1.Greece shall ensure that at least the following measures are applied in the protection zone:
(a)the identification of all holdings within the zone;
(b)periodic and documented visits to all commercial holdings a clinical inspection of poultry including, if necessary, the collection of samples for laboratory examination;
(c)the implementation of appropriate on-farm biosecurity measures, including disinfection at the entrances and exits of the holding, the housing of the poultry or the confinement of poultry to places where the direct and indirect contact with other poultry and captive birds can be prevented;
(d)the implementation of the biosecurity measures laid down in Decision 2005/734/EC;
(e)the control of the movement of products from poultry in accordance with Article 9;
(f)active disease monitoring in the population of wild birds, in particular water fowl, if necessary with the co-operation of hunters and bird-watchers who have been specifically instructed on measures to protect themselves from infection with the virus and to prevent the spread of the virus to susceptible animals;
(g)campaigns to increase disease awareness amongst owners, hunters and bird-watchers.
2.Greece shall ensure that the following are prohibited in the protection zone:
(a)the removal of poultry and other captive birds from the holding on which they are kept;
(b)the assembly of poultry and other captive birds at fairs, markets, shows or other gatherings;
(c)the transport through the zone of poultry and other captive birds, except transit on major roads or railways and transport to a slaughterhouse for direct slaughter;
(d)the dispatch from the zone of hatching eggs;
(e)the dispatch from the zone of fresh meat, minced meat, meat preparations and meat products from poultry and other captive birds and wild feathered game;
(f)the transport or spread outside the zone of unprocessed used litter or manure from holdings within the zone, except the transport for treatment in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1774/2002;
(g)the hunting of wild birds.