The Care and Support (Care Planning) (Wales) Regulations 2015

Action following review

6.—(1) Following the review, the local authority must consider whether to confirm, revise or close the care and support plan or support plan (as the case may be).

(2) In deciding whether to confirm, revise or close the plan, the local authority must have regard in particular to the following—

(a)any changes to the personal outcomes or the person’s circumstances,

(b)any changes to the person’s eligible needs,

(c)whether the actions taken by the authority or other persons are helping the person to achieve the personal outcomes or to otherwise meet their eligible needs, and

(d)whether there are other ways in which the local authority or other persons can help the person to achieve the personal outcomes or to otherwise meet their eligible needs.

(3) If the local authority decide to confirm the plan, the authority must record the decision and the reasons for the decision.

(4) If the local authority decide to revise the plan, the authority must prepare a revised plan.

(5) If the local authority decide to close the plan, the authority must prepare a closure statement.

(6) A closure statement is a document which contains the following information—

(a)the reasons for the closure of the plan,

(b)an evaluation of the extent to which the personal outcomes were achieved, and

(c)where the local authority is still satisfied that the person to whom the plan relates has needs for care and and support, confirmation that the authority is satisfied that the person’s needs can be met by the provision of information, advice or assistance, preventative services or anything else that may be available in the community.