ANNEXTechnical Specification for Interoperability relating to the subsystem Rolling Stock — Freight Wagons

TRANS-EUROPEAN CONVENTIONAL RAIL SYSTEMTechnical Specification for Interoperability Subsystem Rolling Stock Scope Freight Wagons



This TSI concerns the rolling stock subsystem as listed in point 1 of Annex II to Directive 2001/16/EC.

Further information on the rolling stock subsystem is provided in Section 2.

This TSI covers freight wagons only.


The geographical scope of this TSI is the trans-European conventional rail system as described in Annex I to Directive 2001/16/EEC.


In accordance with Article 5(3) of Directive 2001/16/EC, this TSI:

  1. (a)

    indicates its intended scope (part of the network or rolling stock referred to in Annex I to the Directive; subsystem or part of subsystem referred to in Annex II to the Directive) — Section 2;

  2. (b)

    lays down essential requirements for each subsystem concerned and its interfaces vis-à-vis other subsystems — Section 3;

  3. (c)

    establishes the functional and technical specifications to be met by the subsystem and its interfaces vis-à-vis other subsystems. If necessary, these specifications may vary according to the use of the subsystem, for example according to the categories of line, hub and/or rolling stock provided for in Annex I to the Directive — Section 4;

  4. (d)

    determines the interoperability constituents and interfaces covered by European specifications, including European standards, which are necessary to achieve interoperability within the trans-European conventional rail system — Section 5;

  5. (e)

    states, in each case under consideration, the procedures for the assessment of conformity or suitability for use. This includes in particular the modules defined in Decision 93/465/EEC or, where appropriate, the specific procedures to be used to assess either the conformity or the suitability for use of interoperability constituents and ‘EC’ verification of subsystems — Section 6;

  6. (f)

    indicates the strategy for implementing the TSI. In particular, it is necessary to specify the stages to be completed in order to make a gradual transition from the existing situation to the final situation in which compliance with the TSI shall be the norm — Section 7;

  7. (g)

    indicates, for the staff concerned, the professional qualifications and health and safety conditions at work required for the operation and maintenance of the subsystem concerned, as well as for the implementation of the TSI — Section 4.

Moreover, in accordance with Article 5(5), provision may be made for specific cases for each TSI; these are indicated in Section 7.

Lastly, this TSI also comprises, in Section 4, the operating and maintenance rules specific to the scope indicated in paragraphs 1.1 and 1.2 above.



The rolling stock, which is the subject of this TSI, comprises the freight wagons likely to travel on all or part of the trans-European conventional rail network. The freight wagons include rolling stock designed to carry lorries.

This TSI applies to new, upgraded or renewed freight wagons placed in service after entering this TSI into force.

This TSI does not apply to wagons being subject to a contract already signed before the date of entry into force of this TSI.

The section 7.3., 7.4 and 7.5 describe in which conditions and with which exceptions the TSI requirements shall be met.

The rolling stock freight wagons subsystem includes the structure of the vehicles, braking equipment, coupling and running gear (bogies, axles etc.) suspension, doors and communication systems.

The procedures for maintenance work allowing the mandatory corrective and preventive maintenance to assure safe operation and the performance required are also included in this TSI. They are specified in Section 4.2.8.

Requirements relating to the noise generated by freight wagons are excluded from this TSI, except maintenance issue, as there is a separate TSI dealing with the noise generated by freight wagons, locomotives, multiple units and coaches.


The freight wagons shall contribute to the following functions:

‘Load freight’ — the freight wagons provide the means to operate and carry the load safely.

‘Move rolling stock’ — the freight wagons are able to be moved safely on the network and contribute to the braking of the train.

‘Maintain and provide data on rolling stock, infrastructure and timetable’ –Specification of the maintenance file and certification of the maintenance establishments allow the control of the freight wagon maintenance. Data relating to the freight wagons is provided in the rolling stock register, marked on the wagons, and eventually by means of vehicle to vehicle and vehicle to ground communication devices.

‘Operate a train’ — the freight wagon shall be able to be operated safely under all expected environmental conditions and in certain expected situations.

‘Provide services for freight customers’ — Data relating to the freight wagon to support freight services for customers is provided in the rolling stock register, marked on the wagons and eventually by means of vehicle to ground communication devices.


The rolling stock freight wagons subsystem experiences the following interfaces to:

Control and command and signalling subsystem -

  • Rolling stock parameters which influence ground based train monitoring systems

    • Hot axle bearing detectors

    • Electrical detection of the wheelset

    • Axle counters

  • Braking performance

Traffic operation and management subsystem

  • Interface between vehicles, between sets of vehicles and between trains

  • Doors closing and locking

  • Securing of freight

  • Loading rules

  • Dangerous goods

  • Longitudinal compressive forces

  • Braking performance

  • Aerodynamic effects

  • Maintenance

Telematics applications for freight service subsystem

  • Rolling stock reference data bases

  • Wagon and intermodal unit operational database

Infrastructure subsystem

  • Interface between vehicles, between sets of vehicles and between trains

  • Buffers

  • Kinematic gauge

  • Static axle load, dynamic wheel load and linear load

  • Vehicle dynamic behaviour

  • Braking performance

  • Fire protection

Energy subsystem

  • Electrical protection

Noise Aspect

  • Maintenance

The Council Directive 96/49/EC and its Annex (RID).

  • Dangerous goods



In the scope of the present TSI compliance with the specifications described:

  • in section 4 for the subsystem

  • and in section 5 for the interoperability constituents,

as demonstrated by a positive result of the assessment of:

  • conformity and/or suitability for use of the interoperability constituents,

  • and of verification of the subsystem, as described in section 6.

ensures fulfilment of the relevant essential requirements quoted in section 3 of this TSI.

Nevertheless, if part of the essential requirements are covered by national rules because of:

  • open and reserved points declared in the TSI,

  • derogation under article 7 of the Directive 2001/16/EC,

  • specific cases described in section 7.7 of the present TSI,

the corresponding conformity assessment shall be carried out according to procedures under the responsibility of the Member State concerned.

Under Article 4(1) of Directive 2001/16/EC, the trans-European conventional rail system, subsystems and interoperability constituents including interfaces shall meet the relevant essential requirements set out in Annex III to the Directive 2001/16/EC.


  • Safety

  • Reliability and availability

  • Health

  • Environmental protection

  • Technical compatibility.

These requirements include general requirements, and requirements specific to each subsystem.



Essential Requirement 1.1.1 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC.

The design, construction or assembly, maintenance and monitoring of safety-critical components and, more particularly, of the components involved in train movements must be such as to guarantee safety at the level corresponding to the aims laid down for the network, including those for specific degraded situations.

This essential requirement is satisfied by the functional and technical specifications in sections:

  • (interface between vehicles)

  • (safe access and egress)

  • (strength of main vehicle structure)

  • (marking of freight wagons)

  • (vehicle dynamic behaviour)

  • (longitudinal compressive forces)

  • 4.2.4 (braking)

  • 4.2.6 (environmental conditions)

  • 4.2.7 (system protection), except (electrical protection)

  • 4.2.8 (maintenance)

Essential Requirement 1.1.2:

The parameters involved in the wheel/rail contact must meet the stability requirements needed in order to guarantee safe movement at the maximum authorised speed.

This essential requirement is satisfied by the functional and technical specifications in sections:

  • (axle and wheel loading)

  • (vehicle dynamic behaviour)

  • (longitudinal compressive forces)

Essential requirement 1.1.3 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC.

The components used must withstand any normal or exceptional stresses that have been specified during their period in service. The safety repercussions of any accidental failures must be limited by appropriate means.

This essential requirement is satisfied by the functional and technical specifications in sections:

  • (interface between vehicles)

  • (safe access and egress for rolling stock)

  • (strength of main vehicle structure)

  • (doors closing)

  • (dangerous goods)

  • (hot axle box detection)

  • 4.2.4 (braking)

  • 4.2.6 (environmental conditions)

  • 4.2.8 (maintenance)

Essential Requirement 1.1.4 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC.

The design of fixed installations and rolling stock and the choice of the materials used must be aimed at limiting the generation, propagation and effects of fire and smoke in the event of a fire.

This essential requirement is satisfied by the functional and technical specifications in sections

  • (fire safety)

Essential Requirement 1.1.5 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC.

Any devices intended to be handled by users must be so designed as not to impair the safe operation of the devices or the health and safety of users if used foreseeably in a manner not in accordance with the posted instructions.

This essential requirement is satisfied by the functional and technical specifications in sections:

  • (interface between vehicles)

  • (safe access and egress for rolling stock)

  • (doors closing)

  • 4.2.4 (braking)


Essential Requirement 1.2 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC.

The monitoring and maintenance of fixed or movable components that are involved in train movements must be organised, carried out and quantified in such a manner as to maintain their operation under the intended conditions.

This essential requirement is satisfied by the functional and technical specifications in sections:

  • (interface between vehicles)

  • (safe access and egress for rolling stock)

  • (strength of main vehicle structure)

  • (doors closing)

  • (wagon markings)

  • (dangerous goods)

  • (braking system)

  • (maintenance of the fire protection measures)

  • 4.2.8 (maintenance)


Essential Requirement 1.3.1 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC.

Materials likely, by virtue of the way they are used, to constitute a health hazard to those having access to them must not be used in trains and railway infrastructure.

This essential requirement is satisfied by the functional and technical specifications in sections:

  • 4.2.8 (maintenance)

Essential Requirement 1.3.2 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC.:

Those materials must be selected, deployed and used in such a way as to restrict the emission of harmful and dangerous fumes or gases, particularly in the event of fire.

This essential requirement is satisfied by the functional and technical specifications in sections:

  • (fire safety)

  • 4.2.8 (maintenance)


Essential Requirement 1.4.1 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC.

The environmental impact of establishment and operation of the trans-European conventional rail system must be assessed and taken into account at the design stage of the system in accordance with the Community provisions in force.

This essential requirement is not relevant within the scope of this TSI.

Essential Requirement 1.4.2 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC.

