Chapter 1Emergency measures

Article 4


The provisions of Article 3 shall be applicable where the control of grave health risks for the Union is involved, which are caused by the diseases referred to in Article 3 (1), even if the territory where the disease occurs is subject to an eradication programme in accordance with Article 24.


In the event of the occurrence of Newcastle disease in the territory of a Member State, Article 3 shall apply.

However, except where the Commission takes a decision in accordance with the procedure provided for in Article 41, authorizing, on certain conditions and for a limited period and a limited area, recourse to vaccination, no financial contribution by the Community will be granted for the supply of the vaccine or the carrying out of the vaccination.


The provisions of Article 3, with the exception of the fourth indent of paragraph 2 and the second indent of paragraph 5, shall apply when a zoonosis listed in Directive 92/117/EEC occurs, provided that this occurrence is an immediate risk to human health. This condition will be fulfilled when the decision provided for in Article 3 (3) is taken.