newspaper circulating in the area served, or to be served, by the institution to which the draft proposal relates;

(b)by posting it in at least one conspicuous place within that area; and

(c)in the case of a draft proposal which relates to an existing institution, by posting it in a conspicuous place at or near the main entrance to that institution.

(3) The summary shall state that a copy of the draft proposal may be obtained free of charge from the National Council and the National Council shall send a copy of the draft proposal to any person who requests it.

(4) The National Council shall send a copy of the draft proposal to—

(a)the local education authority in whose area the institution is situated or is proposed to be situated,

(b)the governing body of any institution within the further education sector, or of any school maintained by a local education authority which provides education suitable to the requirements of persons over compulsory school age who have not attained the age of nineteen years, within the locality, and

(c)any other person who appears to the National Council to have an interest.