The materials used in the trains and infrastructure must prevent the emission of fumes or gases which are harmful and dangerous to the environment, particularly in the event of fire.

This essential requirement is satisfied by the functional and technical specifications in sections:

  • (fire safety)

  • 4.2.8 (maintenance)

Essential Requirement 1.4.3 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC.

The rolling stock and energy-supply systems must be designed and manufactured in such a way as to be electromagnetically compatible with the installations, equipment and public or private networks with which they might interfere.

This essential requirement is satisfied by the functional and technical specifications in sections:

  • (communication between vehicle and ground)

Essential Requirement 1.4.4 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC.

Operation of the trans-European conventional rail system must respect existing regulations on noise pollution.

This essential requirement is satisfied by the functional and technical specifications in sections:

  • 4.2.8 (maintenance)

  • (vehicle dynamic behaviour)

Essential Requirement 1.4.5 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC.:

Operation of the trans-European conventional rail system must not give rise to an inadmissible level of ground vibrations for the activities and areas close to the infrastructure and in a normal state of maintenance.

This essential requirement is satisfied by the functional and technical specifications in sections:

  • (static axle load, dynamic wheel load and linear load)

  • (vehicle dynamic behaviour)

  • 4.2.8 (maintenance)


Essential Requirement 1.5 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC.

The technical characteristics of the infrastructure and fixed installations must be compatible with each other and with those of the trains to be used on the trans-European conventional rail system.

If compliance with these characteristics proves difficult on certain sections of the network, temporary solutions, which ensure compatibility in the future, may be implemented.

This essential requirement is satisfied by the functional and technical specifications in sections:

  • (kinematic gauge)

  • (static axle load, dynamic wheel load and linear load)

  • (vehicle dynamic behaviour)

  • (longitudinal compressive forces)

  • 4.2.4 (braking)

  • 4.2.8 (maintenance)



Essential Requirement 2.4.1 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC.

The structure of the rolling stock and of the links between vehicles must be designed in such a way as to protect the passenger and driving compartments in the event of collision or derailment.

This essential requirement is not relevant within the scope of this TSI.

The electrical equipment must not impair the safety and functioning of the control and command and signalling installations.

This essential requirement is not relevant within the scope of this TSI.

The braking techniques and the stresses exerted must be compatible with the design of the track, engineering structures and signalling systems.

This essential requirement is satisfied by the functional and technical specifications in sections:

  • (longitudinal compressive forces)

  • 4.2.4 (braking)

Steps must be taken to prevent access to electrically-live constituents in order not to endanger the safety of persons.

This essential requirement is satisfied by the functional and technical specifications in sections:

  • (marking of freight wagons)

  • (electrical protection)

  • 4.2.8 (maintenance)

In the event of danger, devices must enable passengers to inform the driver and accompanying staff to contact him.

This essential requirement is not relevant within the scope of this TSI.

The access doors must incorporate an opening and closing system, which guarantees passenger safety.

This essential requirement is not relevant within the scope of this TSI.

Emergency exits must be provided and indicated.

This essential requirement is not relevant within the scope of this TSI.

Appropriate provisions must be laid down to take account of the particular safety conditions in very long tunnels.

This essential requirement is not relevant within the scope of this TSI.

An emergency lighting system of sufficient intensity and duration is compulsory on board trains.

This essential requirement is not relevant within the scope of this TSI.

Trains must be equipped with a public address system which provides a means of communication to the public from on-board staff and ground control.

This essential requirement is not relevant within the scope of this TSI.


Essential Requirement 2.4.2 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC.

The design of the vital equipment, of the running, traction and braking equipment and of the control and command system must be such as to enable the train to continue its mission, in a specific degraded situation, without adverse consequences for the equipment remaining in service.

This essential requirement is satisfied by the functional and technical specifications in sections:

  • (wheel-slide-protection, see also section and Annex I)

  • (Draw gear)

  • (Bogie and running gear)

  • (wheelsets)

  • (Isolating device for distributor)


Essential Requirement 2.4.3 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC.:

The electrical equipment must be compatible with the operation of the control and command and signalling installations.

This essential requirement is not relevant within in the scope of this TSI.

In the case of electric traction, the characteristics of the current-collection devices must be such as to enable trains to travel under the energy-supply systems for the trans-European conventional rail system.

This essential requirement is not relevant within the scope of this TSI.

The characteristics of the rolling stock must be such as to allow it to travel on any line on which it is expected to operate.

This essential requirement is satisfied by the functional and technical specifications in sections:

  • (strength of main vehicle structure)

  • (kinematic gauge)

  • (static axle load, dynamic wheel load and linear load)

  • (rolling stock parameters which influence ground based train monitoring -systems)

  • (vehicle dynamic behaviour)

  • (longitudinal compressive forces)

  • 4.2.4 (braking)

  • 4.2.6 (environmental conditions)

  • 4.2.8 (maintenance)

  • 4.8.2 (rolling stock register)



Essential Requirement 2.5.1 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC.

The technical installations and the procedures used in the centres must ensure the safe operation of the subsystem and not constitute a danger to health and safety.

This essential requirement is satisfied by the functional and technical specifications in sections:

  • 4.2.8 (maintenance)


Essential Requirement 2.5.2 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC.

The technical installations and the procedures used in the maintenance centres must not exceed the permissible levels of nuisance with regard to the surrounding environment.

This essential requirement is not satisfied by the functional and technical specifications within the scope of this TSI.


Essential Requirement 2.5.3 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC.

The maintenance installations for conventional rolling stock must be such as to enable safety, health and comfort operations to be carried out on all stock for which they have been designed.

This essential requirement is satisfied by the functional and technical specifications in sections:

  • 4.2.8 (maintenance)



Essential Requirement 2.1.1 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC.:

Appropriate steps must be taken to prevent access to or undesirable intrusions into installations.

Steps must be taken to limit the dangers to which persons are exposed, particularly when trains pass through stations.

Infrastructure to which the public has access must be designed and made in such a way as to limit any human safety hazards (stability, fire, access, evacuation, platforms, etc.).

Appropriate provisions must be laid down to take account of the particular safety conditions in very long tunnels.

This essential requirement is not relevant within the scope of this TSI.


Essential Requirement 2.2.1 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC.

Operation of the energy-supply systems must not impair the safety either of trains or of persons (users, operating staff, trackside dwellers and third parties).

This essential requirement is not relevant within the scope of this TSI. protection

Essential Requirement 2.2.2 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC.

The functioning of the electrical or thermal energy-supply systems must not interfere with the environment beyond the specified limits.

This essential requirement is not relevant within the scope of this TSI. compatibility

Essential Requirement 2.2.3 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC.

The electricity/thermal energy supply systems used must:

  • enable trains to achieve the specified performance levels;

  • in the case of electricity energy supply systems, be compatible with the collection devices fitted to the trains.

This essential requirement is not relevant within the scope of this TSI.


Essential Requirement 2.3.1 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC.:

The control and command and signalling installations and procedures used must enable trains to travel with a level of safety which corresponds to the objectives set for the network. The control and command and signalling systems should continue to provide for safe passage of trains permitted to run under degraded conditions.

This essential requirement is not relevant within the scope of this TSI. compatibility

Essential Requirement 2.3.2 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC.

All new infrastructure and all new rolling stock manufactured or developed after adoption of compatible control and command and signalling systems must be tailored to use of those systems. The control and command and signalling equipment installed in the train drivers' cabs must permit normal operation, under the specified conditions, throughout the trans-European conventional rail system.

This essential requirement is satisfied by the functional and technical specifications in sections:

  • (electrical resistance)

  • 4.2.4 (braking)


Essential Requirement 2.6.1 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC.

Alignment of the network operating rules and the qualifications of drivers and on-board staff and of the staff in the control centres must be such as to ensure safe operation, bearing in mind the different requirements of cross-border and domestic services.

The maintenance operations and intervals, the training and qualifications of the maintenance and control centre staff and the quality assurance system set up by the operators concerned in the control and maintenance centres must be such as to ensure a high level of safety.

This essential requirement is satisfied by the functional and technical specifications in sections:

  • (marking of freight wagons)

  • 4.2.4 (braking)

  • 4.2.8 (maintenance) and availability

Essential Requirement 2.6.2. of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC.

The maintenance operations and periods, the training and qualifications of the maintenance and control centre staff and the quality assurance system set up by the operators concerned in the control and maintenance centres must be such as to ensure a high level of system reliability and availability.

This essential requirement is satisfied by the functional and technical specifications in sections:

  • 4.2.8 (maintenance) compatibility

Essential Requirement 2.6.3 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC.

Alignment of the network operating rules and the qualifications of drivers, on-board staff and traffic managers must be such as to ensure operating efficiency on the trans-European conventional rail system, bearing in mind the different requirements of cross-border and domestic services.

This essential requirement is not relevant within the scope of this TSI.


Essential Requirement 2.7.1 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC.

The essential requirements for Telematics applications guarantee a minimum quality of service for passengers and carriers of goods, particularly in terms of technical compatibility.

Steps must be taken to ensure:

  • that the databases, software and data communication protocols are developed in a manner allowing maximum data interchange between different applications and operators, excluding confidential commercial data;

  • easy access to the information for users.

This essential requirement is not relevant within the scope of this TSI. and availability

Essential Requirement 2.7.2 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC.

The methods of use, management, updating and maintenance of these databases, software and data communication protocols must guarantee the efficiency of these systems and the quality of the service.

This essential requirement is not relevant within the scope of this TSI.

Essential Requirement 2.7.3:

The interfaces between these systems and users must comply with the minimum rules on ergonomics and health protection.

This essential requirement is not relevant within the scope of this TSI.

Essential Requirement 2.7.4 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC.

Suitable levels of integrity and dependability must be provided for the storage or transmission of safety-related information.

This essential requirement is not relevant within the scope of this TSI.



The trans-European conventional rail system, to which Directive 2001/16/EC applies and of which the rolling stock freight wagons subsystem is a part, is an integrated system whose compatibility shall be verified. This compatibility shall be checked in particular with regard to the specifications of the subsystem, its interfaces vis-à-vis the system in which it is integrated, as well as the operating and maintenance rules.

