F1ANNEXReporting Questionnaire


Council Directive 96/62/EC on ambient air quality assessment and management and Council Directive 1999/30/EC relating to limit values for sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and oxides of nitrogen, particulate matter and lead in ambient air as well as Directives 2000/69/EC relating to limit values for benzene and carbon monoxide in ambient air and 2002/3/EC relating to ozone in ambient air of the European Parliament and the Council


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Form 1 Contact body and address

Form 2 Delimitation of zones and agglomerations (96/62/EC Articles 5 and ll(1b))

Form 3 Stations and measuring methods used for assessment under 1999/30/EC (Annex IX) and 2000/69/EC (Annex VII)

Form 4 Stations used for assessment of ozone, including nitrogen dioxide and nitrogen oxides in relation to ozone (2002/3/EC Annex III, IV, VI)

Form 5 Stations and measurement methods used for the assessment of recommended volatile organic compounds (2002/3/EC Annex VI)

Form 6 Stations and measurement methods used for the assessment of other ozone precursor substances (2002/3/EC Annex VI)

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Form 7 Methods used to sample and measure PM10, PM2,5 and ozone precursor substances: optional additional codes to be defined by the Member State (1999/30/EC Annex IX and 2002/3/EC Annex VI)

Form 8 List of zones and agglomerations where levels exceed or do not exceed limit values (LV) or limit values plus margin of tolerance (LV + MOT) (96/62/EC Articles 8,9 and 11,1999/30/EC Annexes I, II, III and IV, 2000/69/EC Annexes I and II)

F1-Form 8a List of zones in relation to limit value exceedences for SO2

F1-Form 8b List of zones in relation to limit value exceedences for NO2/NOx

F1-Form 8c List of zones in relation to limit value exceedences for PM10

F1-Form 8d List of zones in relation to limit value exceedences for lead

F1-Form 8e List of zones in relation to limit value exceedences for benzene

F1-Form 8f List of zones in relation to limit value for carbon monoxide

Form 9 List of zones and agglomerations where levels exceed or do not exceed target values or long term objectives for ozone (2002/3/EC, Annex I)

Form 10 List of zones and agglomerations where levels exceed or do not exceed upper assessment thresholds (UAT) or lower assessment thresholds (LAT), including information on the application of supplementary assessment methods (96/62/EC Article 6,1999/30/EC Article 7(3) and Annex V, 2000/69/EC Article 5(3) and Annex III, 2002/3/EC Article 9(1) and Annex VII)

F1-Form 10a List of zones in relation to assessment threshold exceedences and supplementary assessment for SO2

F1-Form 10b List of zones in relation to assessment threshold exceedences and supplementary assessment for NO2/NOX

F1-Form 10c List of zones in relation to assessment threshold exceedences and supplementary assessment for PM10

F1-Form 10d List of zones in relation to assessment threshold exceedences and supplementary assessment for lead

F1-Form 10e List of zones in relation to assessment threshold exceedences and supplementary assessment for benzene

F1-Form 10f List of zones in relation to assessment threshold exceedences and supplementary assessment for carbon monoxide

F1-Form 10g List of zones in relation to supplementary assessment for ozone

Form 11 Individual exceedences of limit values and limit values plus margin of tolerance (MOT) (96/62/EC Article 11(1) (a) (i) and (ii), 1999/30/EC Annexes I, II, IV and V and 2000/69/EC Annexes I and II)

F1-Form 11a Exceedence of SO2 limit value plus MOT for health (1hr mean)

F1-Form 11b Exceedence of SO2 limit value for health (24hr mean)

F1-Form 11c Exceedence of SO2 limit value for ecosystems (annual mean)

F1-Form 11d Exceedence of SO2 limit value for ecosystems (winter mean)

F1-Form 11e Exceedence of NO2 limit value plus MOT for health (1hr mean)

F1-Form 11f Exceedence of NO2 limit value plus MOT for health (annual mean)

F1-Form 11g Exceedence of NOx limit value for vegetation

F1-Form 11h Exceedence of PM10 limit value plus MOT (stage 1; 24hr mean)

F1-Form 11i Exceedence of PM10 limit value plus MOT (stage 1; annual mean)

