Article 3


By way of derogation from Article 2(a) and (b), Member States shall authorise imports of the products covered that Article which have been obtained from poultry, ratites, farmed and wild feathered game coming from the administrative district of Kardzhali in Bulgaria and which were slaughtered or killed before 16 November 2004.


In the veterinary certificates accompanying consignments of the products referred to in paragraph 1, the following words shall be included:

‘Fresh poultry meat/fresh ratite meat/fresh meat of wild feathered game/fresh meat of farmed feathered game/meat product consisting of, or containing meat of poultry, ratites, farmed or wild feathered game meat/meat preparation consisting of, or containing meat of poultry, ratites, farmed or wild feathered game meat4 in accordance with Article 3(1) of Decision 2005/61/EC.’.


By way of derogation from point (b) of Article 2 of this Decision, Member States shall authorise imports of meat products consisting of, or containing meat of poultry, ratites, farmed and wild feathered game, when the meat of these species has undergone one of the specific treatments referred to in points B, C or D in Part IV of the Annex to Commission Decision 97/222/EC5.