The functional and technical specifications of the subsystem and its interfaces, described in sections 4.2 and 4.3, do not impose the use of specific technologies or technical solutions, except where this is strictly necessary for the interoperability of the trans-European conventional rail network. But innovative solutions for interoperability may require new specifications and/or new assessment methods. In order to allow technological innovation, these specifications and assessment methods shall be developed by the process described in sections and

Taking account of all the applicable essential requirements, the rolling stock freight wagons subsystem is characterised in the present section 4.



In light of the essential requirements in Section 3, the functional and technical specifications of the rolling stock freight wagons subsystem are arranged as follows:

  • Structures and mechanical parts

  • Vehicle track interaction and gauging

  • Braking

  • Communication

  • Environmental conditions

  • System protection

  • Maintenance

These headings include the basic parameters as follows:

Structures and mechanical parts

Interface (e. g. Coupling) between vehicles, between set of Vehicles and between trains

Safe access and egress for rolling stock

Strength of main vehicle structure

Securing of Freight

Doors closing and locking

Marking of freight wagons

Dangerous goods

Vehicle track interaction and gauging

Kinematic gauge

Static axle load, dynamic wheel load and linear load

Rolling stock parameters which influence ground based train monitoring systems

Vehicle dynamic behaviour

Longitudinal compressive forces


Braking performance


Vehicle capability to transmit information from vehicle to vehicle

Vehicle capability to transmit information between ground and vehicle

Environmental conditions

Environmental conditions

Aerodynamic effects

Cross winds

System protection

Emergency Measures

Fire safety

Electrical protection


Maintenance file

For each basic parameter a General paragraph introduces the following paragraphs.

These following paragraphs detail the conditions to be met in order to fulfil the requirements introduced in the General paragraph.

4.2.2.STRUCTURES AND MECHANICAL PARTS: (e. g. Coupling) between vehicles, between set of vehicles and between trains

Wagons shall have resilient buffing and draw gear at both ends.

Rakes of wagons, which are always operated as a unit when in service are considered to be a single wagon for the application of this requirement. The interfaces between these wagons shall incorporate a resilient coupling system, which is capable of withstanding the forces due to the intended operational conditions.

Trains, which are always operated as a unit in service, are considered to be a single wagon for the application of this requirement. They also shall incorporate a resilient coupling system as above. If they do not have a standard screw coupler and buffers they shall have the facility to fit an emergency coupler at both ends. and technical specifications

When buffers are fitted, two identical buffers shall be fitted at a wagon end. These buffers shall be of a compressible type. The height of the centre line of the buffing gear shall be between 940 mm and 1 065 mm above rail level in all conditions of loading.

The standard distance between buffer centrelines shall be nominally 1 750 mm symmetrically about the centreline of the freight wagon.

Buffers shall be sized so that in horizontal curves and reverse curves, it is not possible for vehicles to lock buffers. The minimum acceptable overlap shall be 50mm.

The Infrastructure TSI specifies the minimum curve radius and reverse curve characteristics.

Wagons fitted with buffers with a stroke in excess of 105 mm shall be fitted with four identical buffers (elastic systems, stroke) exhibiting the same design characteristics.

If interchangeability of the buffers is required a free space on the headstock shall be provided for the supporting plate. The buffer shall be fixed to the wagon headstock by means of four M24 locked fasteners of a quality class which provides a yield strength of at least 640 N/mm2 (see Annex A fig. A1).

  • Buffer characteristics

    Buffers shall have a minimum stroke of 105 mm 0–5 mm and a dynamic energy absorption capacity of at least 30 kJ.

    The buffer heads shall be convex with a radius of curvature of their spherical working surface of 2 750 mm ± 50 mm.

    Minimum height of the buffer head shall be 340 mm equally spaced from the longitudinal buffer axis.

    Buffers shall have an identification mark. The identification mark shall contain at least the buffer stroke in ‘mm’ and a value for the energy absorption capacity of the buffer. Gear

The standard draw gear between vehicles shall be non-continuous and comprises a screw coupling permanently attached to the hook, a draw hook and a draw bar with an elastic system

The height of the centre line of the draw hook shall be between 920 mm and 1 045 mm above rail level in all conditions of loading.

Each wagon end shall have a facility for supporting a coupling when it is not in use. No part of the coupler assembly shall reach below 140 mm above rail level when at its lowest position due to wear and suspension travel.

  • Draw gear characteristics:

    The elastic system of the draw gear shall have as a minimum a static capacity of absorption of 8 kJ.

    The draw hook and the draw bar shall withstand a force of 1 000 kN without breaking.

    The screw coupler shall withstand a force of 850 kN without breaking. The breaking strength of the screw coupler shall be lower than the breaking strength of other parts of the draw gear.

    The screw coupler shall be designed such that in-train forces cannot cause the coupler to unscrew involuntarily.

    The maximum weight of the screw coupler shall not exceed 36 kg.

    The dimensions of the screw couplers and draw hooks see Annex A fig A6 shall be as shown in Annex A figures A2 and A3The coupler length measured from the inside face of the coupler bow to the draw-bar pin centre-line shall be:

    • 986 mm +10-5 mm with completely screwed-out coupler

    • 750 mm ± 10 mm with completely screwed-in coupler of draw- and buffing-gear

The characteristics of the buffers and draw gear shall be designed in order to enable the safe transit of curves in the track with a radius of 150 m.

Two wagons with bogies coupled on straight track with touching buffers shall generate compressive forces no higher than 250 kN on a 150 m radius curve.

There is no requirement specified for two axle wagons.

  • Draw gear and buffing gear characteristics

    The distance between the front edge of a draw-hook opening and the front side of the fully extended buffers shall be 355 mm + 45/-20 mm in the new condition as shown in Annex A fig. A4. access and egress for rolling stock

Vehicles shall be designed so that staff are not exposed to undue risk during coupling and uncoupling. If screw couplers and side buffers are used, the required spaces shown in Annex A fig. A5 shall be free of fixed parts. Connecting cables and flexible hoses may be inside this space. There shall be no devices under the buffers that hinder the access to the space.

The clearance above the draw hook is viewed in Annex A fig. A7.

If a combined automatic and screw coupler is fitted it is permissible for the auto coupler head to infringe the Berne rectangle on the left hand side (as viewed Annex A fig. A5) when it is stowed and the screw coupler is in use.

There shall be a handrail under each buffer. The handrails shall withstand the loads, which are applied by the shunters while accessing the space between the buffers.

At the ends of a wagon there shall be no fixed parts within 40 mm of a vertical plane placed at the end of the fully compressed buffers.

Except for wagons used only in fixed formation trains, there shall be at least one step and one handrail for shunters at each side of the vehicle. There shall be sufficient space above and around the steps that the safety of the shunter is ensured. Steps and handrails shall be designed to withstand the loads that are applied by the shunter. Steps shall be at least 150 mm from a vertical plane at the end of the fully compressed buffers (see Annex A figure A5). Steps and areas, which provide access for operation, loading and unloading, shall be slip resistant (see Annex EE).

At each end of a wagon that may form the end of a train, there shall be devices for mounting a taillight. Steps and handrails shall be provided where necessary to enable easy access.

The handrails and footsteps shall be inspected at normal maintenance periods and remedial action taken if signs of significant damage, cracking or corrosion are found. of Main Vehicle Structure and Securing of Freight

The structural design of wagon shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of Section 3 of EN12663 and the structure shall meet the criteria defined in Clauses 3.4 to 3.6 of this standard .

In addition to the criteria already identified, it is permissible to take the material elongation at failure into account in the selection of the safety factor defined in clause 3.4.3 of EN12663. Annex ZZ defines how the safety factor and permissible stress shall be determined.

When performing fatigue life assessments it is important to ensure that the load cases are representative of the intended application and expressed in a manner consistent with the adopted design code. Any relevant guidelines on the interpretation of the selected design code shall be followed.

The permissible stresses for the materials used in the construction of wagons shall be determined as specified in Section 5 of EN12663.

The wagon structure shall be inspected at normal maintenance periods and remedial action taken if signs of significant damage, cracking or corrosion are found.

This section defines the minimum structural requirements for the main load carrying (primary) structure of the wagons and the interfaces with equipment and payload.

These requirements cover:

  • Exceptional loads:

    • Longitudinal design loads

    • Maximum vertical load

    • Load combinations

    • Lifting and jacking

    • Equipment attachment (including body/bogie)

    • Other exceptional loads

  • Service (fatigue) loads:

    • Sources of load input

    • Payload spectrum

    • Track induced loading

    • Traction and braking

    • Aerodynamic loading

    • Fatigue loads at interfaces

    • Body/bogie connection

    • Equipment attachment

    • Coupler loads

    • Combinations of fatigue loads

  • Stiffness of the main vehicle structure

    • Deflection

    • Mode of vibration

    • Torsional stiffness

    • Equipment

  • Securing of freight

    Measures shall be taken to ensure that the load or parts of the load do not leave the freight wagon accidentally.

Requirements for fastening systems or devices such as spigots or securing rings are not mandatory in this TSI Loads Design Loads

Different values will apply for different kinds of freight wagons as identified in EN12663 namely:


Wagons that may be shunted without restriction;


Wagons excluded from hump or loose shunting.

The basic structural design requirements assume that wagons in the above categories are fitted with buffers and couplers appropriate to the operations.

The structure shall conform to the requirements of Clause 3.4 of EN12663 when subject to all exceptional load cases.

The wagon bodies shall meet the longitudinal strength requirements as specified in tables 1, 2, 3, and 4 of EN12663 as appropriate, where the load paths exist.


A force applied to one end of the wagon body shall be reacted at the corresponding position at the opposite end.


Forces shall be applied horizontally to the mounting structure, divided equally on the axis of each side buffer location or on the axis of the coupler.


If a buffing test (see Annex Z) is not to be performed, calculations shall be used to demonstrate that the wagon structure is capable of sustaining the maximum buffing loads it is expected to experience in service. Vertical Load

The wagon body shall meet the requirements of table 8 of EN12663 modified as indicated in Note 1 below.

