
PART 3Identification of animals

Identification of animals born on or after the 31 December 2009

9.—(1) This article applies to—

(a)sheep born on or after 31 December 2009;

(b)sheep born before 31 December 2009 that are not identified before that date and are on their holding of birth whose keepers chose to identify them electronically;

(c)goats born before 31 December 2009 that are not identified before that date and are on their holding of birth whose keepers chose to identify them electronically; and

(d)goats born on or after 31 December 2009 whose keepers chose to identify them electronically.

(2) A keeper must comply with Article 4(1) (first paragraph), Article 4(2)(a) and (b) and Article 9(3) of the Council Regulation and this article unless the alternative identification method set out in article 10 is authorised.

(3) For the purpose of Article 4(1) of the Council Regulation, the time limits for identifying an animal are—

(a)9 months from the date of birth, in the case of an animal kept in extensive or free range farming conditions; or

(b)6 months from the date of birth, in the case of any other animal.

(4) No animal may be identified by the use of a bolus in combination with a tattoo.

(5) The identification code on a means of identification for the purposes of Section A.2. of the Annex to the Council Regulation must be—

(a)the letters “UK” or, on an electronic identification device, the numbers “826”; and

(b)a 12 digit number prescribed by the Welsh Ministers;

and must be identical on the first and second means of identification.