Commission Decision of 9 November 2006 amending the Annex to Regulation (EC) No 1228/2003 on conditions for access to the network for cross-border exchanges in electricity (Text with EEA relevance) (2006/770/EC)

  1. Introductory Text

  2. Article 1.The Annex to Regulation (EC) No 1228/2003 is replaced by...

  3. Article 2.This Decision shall enter into force on the twentieth day...

  4. Signature

    1. ANNEX

      Guidelines on the management and allocation of available transfer capacity of interconnections between national systems

      1. 1. General Provisions

        1. 1.1. TSOs shall endeavour to accept all commercial transactions, including those...

        2. 1.2. When there is no congestion, there shall be no restriction...

        3. 1.3. Where scheduled commercial transactions are not compatible with secure network...

        4. 1.4. If structural congestion appears, appropriate congestion management rules and arrangements...

        5. 1.5. The methods adopted for congestion management shall give efficient economic...

        6. 1.6. No transaction-based distinction may be applied in congestion management. A...

        7. 1.7. When defining appropriate network areas in and between which congestion...

        8. 1.8. When balancing the network inside the control area through operational...

        9. 1.9. By not later than 1 January 2008, mechanisms for the...

        10. 1.10. The national Regulatory Authorities shall regularly evaluate the congestion management...

      2. 2. Congestion management methods

        1. 2.1. Congestion management methods shall be market-based in order to facilitate...

        2. 2.2. Depending on competition conditions, the congestion management mechanisms may need...

        3. 2.3. Each capacity allocation procedure shall allocate a prescribed fraction of...

        4. 2.4. TSOs shall optimise the degree to which capacity is firm,...

        5. 2.5. The access rights for long- and medium-term allocations shall be...

        6. 2.6. TSOs shall define an appropriate structure for the allocation of...

        7. 2.7. Capacity allocation may not discriminate between market participants that wish...

        8. 2.8. In regions where forward financial electricity markets are well developed...

        9. 2.9. Other than in the case of new interconnectors which benefit...

        10. 2.10. In principle, all potential market participants shall be permitted to...

        11. 2.11. Market participants shall firmly nominate their use of the capacity...

        12. 2.12. Capacity shall be freely tradable on a secondary basis, provided...

        13. 2.13. The financial consequences of failure to honour obligations associated with...

      3. 3. Coordination

        1. 3.1. Capacity allocation at an interconnection shall be coordinated and implemented...

        2. 3.2. A common coordinated congestion management method and procedure for the...

        3. 3.3. The regions referred to in 2.8. may allocate all interconnection...

        4. 3.4. Compatible congestion management procedures shall be defined in all these...

        5. 3.5. With a view to promoting fair and efficient competition and...

        6. 3.6. Coordination shall also include the exchange of information between TSOs....

      4. 4. Timetable for market operations

        1. 4.1. The allocation of the available transmission capacity shall take place...

        2. 4.2. Having full regard to network security, the nomination of transmission...

        3. 4.3. Successive intra-day allocations of available transmission capacity for day D...

        4. 4.4. When preparing day-ahead grid operation, the TSOs shall exchange information...

      5. 5. Transparency

        1. 5.1. TSOs shall publish all relevant data related to network availability,...

        2. 5.2. TSOs shall publish a general description of the congestion management...

        3. 5.3. The congestion management and capacity allocation procedures in use, together...

        4. 5.4. The operational and planning security standards shall form an integral...

        5. 5.5. TSOs shall publish all relevant data concerning cross-border trade on...

        6. 5.6. All relevant information shall be available for the market in...

        7. 5.7. The TSO shall publish the relevant information on forecast demand...

        8. 5.8. When forecasts are published, the ex post realised values for...

        9. 5.9. All information published by the TSOs shall be made freely...

        10. 5.10. TSOs shall exchange regularly a set of sufficiently accurate network...

      6. 6. Use of congestion income

        1. 6.1. Congestion management procedures associated with a pre-specified timeframe may generate...

        2. 6.2. National Regulatory Authorities shall be transparent regarding the use of...

        3. 6.3. The congestion income shall be shared among the TSOs involved...

        4. 6.4. TSOs shall clearly establish beforehand the use they will make...

        5. 6.5. On an annual basis, and by 31 July each year,...

        6. 6.6. The use of congestion income for investment to maintain or...