The Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (Wales) Regulations 2021


10.—(1) A written emergency plan, acceptable to the local authority, must be in place, known and available to all the staff on the premises on which the licensable activity is carried on, and followed where necessary to ensure appropriate steps are taken to protect all the people and animals on the premises in case of fire or in case of breakdown of essential heating, ventilation and aeration or filtration systems or other emergencies.

(2) The plan must include details of the emergency measures to be taken for the extrication of the animals should the premises become uninhabitable and an emergency telephone list that includes the fire service and police.

(3) External doors and gates must be lockable.

(4) A designated key holder with access to all animal areas must at all times be within reasonable travel distance of the premises and available to attend in an emergency.