The Welfare of Animals at the Time of Killing (Wales) Regulations 2014

Regulation 30(1)(g)


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Provision of the EU Regulation containing welfare requirement

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Subject matter

Article 3(1)General requirement to spare an animal avoidable pain, distress or suffering.
Article 3(2)Measures to protect animals from avoidable pain, distress or suffering.
Article 3(3)Facilities for killing and related operations.
Article 4(1) and Annex IStunning methods.
Article 5(1)Checks on stunning.
Article 5(2)Checks on animals killed in accordance with religious rites.
Article 6(1) and (2)Standard operating procedures.
Article 7(1)Level of competence.
Article 7(3)Killing of fur animals.
Article 8Sale of restraining or stunning equipment.
Article 9(1)Maintenance of restraining and stunning equipment.
Article 9(2)Back-up stunning equipment.
Article 9(3)Placing of animals in restraining equipment.
Article 12Meat imported from third countries.
Article 14(1) and Annex IILayout and construction of, and equipment in, slaughterhouses.
Article 15(1) and Annex IIIHandling and restraining operations.
Article 15(2)Restraint of animals killed in accordance with religious rites.
Article 15(3)Prohibited methods of restraint.
Article 16(1) to (4)Monitoring procedures.
Article 17(1) to (5)Animal Welfare Officer.
Article 19Emergency killing.