The measures covered by the 2005 technical action plan for improving agricultural statistics aim to develop or improve statistics in the following areas:


farm statistical registers,


surveys on small farms (small units surveys).

The Commission will make a financial contribution to projects developed as part of these measures which will not exceed the amounts shown in Table A for each Member State.

The measures proposed by the Member States concern:

1.Farm statistical registersU.K.

The availability of an up to date register of agricultural holdings is a basis for a coherent and integrated system of agricultural statistics and also, if coordinated with national business registers, a tool contributing to the integration of agricultural information with that of other sectors.

A valid register provides a basic framework for sampling. If it is complete and includes appropriate information, it may permit effective sample design with, for example, stratification by size, type of activity and location. It could even call into question the cost-effectiveness of full agricultural censuses. Registers also provide useful information for the demography of agricultural holdings.

A harmonised register would also open the door to EU sampling and surveys providing reliable estimates at EU level and substantially reducing the burden on respondents.