F1-Form 11j Exceedence of lead limit value plus MOT

F1-Form 11k Exceedence of benzene limit value plus MOT

F1-Form 11l Exceedence of carbon monoxide limit value plus MOT

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Form 12 Reasons for individual exceedences: optional additional codes to be defined by the Member State (96/62/EC Article 11(1) (a) (i) and (ii)) and 1999/30/EC Annexes I, II, IV and V, 2000/69/EC Annexes I and II)

Form 13 Individual exceedences of ozone thresholds (2002/3/EC, Article 10(2b) and Annex III)

F1-Form 13a Exceedence of ozone information threshold value

F1-Form 13b Exceedence of ozone alert threshold value

F1-Form 13c Exceedence of ozone long term objective for health protection

Form 14 Exceedence of ozone target values (2002/3/EC, Article 10(2b) and Annex III)

F1-Form 14a Stations where the ozone target value for human health is exceeded

F1-Form 14b Stations where the ozone target value for vegetation is exceeded

Form 15 Annual statistics of ozone (2002/3/EC, Article 10(2b) and Annex III)

Form 16 Annual average concentrations of ozone precursor substances (2002/3/EC Article 10(2b) and Annex VI)

F1-Form 16a Annual average concentrations of recommended volatile organic compounds

F1-Form 16b Annual average concentrations of other ozone precursor substances

Form 17 Monitoring data on 10 minutes mean SO2 levels (1999/30/EC Article 3(3))

Form 18 Monitoring data on 24hr mean PM2,5 levels (1999/30/EC Article 5(2))

Form 19 Tabular results of and methods used for supplementary assessment (1999/30/EC Article 7(3) and Annex VIII(II), 2000/69/EC Article 5(3) and Annex VI(II) and 2002/3/EC Article 9(1) and Annex VII(II))

F1-Form 19a Results of and methods used for supplementary assessment for SO2

F1-Form 19b Results of and methods used for supplementary assessment for NO2/NOX

F1-Form 19c.1 Results of and methods used for supplementary assessment for PM10 (Stage 1)

F1-Form 19c.2 Results of and methods used for supplementary assessment for PM10 (Stage 2)

F1-Form 19d Results of and methods used for supplementary assessment for lead

F1-Form 19e Results of and methods used for supplementary assessment for benzene

F1-Form 19f Results of and methods used for supplementary assessment for carbon monoxide

F1-Form 19g Results of and methods used for supplementary assessment for ozone

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Form 20 List of references to supplementary assessment methods referred to in Form 19 (1999/30/EC Article 7(3) and Annex VIII(II))

Form 21 Excecdence of limit values of SO2 due to natural sources (1999/30/EC Article 3(4))

F1-Form 21a SO2 limit value for health (1hr mean)

F1-Form 21b SO2 limit value for health (24hr mean)

F1-Form 21c SO2 limit value for ecosystems (annual mean)

F1-Form 21d SO2 limit value for ecosystems (winter mean)

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Form 22 Natural SO2 sources: optional additional codes to be defined by Member State (1999/30/EC Article 3(4))

Form 23 Exceedence of limit values of PM10 due to natural events (1999/30/EC Article 5(4))

F1-Form 23a Contribution of natural events to exceedence of the PM10 limit value (stage 1; 24hr mean)

F1-Form 23b Contribution of natural events to exceedence of the PM10 limit value (stage 1; annual mean)

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Form 24 Exceedence of limit values of PM10 due to winter sanding (1999/30/EC Article 5(5))

F1-Form 24a Contribution of winter sanding to exceedence of the PM10 limit value (stage 1; 24hr mean)

F1-Form 24b Contribution of winter sanding to exceedence of the PM10 limit value (stage 1; annual mean)

Form 25 Consultations on transboundary pollution (96/62/EC Article 8(6))

F1-Form 25a General

F1-Form 25b Specification per Member State

Form 26 Exceedences of limit values laid down in Directives 80/779/EEC, 82/884/EEC and 85/203/EEC to be reported under 1999/30/EC Article 9(6))

Form 27 Reasons for exceedences of limit values laid down in Directives 80/779/EEC, 82/884/EEC and 85/203/EEC: optional additional codes to be defined by the Member State (1999/30/EC Article 9(6))