1. Introductory Text

  2. Article 1.Subject matter and scope

  3. Article 2.Notification

  4. Article 3.Measures to be applied on holdings where outbreaks are suspected

  5. Article 4.Derogations from certain measures to be applied on holdings where outbreaks are suspected

  6. Article 5.Duration of the measures to be applied on holdings where outbreaks are suspected

  7. Article 6.Additional measures based on an epidemiological inquiry

  8. Article 7.Measures to be applied on holdings where outbreaks are confirmed

  9. Article 8.Derogations concerning certain holdings

  10. Article 9.Measures to be applied in cases of outbreaks of HPAI in separate production units

  11. Article 10.Measures to be applied in contact holdings

  12. Article 11.Establishment of protection, surveillance and further restricted zones in cases of outbreaks of HPAI

  13. Article 12.Measures to be applied both in the protection and in the surveillance zones

  14. Article 13.Census and visits by the official veterinarian and surveillance

  15. Article 14.Measures to be applied on holdings in protection zones

  16. Article 15.Prohibition on the removal or spreading of used litter, manure or slurry from holdings

  17. Article 16.Fairs, markets or other gatherings and restocking of game

  18. Article 17.Prohibition on the movement and transport of birds, eggs, poultry meat and carcases

  19. Article 18.Derogations for the direct transport of poultry for immediate slaughter and the movement or treatment of poultry meat

  20. Article 19.Derogations for the direct transport of day-old chicks

  21. Article 20.Derogations for the direct transport of ready to lay poultry

  22. Article 21.Derogation for the direct transport of hatching and table eggs

  23. Article 22.Derogation for the direct transport of carcases

  24. Article 23.Cleansing and disinfecting of means of transport

  25. Article 24.Duration of measures

  26. Article 25.Measures to be applied in the surveillance zones

  27. Article 26.Duration of measures

  28. Article 27.Measures to be applied in further restricted zones

  29. Article 28.Laboratory tests and other measures concerning pigs and other species

  30. Article 29.Re-population of holdings

  31. Article 30.Validity

  32. Article 31.Addressees

  33. Signature