Notes: 1.White box: Provision of data is mandatory 2.Shaded boxes: Provision of data is voluntary Notes: 1.White box: Provision of data is mandatory 2.Shaded boxes: Provision of data is voluntary 3.Where no exemption is in place, the value for (b)...Notes: 1.White box: Provision of data is mandatory 2.Shaded boxes: Provision of data is voluntary Notes: 1.White box: Provision of data is mandatory 2.Shaded boxes: Provision of data is voluntary 3.Where no exemption is in place, the value for (b)...1.The following terms shall apply in relation to the formulas...2.Following the separation of ferrous /non-ferrous concentrate from raw incineration...3.Data on the mass of ferrous /non-ferrous metal concentrates shall...4.The concentration of ferrous metals and aluminium resulting from the...5.The mass of recycled ferrous metals/aluminium originating from packaging waste...I.Objectives of the report II.General information 1.Member State: 2.Organisation submitting the data and the description: 3.Contact person / contact details: 4.Reference year: 5.Delivery date / version: 6.Link to data publication by the Member State (if any):...III.Annual consumption of lightweight plastic carrier bags 1.Description of the parties involved in the data collection 2.Description of methods used 3.Accuracy of the data 3.1.Description of main issues affecting the accuracy of data on...3.2.Explanation of the scope and validity of surveys to collect...3.3.Statistical surveys used regarding the annual consumption of lightweight plastic...3.4.Differences from previous year's data IV.Reusable packaging 1.Parties involved in the data collection 2.Description of the application of the definition of reusable packaging...3.Methods to collect and aggregate the data for the different...4.Data verification 5.Accuracy of the data 5.1.Description of main issues affecting the accuracy of data on...5.2.Explanation of the scope and validity of surveys to collect...5.3.Statistical surveys used regarding reusable packaging 5.4.Differences from previous year's data V.Packaging waste 1.Description of the parties involved in the data collection 2.Description of methods used 2.1.Packaging waste generation 2.1.1.Methods for determining packaging waste generation (mark with a cross...2.1.2.Explanation of the application of estimates in case data on...2.1.3.Indication whether an estimate has been calculated and added (Yes/No)...2.1.4.Description of the methodology and verification of data on packaging...2.1.5.Description of the methodology to report on composite packaging, including...2.1.6.Verification of data on packaging waste generated 2.2.Packaging waste management 2.2.1.Classifications of treatment operations 2.2.2.Description of methods for determining packaging waste treatment (mark with...2.2.3.Measurement points for recycling applied by the Member State 2.2.4.Description of the methodology to determine per material the amount...2.2.5.Use of Average Loss Rates (ALRs) 2.2.6.Attribution of waste to packaging and non-packaging types and correction...2.2.7.Attribution of waste to different Member States 2.2.8.Other recovery of waste 2.2.9.Information on the relevance of temporary storage of packaging waste...2.2.10.Verification of data on packaging waste recycling 2.2.11.Calculation of recycling of metals from incinerator bottom ash 2.3.Accuracy of the data 2.3.1.Description of main issues affecting the accuracy of data on...2.3.2.Explanation of the scope and validity of surveys to collect...2.3.3.Statistical surveys used regarding packaging waste generation and treatment 2.3.4.Differences from previous year's data 2.3.5.Explanation detailing the causes of the tonnage difference (in relation...VI.Traceability of waste and ensuring its treatment in conditions that...1.Detailed description of the system for quality control and traceability...2.Waste treated outside the Member State 3.Description of measures to ensure that, in accordance with Article...VII.Confidentiality VIII.Main national websites, reference documents and publications

Commission Decision

of 22 March 2005

establishing the formats relating to the database system pursuant to Directive 94/62/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on packaging and packaging waste

(notified under document number C(2005) 854)

(Text with EEA relevance)



Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,

Having regard to Directive 94/62/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 December 1994 on packaging and packaging waste1, and in particular Article 12(3) thereof,



The formats established in Commission Decision 97/138/EC2, for the provision of harmonised data within the framework of Directive 94/62/EC, should be revised and simplified in order to take into account the experience with their application.


Those formats should reflect the targets laid down in Directive 94/62/EC, as amended by Directive 2004/12/EC.


In order to guarantee the comparability of data between the Member States, it is appropriate to lay down detailed rules concerning the data to be contained in the formats and to allow Member States to provide further data on a voluntary basis.


In view of the number of amendments that must therefore be made to Decision 97/138/EC, that Decision should be replaced for the sake of clarity.


The measures provided for in this Decision are in accordance with the opinion of the Committee established pursuant to Article 21 of Directive 94/62/EC,