The wagon body shall also be designed to carry the anticipated maximum loads due to the method of loading and unloading. It is permissible to define the load cases either in terms of forces or in terms of accelerations applied to the mass being added and to the mass of the body plus any existing payload. The design cases shall represent the most unfavourable cases that the operator wishes to consider associated with the use of the wagon (including foreseeable abuse).


The factor of 1,3 shall be used instead of 1,95 quoted in table 8 of EN 12663 and note ‘a’ shall not apply.


Loads may be distributed uniformly over the full load-carrying surface, over a limited area or at discrete positions. The design case(s) shall be based on the most demanding applications.


If it is intended that wheeled vehicles (including fork-lift trucks etc.) will operate over the floor of the wagon then the design shall accommodate the maximum local pressure loading associated with such operations. combinations

The structure shall also conform to the requirements of Clause 3.4 of EN12663 when subject to the most adverse load combinations as specified in Clause 4.4 of EN12663 . and Jacking

The wagon body shall incorporate lifting points by which the whole wagon is capable of being safely lifted or jacked. It shall also be possible to lift one end of the wagon (including its running gear) with the other end resting on the remaining running gear.

The load cases specified in Clause 4.3.2 of EN12663 shall apply for lifting and jacking under workshop and servicing operations.

For lifting cases associated only with rescue following derailment or other abnormal incident, where some permanent deformation of the structure is acceptable, it is permissible to reduce the load factor in Tables 9 and 10 from 1,1 to 1,0.

If a factor of 1,0 is used for a validation test, the measured strains shall be extrapolated to demonstrate the conformance to the higher factor.

The lifting shall occur via designated lifting points. The location of the lifting points shall be defined by the customer's operational requirements. Attachment (Including body/bogie)

The attachments of equipment shall be designed either:

  • to carry the loads specified in tables 12, 13 and 14 of Section 4.5 of EN12663

Or as an alternative

  • to be validated by carrying out an buffing test as described in Annex Z. Exceptional Loads

The load requirements for structural parts of the wagon body, such as side and end wall structures, doors, stanchions and load restraint systems shall be designed to carry the maximum loads they will experience in performing their intended function. The load cases shall be determined using the principles for structural design given in EN12663.

Annex YY provides suitable design requirements for common types of wagon features that are in general use. However they shall be used only where they are applicable.

For new types of wagon the designer shall determine appropriate load cases to meet the specific requirements using the principles given in EN12663. (fatigue) Loads of load input.

All sources of cyclic loading that can cause fatigue damage shall be identified. In accordance with Clause 4.6 of EN12663, the inputs listed in Annex N shall be considered and the way in which they are represented and combined shall be consistent with the intended use of the freight wagon. The definition of the load cases shall also be consistent with the material fatigue design code to be used as described in Clause 5.2 and method of validation in Clause 6.3 of EN12663. Where the fatigue load cases act in combination, they shall be taken into account in a manner consistent with the characteristics of the loads and the form of design analysis and fatigue design code being employed.

For most conventional wagon designs the loading defined in Table 16 of EN12663 can be considered as sufficient to represent the full effective combination of fatigue load cycles.

Where detailed data are not available, Annex CC shall be used to determine the main sources of fatigue loading. of fatigue strength

In accordance with Clause 5.2 of EN12663, the behaviour of materials under fatigue loading shall be based on current European Standard, or alternative sources of equivalent standing, wherever such sources are available. Acceptable material fatigue design codes are Eurocode 3 and Eurocode 9 as well as the method described in Annex N. of the main vehicle structure

Deflections under the loads or load combinations shall not be such as to cause the wagon or its payload to exceed the permitted operational envelope (see Annex C and Annex T).

Deflections shall also not impair the functionality of the wagon as a whole or that of any installed components or systems. of vibration

The design process shall take into account that the natural modes of vibration of the wagon body, in all loading conditions including tare, shall be separated sufficiently, or otherwise de-coupled from the suspension frequencies, so as to avoid the occurrence of undesirable responses at all operating speeds. stiffness

The torsional stiffness of the wagon body shall be consistent with the suspension characteristics such that the derailment criteria are achieved in all loading conditions including tare.

The natural modes of vibration of equipment, on its mountings, shall be separated sufficiently, or otherwise de-coupled from the wagon body or suspension frequencies, so as to avoid the occurrence of undesirable responses at all operating speeds. of Freight

Annex YY provides suitable design requirements for common types of features that are in general use. However they shall be used only where they are applicable. closing and locking

Doors and hatches of freight vehicles shall be designed to be closed and locked. This remains valid while the vehicles are in a moving train (unless this is part of the procedure for discharging the payload). For this, locking devices shall be used which indicate their status (open/closed) and they shall be visible by an operator outside the train.

The locking devices shall be designed to be secured against unintentional opening during running. Closing and locking systems shall be designed so that the operating staff are not placed at undue risk.

Suitable and clear instructions for use shall be applied near each locking device and shall be visible by the operator.

The closing and locking devices shall be designed to withstand the loads which are caused by the payload under normal, regular conditions and when the payload has been displaced in a foreseeable manner.

The closing and locking devices shall be designed to withstand the loads that occur while the vehicles are passing other trains under all conditions, including when in tunnels.

The forces, which are needed to actuate the closing and locking devices, shall be of a magnitude that can be applied by an operator without additional tools. Exceptions are allowable when additional tools are specifically made available or when motor driven systems are used.

The closing and locking systems shall be inspected at normal maintenance periods and remedial action taken if signs of damage or malfunction are found. of freight wagons

Markings are required on wagons to:

  • Identify each individual wagon by its unique number, as specified in the Traffic Operations and Management TSI, and recorded in the Register.

  • Provide information required to produce train consists, including brake mass, length over buffers, tare weight, speed versus load table for different line categories.

  • Identify operational restrictions to staff, including geographical limitations, and shunting restrictions.

  • Provide pertinent safety information for staff operating wagons or attending in an emergency, including overhead live wire and electrical equipment warning signs, lift/jacking points, vehicle specific safety instructions.

    These markings are listed in the Annex B and pictograms are included if required. The markings shall be located as high as practicable on the wagon structure up to a height of 1 600 mm above rail level. Hazard signs shall be located in such a position that they can be seen before the hazard zone is actually reached. The markings of wagons that do not have vertical sides +/- 10 degrees, shall be affixed on special panels.

    Markings may be achieved either by painting or by decals.

    The requirements for Dangerous Goods Markings are covered by directive 96/49/EC with its valid Annex

    When changes to a wagon occur that require changes to the markings, such changes shall be consistent with changes to the data recorded in the Rolling Stock Register.

    Markings shall be cleaned/replaced when required to ensure that they remain legible. goods

Wagons carrying dangerous goods shall meet the requirements of this TSI and in addition the requirements of RID.

Further developments in this legal area are led by an international working group (RID-Committee) of representatives from the governments which are members of the COTIF. applicable to rolling stock for the transport of dangerous goods

Rolling Stock

Council Directive 96/49/EC and its Annex in their valid version

Marking and Labelling

Council Directive 96/49/EC and its Annex in their valid version


Council Directive 96/49/EC and its Annex in their valid version

Spark protection

Council Directive 96/49/EC and its Annex in their valid version

Use of wagons for the transport of Dangerous Goods in long tunnels

Under examination by working groups mandated by the European Commission (AEIF and RID) legislation applicable to tanks


Council Directive 1999/36/EC on transportable pressure equipment (TPED) in its valid version

Tank testing, inspection and marking

EN 12972 Tanks for transport of dangerous goods-testing, inspection and marking of metallic tanks from April 2001 rules

The maintenance of tank/freight wagons shall be compliant with the following European Standard and the Council Directive:

  • Testing and inspection

EN 12972 Tanks for transport of dangerous goods-testing, inspection and marking of metallic tanks from April 2001

  • Maintenance of Tank and its equipment

Council Directive 96/49/EC and its Annex in their valid version

  • Mutual agreements on Tank-inspectors

Council Directive 96/49/EC and its Annex in their valid version


This section defines the maximum outside dimensions of wagons to ensure that they remain within the infrastructure gauge. To achieve this, the maximum possible movement of the wagon is considered; this is called the kinematic envelope.

The kinematic envelope of the rolling stock is defined by means of a reference profile and its associated rules. It is obtained by applying the rules giving reductions in relation to the reference profile, which the various parts of the rolling stock shall meet.

These reductions depend on:

  • the geometric characteristics of the rolling stock in question,

  • the position of the cross-section in relation to the bogie pivot or to the axles,

  • the height of the point considered in relation to the running surface,

  • constructional tolerances,

  • the maximum wear allowance,

  • the elastic characteristics of the suspension.

The study of the maximum construction gauge takes into account both the lateral and vertical movements of the rolling stock, drawn up on the basis of the geometrical and suspension characteristics of the vehicle under various loading conditions.

The construction gauge of rolling stock travelling on a given section of line shall be smaller, by an appropriate safety margin, than the minimum structure gauge of the line in question.

A rolling stock gauge comprises two fundamental elements: a reference profile and the rules for that profile. It allows determination of the maximum dimensions of rolling stock and the position of fixed structures on the line.

In order that a rolling stock gauge is applicable, the following three parts of that gauge shall be specified:

  • the reference profile;

  • the rules for determining the maximum construction gauge for the wagons;

  • the rules for determining the clearances to structures and the track spacing.

Annex C specifies the reference profile and the rules for the maximum construction gauge for wagons.

The associated rules for determining the clearances for installation of structures are covered in the Infrastructure TSI.

All equipment and parts of wagons that give rise to transverse and vertical displacements shall be checked at appropriate maintenance intervals.

In order to keep the wagon inside the kinematic gauge, the maintenance plan shall include provision for inspection of the following items:

  • wheel profile and wear,

  • bogie frame,

  • springs,

  • side bearers,

  • body structure,

  • constructional clearances,

  • maximum wear allowance,

  • elastic characteristics of the suspension,

  • axle guide wear ,

  • elements that affect the vehicle flexibility coefficient,

  • elements that affect the roll centre.

