Article 10European coordinator
1.When a project declared to be of European interest encounters significant delays or implementation difficulties, including in situations where third countries are involved, the Commission may designate, in agreement with the Member States concerned, and after having consulted the European Parliament, a European coordinator. When necessary, Member States may also request that the Commission designate a European coordinator for other projects concerning trans-European energy networks.
2.The European coordinator shall be chosen, in particular, on the basis of his experience of European institutions and knowledge of issues relating to energy policy and the financing and socio-economic and environmental evaluation of major projects.
3.The decision designating the European coordinator shall specify how the coordinator is to perform his tasks.
4.The European coordinator shall:
(a)promote the European dimension of the project and the cross-border dialogue between the project promoters and the persons concerned;
(b)contribute to the coordination of the national procedures for consulting the persons concerned; and
(c)submit a report to the Commission every year on the progress of the project(s) for which he has been designated European coordinator and on any difficulties and obstacles which are likely to result in a significant delay. The Commission shall transmit that report to the Member States concerned.
5.The Member States concerned shall cooperate with the European coordinator in his execution of the tasks referred to in paragraph 4.
6.The Commission may request the opinion of the European coordinator when examining applications for Community funding for projects or groups of projects for which he has been designated.
7.In order to avoid an unnecessary administrative burden, the level of coordination must be proportionate to the costs of the project.