Commission Decision

of 23 December 2005

concerning the technical specification for interoperability relating to the subsystem ‘rolling stock — noise’ of the trans-European conventional rail system

(notified under document number C(2005) 5666)

(Text with EEA relevance)

(2006/66/EC) (repealed)


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,

Having regard to Directive 2001/16/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 March 2001 on the interoperability of the conventional rail system1, and in particular Article 6(1) thereof,



In accordance with Article 2(c) of Directive 2001/16/EC, the trans-European conventional rail system is subdivided into structural and functional subsystems.


In accordance with Article 23(1) of the Directive, the subsystem ‘noise’ needs to be covered by a technical specification for interoperability (TSI).


The first step in establishing a TSI is to have a draft TSI drawn up by the European Association for Railway Interoperability (AEIF) which was appointed as the joint representative body.

The AEIF has been given a mandate to draw up a draft TSI for the subsystem ‘noise’ in accordance with Article 6(1) of the Directive. The basic parameters for this draft TSI were adopted by Commission Decision 2004/446/EC of 29 April 2004 specifying the basic parameters of the noise, freight wagons and telematics applications for freight technical specifications for interoperability referred to in Directive 2001/16/EC2.

The draft TSI set up on the basis of the basic parameters was accompanied by an introductory report containing the cost-benefit analysis as provided for in Article 6(5) of the Directive.

The draft TSI has been examined by the Committee set up under Article 21 of Council Directive 96/48/EC of 23 July 1996 on the interoperability of the trans-European high-speed rail system3, in the light of the introductory report.

Directive 2001/16/EC and the TSIs do apply to renewals but not to maintenance-related replacements. However Member States are encouraged, when they are able to do so and where it is justified by the scope of the maintenance-related work, to apply the TSIs to maintenance-related replacements.


The TSI regarding rolling-stock noise should not demand the use of specific technologies or technical solutions except where this is strictly necessary for the interoperability of the trans-European conventional rail system.


The TSI is based on best available expert knowledge at the time of preparation of the relevant draft. Developments in technology, operational, safety or social requirements may make it necessary to amend or supplement the TSI. Where applicable, a review or updating procedure will be initiated in accordance with Article 6(3) of Directive 2001/16/EC.


To encourage innovation and in order to take into account the experience acquired, the TSI could be subject to revision at regular intervals. This provision is detailed in Chapter 7 of the TSI.


Conventional rail rolling stock currently operates under existing national, bilateral, multinational or international agreements. It is important that those agreements do not hinder current and future progress towards interoperability. To this end, it is necessary that the Commission examine those agreements in order to determine whether the TSI contained in the Annex needs to be revised accordingly.


In order to avoid any confusion, it is necessary to state that the provisions of Decision 2004/446/EC which concern the basic parameters of the trans-European conventional rail system shall not apply anymore.


The provisions of this Decision are in conformity with the opinion of the Committee as set up under Article 21 of Directive 96/48/EC,