  • Devices causing movements affecting the gauge axle load and linear load

The axle load and axle spacing of the vehicles defines the vertical quasi-static load input to the track.

The load limits for wagons take into account their geometrical characteristics, weights per axle and weights per linear metre.

They shall be in accordance with the classification of lines or sections of lines, categories A, B1, B2, C2, C3, C4, D2, D3, D4 as defined in the table below.

Axle loads higher than 22,5 tonnes are not specified in this TSI; existing national rules continue to apply to lines capable of accepting these higher axle loads.


Mass per axle = P








Mass per unit length = p

16 t

18 t

20 t

22,5 t

25,0 t

27,5 t

30 t

5,0 t/m



6,4 t/m




7,2 t/m



8,0 t/m




8,8 t/m


10 t/m

p =

Mass per unit length, i.e. the wagon mass plus the mass of the load, divided by the wagon length in metres, measured over the buffers when non-compressed.

P =

Mass per axle.

Annex D Table D.1 contains data from which a train made up of wagons with two 2-axle bogies is used in order to determine the category in which a line is classified.

A line or section of line is classified in one of these categories when it is capable of handling an unlimited number of wagons with the weight characteristics shown in the table above.

Classification according to the maximum mass per axle P is expressed in capital letters (A, B, C, D, E, F, G); classification according to the maximum mass per unit length p is expressed in Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), except for Category A.

The lines thus classified are capable of handling the wagons listed below:

  • Two or three-axle wagons, and wagons with 2-axle bogies, where the measurements a and b are equal to or greater than the values shown in Annex D Table D.1, providing P and p do not exceed the values shown in the table above.

  • Two 2-axle bogie wagons where the measurements a and b are smaller than the values shown in Annex D Table D.2, providing they have reduced mass per axle, Pr. complying with the values given in Annex D Table D.3 in relation to the values of measurements a and b.

  • Two bogie wagons, with 3 or 4 axles per bogie, providing they have reduced mass per axle, Pr, complying with the values given in Annex D Tables D.4 and D.5 in relation to the values of dimensions a and b.

  • Wagons with three or four 2-axle bogies provided they have reduced mass per axle, Pr, not exceeding those defined in Annex D Table D.6 in relation to their geometrical characteristics and provided that they also comply with the special regulations governing these types of wagon.


As an exception for 20 t axle-loads it is permissible to exceed this limit by up to 0,5 t per axle on Category C lines for:

  • 2-axle long wagons with 14,1 m < LOB (length over buffers) < 15,5 m to bring their payload up to 25 t ;

  • wagons designed for 22,5 t axle-loads to offset the extra tare incurred in making them suitable for such axle-loads.

Wagons having irregular axle spacings not conforming with Annex D Sections D .3, D.4, D.5) shall be subject to additional checks by calculation, to ensure that the maximum bending moments and shear forces on a single beam of any span length do not exceed the values calculated for the wagons defined in Annex D Section D.1). This shall be applied to an unlimited number of wagons.

The maximum payload that can be carried by a wagon, from the point of view of track and structures, is the lowest value resulting from the following formulae:

X = n × P - T

Y = L × p - T

Z = n × Pr - T



number of axles of the wagon


mass per unit length in t/m


length over buffers in m


wagon tare in t, rounded up to the first decimal place


mass per axle in t


reduced mass per axle in t

The tare to be taken into account is the average tare, which shall be determined for the following groups of wagons within each major manufacturing series:

  • wagons with air brakes,

  • wagons with air brakes and a gangway fitted with a screw brake.

The limits for modifications of freight wagons not requiring new approval are listed in Annex II.

Annex D Sections D.6 and D.7 give the load limits for 2-axle wagons and the commonest types of two 2-axle bogie wagons (a = 1,8 m, b = 1,5 m (see definition in Annex D)) resulting from comparisons.

The value X, Y or Z selected on the basis of the comparison is rounded down either to the nearest half-tonne or to the nearest tenth of a tonne, each contracting entity being free to select either of these alternatives depending on the type of wagon.

However, for insulated, refrigerator or mechanically-refrigerated wagons, tank wagons and closed wagons used for carrying goods in powder form, the X, Y or Z value shall be rounded down to the nearest tenth of a tonne.

The value to be marked on the wagon is not necessarily that established above. In cases where lower load limits exist as a result of the structural characteristics of the wagon or RID regulations (COTIF agreement Annex D Section D.3), it is these lower values that shall be indicated.

Minimum wheelset load for wagons with:

Generally with two axles or more

5,0 t

4-axle and equipped with brake blocks

4,0 t

Greater than 4-axle and equipped with brake blocks

3,5 t

If permitted by the infrastructure register (e.g. specific case of “rollende Landstrasse”)


2,0 t

12- axles

1,3 t stock parameters which influence ground based train monitoring systems resistance:

The electrical resistance of each wheelset measured across the treads of the two wheels shall not exceed 0,01 ohm for new or reassembled wheelsets incorporating new components.

These resistance measurements are to be made using an applied voltage of 1,8 to 2,0 volts DC. axle box detection

Open point to be specified at the next revision of this TSI. dynamic behaviour

The dynamic behaviour of a vehicle has strong effects on safety against derailment and running stability. The vehicle dynamic behaviour is determined by

  • the maximum speed

  • static track features (alignment, track gauge, cant, rail inclination, discrete and periodic track irregularities)

  • dynamic track features (horizontal and vertical track stiffness and track damping)

  • wheel/rail contact parameters (Wheel and rail profile, track gauge)

  • wheel defects (wheel flats, out of roundness)

  • mass and inertia of car body, bogies and wheelsets

  • suspension characteristic of the vehicles

  • distribution of the payload.

In order to ensure safety and running stability, measurements in different operating conditions or comparison studies with a proven design (e. g. simulation/calculation) have to be carried out to assess the dynamic behaviour.

Rolling stock shall have characteristics that enable stable running within the applicable speed limit. and technical specifications against derailment and running stability

In order to ensure safety against derailment and running stability the forces between wheel and rail have to be limited. In particular, the forces in question are transverse track forces Y and vertical forces Q.

  • Lateral track force Y

    In order to prevent track shifts, interoperable Rolling stock shall comply with the Prud'homme criteria for the maximum transverse force

    (ΣY)lim = α (10 + P/3), where α = 0,85 and P = maximum static axle load


    (H2m)lim ((H2m) is the floating mean value of the lateral force in an axle measured over 2m)

    This value will be determined by the TSI Infrastructure

    In curves, the limit of the quasi-static lateral force on the outer wheel is

    Yqst, lim

    This value will be determined by the TSI Infrastructure

  • Y/Q forces

    To limit the risk of wheel climb on the rail the quotient of lateral force Y and vertical load Q of a wheel shall not exceed

    (Y/Q)lim = 0,8 for large curves R ≥ 250 m

    (Y/Q)lim = 1,2 for small curves R < 250 m

  • Vertical force

    The maximum dynamic vertical force exerted on the rail is


    This value will be determined by the TSI Infrastructure

    In curves the limit of the quasi-static vertical force on the outer wheel is

    Qqst, lim

    This value will be determined by the TSI Infrastructure against derailment when running on twisted tracks

Wagons are able to run on twisted tracks when (Y/Q) does not exceed the limit given in section in a curve of radius R = 150m and for a given twisted track:

for a wheel base of 1,3 m ≤ 2a*

  • g lim= 7 ‰ for 2a+ <4m

  • g lim = 20/2a+ + 2 for 2a+>4m

  • g lim=20/2a*+2 for 2a*<20m

  • g lim=3 ‰ for 2a*>20 m

The wheelbase 2a* represents the axle spacing for 2-axle wagons or the distance between the pivot centres of a bogie wagon. The wheelbase 2a+ represents the axle spacing for a bogie. rules

The following key parameters essential for safety and running stability shall be maintained according to the maintenance plan:

  • suspension characteristics

  • body-bogie connections

  • tread profile

The maximum and minimum dimensions for wheelsets and wheels for Standard Gauge are given in Annex E.

Cases for other track gauges are found in Section 7.

Suspension of freight wagons shall be designed such that the values specified in and are adhered to in the conditions “empty” and “laden to the load limit”. The suspension calculation shall demonstrate that the suspension deflection is not exhausted when the wagons are fully loaded and considering dynamic influences. compressive forces

This parameter describes the maximum longitudinal compressive forces that can be applied on an interoperable freight wagon or an individual vehicle, or group of special coupled vehicles, of an interoperable train-set during a braking or a banking operation, without any risk of derailment.

When subjected to Longitudinal Compressive Forces, the wagon shall continue to run safely. In order to ensure safety against derailment, the wagon or system of coupled wagons shall be assessed by tests, calculations or through comparison with the characteristics of already approved (certified) wagons.

The longitudinal force that can be applied on a vehicle without derailing shall be higher than a threshold value depending on the vehicle design (two axle, bogie wagon, fixed group of vehicles, Combirail, Road- Railer™, etc.) fitted with UIC coupler or accepted central coupler or coupling rod/short couplers.

