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Article 20U.K.Derogations for the direct transport of ready to lay poultry

By way of derogation from Article 17, the competent authority may authorise the direct transport of ready-to-lay poultry to a holding or shed of that holding preferably within the protection or the surveillance zone in which there is no other poultry, subject to the following conditions:


a clinical examination of the poultry and other captive birds in the holding of origin and in particular of those to be moved is carried out by the official veterinarian;


where appropriate, laboratory tests have been carried out on poultry in the holding of origin in accordance with instructions given by the official veterinarian with favourable results;


the ready-to-lay poultry is transported in vehicles sealed by the competent authority or under its supervision;


the holding or shed of destination is placed under official surveillance following the arrival of the ready-to-lay poultry;


if moved outside the protection or surveillance zone, the poultry shall remain on the holding of destination for at least 21 days.