[F1Article 6f U.K.

1. The Member States shall take appropriate measures to ensure the reliability and accuracy of data reported under this Decision. In particular, the amount of packaging waste generated shall be subject to verification and cross-checking, including by using data on the amount of packaging placed on the market, relevant data on waste and composition analyses of mixed municipal waste. Member States shall inform the Commission of such verification carried out and, where appropriate, of any significant inconsistencies identified and corrective measures planned or taken.

2. Member States shall obtain data directly from establishments or undertakings managing waste, as appropriate.

3. Member States shall consider the use of electronic registries.

4. Where data collection is based on surveys, including those underpinning sampling methodologies, those surveys shall be carried out to a minimum standard which shall include the following minimum requirements:

(a) the surveys are carried out at regular, specified intervals, to adequately reflect the variation in the data to be surveyed;

(b) the surveys are based on a representative sample of the population to which their results are applied.

5. Estimates may be used for packaging materials occurring in small quantities and for those not mentioned in this Decision. Those estimates shall be based on the best information available and shall be described in the quality check reports accompanying the data on packaging waste generation and recycling.]