The conditions to certify the wagons, fixed groups of wagons and coupled groups of wagons are given in section

The conditions that affect the maximum longitudinal compressive force that a wagon is capable of withstanding without derailment include:

  • cant deficiency

  • train and wagon braking system

  • system of draw gear and buffers on the wagons or specially coupled wagon-groups

  • design characteristics of the wagon

  • characteristics of the line

  • train driver's handling of the train, especially braking

  • wheel/rail contact parameters (wheel and rail profile, track gauge)

  • load distribution of the individual freight wagons

Longitudinal compressive forces have a strong effect on safety against derailment of a vehicle. Therefore measurements in different operating conditions have been carried out to find the acceptable limits of longitudinal compressive force that can be applied on a vehicle without risk of derailment. To avoid testing wagons shall correspond with the characteristics of wagons that have been previously approved by national safety authorities or on their behalf, or to be built according to approved design characteristics of wagons and be fitted with approved components such as certified bogies

The reference test is given in Section 6.2. Experience with different wagon-types has resulted in different methods of acceptance depending on factors such as tare weight, length, wheelbase, overhang, distance between pivots etc. and technical specifications

The subsystem shall withstand the longitudinal compressive forces in the train without derailing or damaging the vehicle. In particular the determining factors are

  • transverse wheel/rail forces -Y-

  • vertical forces -Q-

  • lateral forces on axle-boxes -Hij-

  • braking forces (due to wheel/rail contact, dynamic braking and different braking groups of the wagons and trains)

  • diagonal and vertical buffer forces

  • coupling forces ±Z

  • damping of buffer- and coupling forces

  • the result of coupler tightness

  • the result of coupler slack

  • jerks as a result of longitudinal movements in the trains and coupler slack

  • Wheel lift

  • Axle guide deflection

Longitudinal Compressive Forces (LCF) are influenced by many factors. The different factors are given in the documents for construction and operating conditions of wagons to which it is necessary to certify wagons for normal traffic on different lines and under different conditions.

With the objective to certify wagons for mixed traffic on the European Network, tests on a special testing track, and in running trains on different lines were performed in order to ensure that wagons can withstand a minimum longitudinal force, without derailing. The following definition was made:

Wagons and rakes of wagons (with coupling rod/short coupler between the wagons) fitted with screw couplings and side-buffers at their outer ends, shall withstand a minimum longitudinal force measured in the conditions of the reference test of:

  • 200 kN for two-axle freight wagons with UIC coupling

  • 240 kN for freight wagons fitted with two-axle bogies with UIC coupling

  • 500 kN for freight wagons with all types of central bar couplers and without buffers

For other coupling systems, limit values are not yet defined.

The coefficient of friction of the buffer heads shall be such as to meet the requirements of this TSI in terms of maximum lateral forces.

Maintenance rules:

If the buffer heads have to be lubricated in order to ensure the required coefficient of friction, then the maintenance plan shall include provision for maintaining the coefficient of friction at this level.

4.2.4.BRAKING performance

The purpose of the train braking system is to ensure that the train's speed can be reduced or it can be stopped within the maximum allowable braking distance. The primary factors that influence the brake process are the braking power, the train mass, the speed, the allowable braking distance, the adhesion and the track gradient.

Braking performance of a train or a vehicle is the result of the braking power available to retard the train within defined limits and all factors involved in the conversion and dissipation of energy including train resistance. Individual vehicle performance is defined so that the overall braking performance of the train can be derived.

Vehicles shall be equipped with continuous automatic brake.

A brake is continuous if it allows the transmission of signals and energy from central command unit to the whole train.

A continuous brake is automatic, if it becomes effective immediately on the whole train with every inadvertent break of the control train line, e. g. brake-pipe.

Where it is not possible to detect the state of the brake, an indicator showing the state shall be provided on both sides of the vehicle.

The brake energy storage (e.g. supply reservoirs of indirect pneumatic air brake system, brake pipe air) and the brake energy used to build up the brake effort (e.g. air from brake cylinders of indirect pneumatic air brake system) shall be used only for braking use. and Technical Specification train line

The minimum propagation braking signal speed shall be 250 m/s. Performance elements

Braking performance shall take into account mean application time, instantaneous deceleration, mass and initial speed. Braking performance shall be determined by both deceleration profiles and by braked mass percentage.

Deceleration profile:

The deceleration profile describes the predicted instantaneous deceleration of the vehicle (at the level of a vehicle) or the train (at the level of a train) in normal conditions.

Knowledge of individual vehicle deceleration profiles enables the calculation of the overall train deceleration profile.

The deceleration profile includes the effect of:

  1. a)

    the response time between brake demand and reaching full brake effort.


    Te is the equivalent build-up application time and is defined as:

    Te = t1 + (t2/2)

    For pneumatic brake the end of the time t2 corresponds to 95 % of established brake cylinder pressure.

  2. b)

    the corresponding function (deceleration = F(speed)) as defined as a succession of sections with a constant deceleration.


    Note: a denotes the instantaneous deceleration and V the instantaneous speed

Brake mass percentage:

The brake mass percentage (lambda) is the ratio of the sum of the brake masses divided by the sum of the masses of the vehicles.

The method of determining the brake mass/brake mass percentage shall remain applicable in addition to the method of deceleration profiles; the manufacturer shall supply these values. This information is required to be entered in the Rolling Stock Register.

Braking power for an individual vehicle shall be determined in emergency braking for each braking mode (i.e. G, P, R, P + ep) available on the vehicle and for several loading conditions including at least tare and fully loaded.

G braking mode: brake mode used for freight trains with specified brake application time and brake release time.

P braking mode: brake mode for freight trains with specified brake application time and brake release time and specified brake mass percentage.

R braking mode: brake mode for passenger trains and fast freight trains with specified brake application time and brake release time as for braking mode P and specified minimum brake mass percentage.

Ep brake (indirect Electro-pneumatic brake): assistance to indirect air brake that uses an electrical command on the train and electro-pneumatic valves on the vehicle and thus starts operating more rapidly and less jerkily than the conventional air brake.

Emergency braking: Emergency braking is a brake command that stops the train to ensure the specified level of safety without any brake system degradation.

The minimum braking performance for brake-modes G and P: shall be in accordance with the following table:

Braking Mode—Te range (s)

Wagon Type

Command Equipment


Requirement for running speed at 100km/h

Requirement for running speed at 120km/h





Braking mode “P” - 1,5 ≤Te ≤ 3 s




S = 480m

λ = 100 %4

γ = 0,91 m/s24

Case A — composite blocks:

S = 390 m, λ = 125 %, γ = 1,15 m/s2

Case B — other cases:

S = 380 m, λ = 130 %, γ = 1,18 m/s2

S = 700 m

λ = 100 %

γ = 0,88 m/s2

Case A — composite blocks:

S = 580 m, λ = 125 %, γ = 1,08 m/s2

Case B — other cases:

S = 560 m, λ = 130 %, γ = 1,13 m/s2





Intermediate Load

S = 810 m

λ = 55 %

γ = 0,51m/s2

Case A — composite blocks:

S = 390 m, λ = 125 %, γ = 1,15 m/s2

Case B — other cases:

S = 380 m, λ = 130 %, γ= 1,18 m/s2


(Maximum = 22,5 t/axle)

S = 700 m

λ = 65 %

γ = 0,6 m/s2

Case A — Brake only on wheels (Brake blocks):

S = greater of (S = 480 m, λ = 100 %, γ = 0,91 m/s2) or (S obtained with a mean retardation force of 16,5 kN per axle8.

Case B — Other cases:

S = 480 m, λ = 100 %, γ = 0,91 m/s2


Variable load Relay


(Maximum = 22,5 t/axle)

S = 700m

λ = 65 %

γ = 0,6 m/s2

Case A — Brake only on wheels (Brake blocks):

S = greater of (S = 480 m, λ = 100 %, γ = 0,91 m/s2) or (S obtained with a mean retardation force of 16,5 kN per axle8.

Case B — Other cases:

S = 480 m, λ = 100 %, γ=0,91 m/s2


Variable load relay


(Maximum = 22,5 t/axle)

Case A — Brake only on wheels (Brake blocks):

S = greater of (S = 700 m, λ = 100 %, γ = 0,88 m/s2) or (S obtained with a mean retardation force of 16 kN per axle9.

Case B — Other cases:

S = 700 m, λ = 100 %, γ = 0,88 m/s2

Braking mode “G” — 9 ≤ Te≤ 15 s

There shall be no separate assessment of the braking power of wagons in position G. A wagon's braked mass in position G shall be the same as braked mass in position P

S is obtained according annex S, “λ” = ((C/S)-D) according annex S, “γ” = ((Speed (Km/h))/3,6)2)/(2x(S-((Te)x(Speed (Km/h)/3,6)))), with Te=2sec.

a wagon “S1” is a wagon with Empty/load device

a wagon “S2” is a wagon with a variable load relay

a wagon “SS” shall be equipped with a variable load relay.

The maximum mean retardation force admitted (for running speed at 100km/h) is 18x0,91 = 16,5 kN/axle. This value comes from the maximum braking energy input permitted on a clasp braked wheel with a nominal new diameter in the range of [920 mm; 1 000 mm] during braking (the brake mass shall be limited to 18 tonnes). Wheels with a nominal new diameter (< 920 mm) and/or push brakes shall be accepted in accordance with national rules.

The maximum mean retardation force admitted (for running speed at 120km/h) is 18x0,88 = 16 kN/axle. This value comes from the maximum braking energy input permitted on a clasp braked wheel with a nominal new diameter in the range of [920 mm; 1 000 mm] during braking (the brake mass shall be limited to 18 tonnes). Wheels with a nominal new diameter (< 920 mm) and/or push brakes shall be accepted in accordance with national rules.

This table is based on a reference speed of 100 km/h and an axle load of 22,5 t and 120 km/h and an axle load of 22,5 t. Higher axle loads can be accepted under specific operational conditions in accordance with national rules. The permitted maximum axle load shall be in accordance with the infrastructure requirements.

If a wagon is equipped with a WSP, the above performance shall be achieved without activation of the WSP and according to the conditions in annex S.

Other braking modes (example: R braking mode) are permitted according to national rules and the mandatory use of WSP as specified in §

Brake Pipe Emptying Accelerator valve

If the brake pipe-emptying accelerator is separately installed on the wagon, it shall be capable of isolation from the brake pipe by a specific device. The wagon shall be clearly marked to indicate this isolation device, or this device shall be secured in an “open” position by a seal. components

The assembly of brake components shall be aimed to prevent any partial or full detachment of these components.

  • Slack adjuster

    A device to automatically maintain the design clearance between the friction pair shall be provided.

    A minimum of 15 mm clearance between the slack adjuster envelope and other components shall be provided.

    Provision shall be made for the necessary free clearances for the slack adjuster extremities and connections to be maintained at all times.

    For slack adjusters within a bogie, there is no special envelope. But, for all design conditions, the minimum clearance necessary between the slack adjuster and other components shall be ensured to prevent contact. Should a smaller clearance be required, the reasons why contact will not occur shall be demonstrated.

