Textual Amendments
F1 Substituted by Commission Decision of 6 January 2004 on Community health conditions on imports of animals and fresh meat including minced meat from third countries and amending Decisions 79/542/EEC, 2000/572/EC and 2000/585/EC (notified under document number C(2003) 5248) (Text with EEA relevance) (2004/212/EC).
F2 Substituted by Commission Decision of 27 March 2006 amending Annex II to Council Decision 79/542/EEC as regards regionalisation for Argentina and the model certificates relating to the importation of bovine fresh meat from Brazil (notified under document number C(2006) 896) (Text with EEA relevance) (2006/259/EC).
Model of veterinary certificate for fresh meat of domestic bovine animals (Bos taurus, Bison bison, Bubalus bubalis and their cross-breeds).
Model of veterinary certificate for fresh meat of domestic porcine animals (Sus scrofa).
Model of veterinary certificate for fresh meat of domestic sheep (Ovis aries) and goats (Capra hircus).
Model of veterinary certificate for fresh meat of domestic equine animals (Equus caballus, Equus asinus and their cross-breeds).
Model of veterinary certificate for fresh meat of farmed non-domestic animals other than suidae and solipeds.
Model of veterinary certificate for fresh meat of wild non-domestic animals other than suidae and solipeds.
Model of veterinary certificate for fresh meat of farmed non-domestic suidae.
Model of veterinary certificate for fresh meat of wild non-domestic suidae.
Model of veterinary certificate for fresh meat of wild non-domestic solipeds.
guarantees regarding the maturation, pH measurement and boning of fresh meat, excluding offal, certified according to the models of certificates BOV (point 10.6), OVI (point 10.6), RUF (point 10.7) and RUW (point 10.4).
guarantees regarding matured trimmed offal as described in the model of certificate BOV (point 10.6).
guarantees regarding laboratory test for classical-swine-fever in the carcases from which fresh meat certified according to the model of certificate SUW (point 10.3 bis) was obtained.
guarantees regarding swill feed on holding(s) of animals from which fresh meat certified according to models of certificate POR (point 10.3 d)) was obtained.
guarantees regarding tuberculosis test in the animals from where fresh meat certified according to the model of certificate BOV (point 10.4 d)) was obtained.
guarantees regarding the maturation and de-boning of fresh meat, excluding offal, certified according to the models of certificates BOV (point 10.6), OVI (point 10.6), RUF (point 10.7) and RUW (point 10.4).
guarantees regarding 1, exclusion of offals and spinal cord; and 2, testing and origin of cervid animals in relation to chronic wasting disease as referred to in the models of certificates RUF (point 9.2.1) and RUW (point 9.3.1).
supplementary guarantees required for Brazil concerning animal contacts, vaccination programmes and surveillance. However as the State of Santa Catarina in Brazil does not vaccinate against foot and mouth disease the reference to a vaccination programme is not applicable for meat coming from animals originating and slaughtered in that State.
Textual Amendments
F3 Substituted by Commission Decision of 3 December 2004 amending Annex I and II to Council Decision 79/542/EEC as regards the updating of the import conditions and model health certificates relating to wild and farmed game meat (notified under document number C(2004) 4554) (Text with EEA relevance) (2004/882/EC).