  • Pneumatic half coupling

    The opening of the automatic air brake coupling head shall face the left when looking at the end of the vehicle. The opening of the main reservoir coupling head shall face the right when looking at the end of the vehicle.

    The vehicles shall be fitted with devices to enable the unused couplings to be suspended at least 140 mm above rail level to prevent both damage and, as far possible, penetration of foreign bodies into the interior coupling. storage

The energy storage shall be sufficient to obtain during an emergency braking at maximum speed, whatever the loaded state of the vehicle, the maximum brake effort without any further supply of energy (e.g. for indirect compressed air brake system: Brake Pipe only without replenishment by main reservoir pipe). When a vehicle is equipped with WSP the above condition applies with the WSP fully operational (i.e. WSP air consumption). limits:

The brake system shall be designed to allow the vehicle to run on all existing lines of the trans-European conventional rail system.

The brake system shall stop the vehicle loaded and maintain the speed of the vehicle without any thermal or mechanical damage in the following conditions:

  1. 1.

    Two successive emergency braking applications from the maximum speed to a stop on straight and level track with minimum wind and dry rail.

  2. 2.

    Maintain a speed of 80 km/h in a slope with a mean declivity of 21 ‰ and a length of 46 km. (The south slope of St Gothard's line between Airolo and Biasca is the reference slope.) slide protection (WSP)

Wheel slide protection (WSP) is a system designed to make the best use of available adhesion by a controlled reduction and restoration of the brake force to prevent wheelsets from locking and uncontrolled sliding, thereby optimising stopping distance. The WSP shall not alter the functional characteristics of the brakes. The vehicle's air equipment shall be dimensioned such that the air consumption of the WSP does not impair the performance of the pneumatic brake. The design process of the WSP shall take into account that the WSP shall not have a detrimental effect on the constituent parts of the vehicle (brake gear, wheel tread, axle boxes, etc).

The following types of wagons shall be fitted with WSP:

  1. a)

    equipped with brake blocks made of cast iron or sintered material, for which the maximum mean utilisation of adhesion (δ)is greater than 12 %(Lambda ≥ 135 %).The maximum mean utilisation of adhesion is shown by calculating the mean adhesion (δ) from individual braking distances obtained from the possible range of vehicle mass. δ is therefore related to the measured braking distances necessary for determining the braking performance. (δ = f(V, Te, Stopping distance).

  2. b)

    equipped with disc brakes only, for which the maximum utilisation of adhesion (see above for the definition of the maximum utilisation of adhesion (δ)) is greater than 11 % and less than 12 % (125<Lambda </= 135 %)..

  3. c)

    With maximum operating speed ≥ 160 km/h.

Freight wagons shall be designed to be able to work with compressed air compliant at least with class 4.4.5 as defined by ISO 8573-1. Brake

A Parking Brake is a brake used to prevent parked rolling stock moving under the specified conditions taking into account the place, wind, gradient and rolling stock loading state, until intentionally released.

It is not compulsory for all wagons to be equipped with a parking brake. Operational rules, taking into account the fact that not all wagons in a train are equipped with these brakes, are described in the Traffic Operation and Management TSI.

If the wagon is equipped with a parking brake, it shall meet the following requirements.

The power source for providing the parking brake effort shall be derived from a different power source than the Automatic Service/Emergency brake.

The parking brake shall operate on at least half of the wheelsets, with a minimum of 2 wheelsets per wagon.

Where it is not possible to see the state of the parking brake, an indicator showing the state shall be provided on both sides on the outside of the vehicle.

The wagon parking brake shall be accessed and operated from the ground or on the vehicle. Handles or hand wheels shall be used to operate the parking brake, but only hand wheels may be used for brakes operated from the ground. Parking brakes that are accessible from the ground shall be available on both sides of the vehicle. Handles or hand wheels shall apply the brakes when they are turned in a clockwise direction.

Where the parking brake controls are fitted inside a vehicle, they shall be accessible from both sides of the vehicle. Where the parking brake can be superimposed with other brake applications, either whilst moving or statically, the vehicle equipment shall be able to withstand the imposed loads for the life of the vehicle.

It shall be possible to release the parking brake manually in an emergency situation at standstill.

The parking brake shall conform to the table below

Wagon not specifically listed below.

At least 20 % of a fleet of wagons shall have a parking brake operated from the wagon (platform or gangway) or the ground,.

Wagons built specifically for the transport of loads requiring precautions as follows or/and according to Council Directive 96/49/EC (RID):

Livestock; fragile loads; compressed or liquefied gases; materials which give off inflammable gases when in contact with water causing combustion; acids; corrosive or combustible liquids; loads igniting spontaneously, catching fire or exploding easily.

One per wagon operated from the vehicle (platform or gangway)

Wagons whose special fittings for accommodating the load shall be treated with caution, i.e. carboy, jar or cask wagons; tanks of aluminium; tanks lined with ebonite or enamel; crane wagons. (or/and according to Council Directive 96/49/EC (RID))

One per wagon operated from the wagon (platform or gangway).

Wagons with a superstructure built specifically for the transport of road vehicles, including the multi-deck wagons for the transport of motor cars.

One per wagon operated from the wagon (platform or gangway) and 20 % of these having the parking brake also operated from the wagon floor.

Wagons for the transport of de-mountable swap bodies for horizontal transhipment.

One per wagon operated from the ground.

Wagons comprising several permanently coupled units

A minimum of two axles (on one unit)

The parking brake shall be designed such that fully loaded wagons shall be held in a gradient of 4,0 % with maximum adhesion of 0,15 with no wind.

4.2.5.COMMUNICATION capability to transmit information from vehicle to vehicle

This parameter is not yet applicable for freight wagons. capability to transmit information between ground and vehicle

Application of tags is not mandatory. If a wagon is fitted with radio-frequency identification devices (RFID-tag), the following specification shall be applied. and technical specification

Two ‘passive’ tags shall be fitted, one on each side of the wagon in the areas indicated in Annex F figure F.1, such that the unique identification number of the wagon can be read by a trackside device (the tag reader).

When available, trackside devices (tag reader) shall be capable of decoding tags passing at a speed of up to 30 km/h and make this decoded information available to a ground-based data transmission system.

Typical installation constraints are given in the Annex F figure F.2 where the reader position is defined by a cone.

The physical interactions between the reader and the tag, the protocols and the commands, and the collision arbitration schemes, shall conform to ISO18000-6 type A.

When fitted, tag readers shall be positioned at entry and exit points of locations where train formation can be changed.

The tag reader shall provide at a minimum to the interface with any data transmission system the following:

  • Unambiguous identification of the tag reader, among those that may be installed in the same location, in order to identify the track being monitored,

  • Unique identification of every wagon passing,

  • Time and date for each wagon passing.

Time and date information shall be accurate enough in order that a subsequent processing system is able to identify the actual physical train composition. rules

Inspections according to the maintenance plan shall include:

  • presence of tags

  • correct response

  • processes to ensure that tags will not be degraded during the maintenance procedures


The design process of the rolling stock, as well as the on-board equipment, shall take into account that this rolling stock shall be able to be put into service and operate normally in the conditions and climatic zones for which the equipment is designed and in which it is likely to run, as specified in this TSI.

The environmental conditions are expressed in classes for temperature etc. thereby giving the choice for the operator to procure a vehicle suitable for operation all over Europe, or have a restricted use.

The ‘Register of Infrastructure’ will specify the ranges of environmental conditions likely to be experienced on the individual lines. The same ranges will be used to assist reference to operating rules.

The range limits specified are those which have a low probability of being exceeded. All specified values are maximum or limit values. These values may be reached, but do not occur permanently. Depending on the situation there may be different frequencies of occurrence related to a certain period of time. and technical specifications

The wagons shall perform as specified for all altitudes up to 2000 m.

All freight wagons intended for international traffic shall comply as a minimum with temperature class TRIV.

The class TRIV is identical to the temperature design level of all RIV compliant wagons existing before implementation of this TSI. The design level for class TRIV is given in Annex O.

In addition to design level class TRIV the external temperature classes Ts and Tn exists.


Design level classes


Subsystems and components have different temperature requirements. Details are given in Annex O

Air temperature range external to vehicle [ oC]:


-40 + 35


-25 + 45

A TRIV wagon is permitted to operate in:

  • permanent use on Ts lines.

  • permanent use on Tn lines in the period of the year when temperature is expected to be above - 25 oC.

  • non-permanent use on Tn lines in the period of the year when temperature is expected to be below - 25 oC.

Remark: It will be the choice of the contracting entity to decide the additional temperature range of the wagon according to its intended use (Tn, Ts, Tn + Ts, or nothing more than TRIV).

The following external humidity levels shall be considered:

Yearly average: ≤ 75 % relative humidity.

On 30 days in the year continuously: between 75 % and 95 % relative humidity.

On the other days occasionally: between 95 % and 100 % relative humidity

Maximum absolute humidity: 30 g/m3 occurring in tunnels.

An operationally caused infrequent and slight moisture condensation shall not lead to any malfunction or failure.

The psychometric charts of Annex G fig. G1 and G2 give the range of variation of the relative humidity for the different temperature classes that it is considered will not be exceeded for more than 30 days per year.

At cooled surfaces, 100 % relative humidity may occur causing condensation on parts of equipment; this shall not lead to any malfunction or failure.

Sudden changes of the air temperature local to the vehicle may cause condensation of water on parts of equipment with rate of 3 K/s and maximum variation of 40 K.

These conditions occurring particularly when entering or leaving a tunnel shall not lead to any malfunction or failure of the equipment. movement

For wind speeds to be considered for the design of freight wagons refer to section Aerodynamic effects.

A rain rate of 6 mm/min shall be taken into account. The effect of rain shall be considered depending on the equipment installation together with wind and vehicle movement., ice and hail

Consideration shall be given to the effect of all kinds of snow, ice and/or hail. The maximum diameter of hailstones shall be taken as 15 mm, larger diameters may occur exceptionally. radiation

Equipment design shall allow for direct exposure to solar radiation at the rate of 1 120 W/m2 for a maximum duration of 8h. to Pollution

The effects of pollution shall be considered in the design of equipment and components. The severity of pollution will depend upon the location of the equipment. Means may be provided to reduce pollution by the effective use of protection. The effects of the following kinds of pollution shall be considered:

Chemically active substances

Class 5C2 of EN 60721-3-5:1997.

Contaminating fluids

Class 5F2 (electrical engine) of EN 60721-3-5:1997.

Class 5F3 (thermal engine) of EN 60721-3-5:1997.

Biologically active substances

Class 5B2 of EN 60721-3-5:1997.


Defined by class 5S2 of EN 60721-3-5:1997.

Stones and other objects

Ballast and other of maximum 15 mm diameter.

Grasses and leaves, pollen, flying insects, fibres etc.

For the design of ventilation ducts


According to EN 60721-3-5:1997.

Sea spray

According to EN 60721-3-5:1997

Class 5C2. effects

Open point to be specified at the next revision of this TSI. winds

Open point to be specified at the next revision of this TSI.


There is no requirement for emergency exits or signposting relating to emergency exits on freight wagons. However, in the event of an accident, there is a requirement for a rescue plan and related information notices. safety

  • Design shall limit fire ignition and propagation.

  • Toxic fume requirements are not described by this TSI

  • The goods carried on freight wagons shall not be taken into account — neither as a primary ignition source nor as a mean of feeding fire propagation. In the case of dangerous goods carried on freight wagons, RID requirements shall be applied in all aspects of fire safety.

  • The goods of freight wagons shall be protected against foreseeable sources of ignition on the vehicle.

  • The material used on freight wagons shall limit the generation, propagation of fire, and production of smoke in the event of fire on primary ignition source of 7 kW during 3 min

  • The design rules shall be applied for any fixed equipment of the vehicle, if it is a potential source of fire ignition, e.g. cooling devices containing fuel.

  • A Member State shall not require smoke detectors to be installed on freight wagons.

  • Flexible covers shall not be required to meet any fire criteria

  • Floors material shall not be required to meet any fire criteria if they are protected according the first sentence of section and technical specification

Fire integrity:

The ability of a separating construction element, when exposed to fire on one side, to prevent the passage through it of flames, hot gases and other fire effluents or the occurrence of flames on the unexposed side.

Thermal insulation:

The ability of a separating construction element to prevent excessive transmission of heat. References


EN 1363-1

October 1999

Fire resistance tests

Part 1: General requirements


EN ISO 4589-2

October 1998

Determination of burning behaviour by oxygen index

Part 2: Ambient temperature test


ISO 5658-2


Reaction to fire tests — Spread of flame

Part 2 Lateral spread on building products in vertical configuration


EN ISO 5659-2

October 1998

Plastic — Smoke generation

Part 2: Determination of optical density by a single chamber test


EN 50355

November 2002

Railway applications — Railway rolling stock cables having special fire performance — Thin wall and standard wall — Guide to use rules

Spark protection of the load shall be provided separately where the floor does not provide that protection.

The underside of the vehicle floor, in those locations where it is exposed to potential sources of fire and when spark protection is not provided, shall be provided with thermal insulation and fire integrity according the heat curve of EN 1363-1 [1] with a duration of 15 minutes. requirement

In the following table the parameters used to define requirements and their characteristics, are listed. Also stated is whether the numerical value in the tables of requirements represents a maximum or minimum for compliance.

A reported result equal to the requirement is compliant.

Test Method



Requirement definition

EN ISO 4589-2 [2]


% Oxygen


ISO 5658 [3]




EN ISO 5659-2 [4]

Ds max



A short explanation of the test methods is given below:

  • EN ISO 4589-2 [2] Determination of burning behaviour by oxygen index

    This test specifies methods for determining the minimum concentration of oxygen, in ad-mixture with nitrogen, which will support combustion of small vertical test specimens under specified test conditions. The test results are defined as oxygen index values by volume percentages.

  • ISO 5658 –2 [3] Reaction to fire tests — Spread of flame- part 2 Lateral spread on products in vertical position

    This test specifies a method of test for measuring the lateral spread of flame along the surface of a specimen of product orientated in vertical position. It provides data suitable for comparing the performance of essentially flat materials, composites or assemblies, which are used primarily as the exposed surfaces of walls.

  • EN-ISO 5659-2 [4] Smoke generation part 2 Determination of optical density by a single-chamber test.

    The specimen of the product is mounted horizontally within a chamber and exposed to thermal radiation on their upper surfaces at selected levels of constant irradiance of 50 kW/m2 in the absence of a pilot flame.

Minimum Requirements

Parts or materials having a surface area less than the surface classification below, shall be tested with minimum requirements

Test Method




EN ISO 4589-2 [2]


% Oxygen

≥ 26

Requirements for material used as surface

Method: ConditionsParameter




ISO 5658-2 [3]




≥ 18

EN ISO 5659-2 [4] 50kWm-2

Ds max


≤ 600

Surface classification

All materials used shall meet the minimum requirements where the surface area of the material/item is less than 0,25m2 and

on a ceiling:

  • the maximum dimension in any direction on the surface is less than 1m and

  • the separation from another surface is greater than the maximum extent of the surface (measured horizontally in any direction on the surface).

on a wall:

  • the maximum dimension in a vertical direction is less than 1m and

  • the separation from another surface is greater than the maximum extent of the surface (measured vertically)

If a surface is larger than 0,25 m2, then requirements for material used as surface applies.

Cable requirements

Cable used for electrical installation on freight wagons shall be in accordance with EN 50355 [5]. For fire safety requirements the hazard level 3 shall be taken in account. of the fire protection measures

The condition of fire integrity and thermal insulation measures (e.g. floor protection, wheel spark protection) shall be checked every overhaul period and at intermediate periods where it is appropriate to the design solution and field experience. protection

All the metallic parts of a freight wagon that are at risk from excessive contact voltages or being at risk of causing accidents caused by electrical charges of any origin, shall be held at the same voltage as the rail. and technical specifications wagon bonding

The electrical resistance between the metallic parts and the rail shall not exceed 0,15 ohm.

These values shall be measured using 50 A direct current.

When materials that are poor conductors do not enable the above values to be reached, the vehicles themselves shall be fitted with the following protective bonding connections:

  • The body shall be connected to the frame at least two different points;

  • The frame shall be connected to each bogie at least once.

Each bogie shall be bonded reliably by means of at least one axle box;. If there are no bogies, no bonding connections are needed.

Each bonding connection shall be made of a flexible and non corrodible or corrosion protected material and have a minimum cross section according to the materials used (the reference is 35 mm2 for copper).

Particularly restrictive conditions, from the point of view of eliminating risks, shall be taken in the case of special vehicles, for example roofless vehicles occupied by passengers in their own cars, vehicles used to transport dangerous good (listed in the directive 96/49 EC and its valid Annex RID.). wagon electrical equipment bonding

Freight wagons fitted with electrical equipment shall have sufficient protection against electric shocks. Where there is an electrical installation on the freight wagon, any metallic parts of the electrical equipment liable to be touched by people shall be reliably bonded, if the standard voltage to which they may be subjected is higher than:

  • 50 V dc

  • 24 Vac

  • 24 V between phases when the neutral point is not bonded

  • 42 V between phases when the neutral point is bonded.

The cross-section of the bonding cable will depend on the current in the electrical installation, but shall be of a suitable size to ensure reliable operation of the circuit protect devices, in the event of a fault.

Any aerials fitted outside the freight wagons shall be completely protected from the voltage of the catenary or 3rd rail and the system shall form an electrical single unit bonded at one single point. An antenna fitted outside of the freight wagon that does not conform to the previous conditions, shall be isolated. of tail lamps

All hauled vehicles shall have two tail lamp brackets at each end and technical specifications

The tail lamp bracket shall have a fixing slot, as defined in Annex BB fig. BB1.

At the vehicle ends, the tail lamp brackets shall be arranged in such a way that:

  • they are placed, wherever possible, between the buffers and the corners of the vehicles;

  • they are spaced more than 1 300 mm apart;

  • the main centre line of the slot is perpendicular to the main centre line of the wagon;

  • the upper side of the tail lamp bracket is less than 1 600 mm above rail level. Where vehicles are fitted with fixed electric tail lamps, the centre line of the tail lamp shall be less than 1 800 mm above rail level;

  • the overall gauge of the tail lamp, as laid down in Annex BB fig. BB2, is complied with.

The tail lamp brackets shall be located in such a position that the lamp, when fitted, is not obscured and is easily accessible. for the hydraulic/pneumatic equipment of freight wagons

Hydraulic and pneumatic equipment shall be so designed by structural strength and using suitable fittings so that bursting will not occur in normal operation.

Hydraulic systems installed on wagons shall be so designed to avoid any visible signs of leaking of hydraulic fluid. and technical specifications

Suitable protective measures shall ensure that hydraulic/pneumatic systems are not actuated inadvertently.

For hydraulically or pneumatically operated flaps/slide valves, an indicator shall show that they are properly locked.


All maintenance activities undertaken on Rolling Stock must be performed in accordance with the provisions of this TSI.

All maintenance shall be undertaken in accordance with the Maintenance File applicable to the Rolling Stock.

The Maintenance File must be managed in accordance with the provisions specified in this TSI.

After delivery of the rolling stock by the supplier, and acceptance thereof, a single entity shall assume responsibility for the maintenance of the rolling stock and management of the Maintenance File.

The Rolling Stock Register, kept by each Member State, shall state the entity responsible for the maintenance of the Rolling Stock and the management of the Maintenance File., contents and criteria of the Maintenance File File

The maintenance file shall be supplied with the vehicle, which is submitted to the verification process as specified in section of this TSI, before putting into service.

The present article gives the criteria to verify the maintenance file.

The maintenance file is composed of:

  • The Maintenance Design Justification File.

    The Maintenance Design Justification File describes the methods used to design the maintenance; describes the tests, investigations, calculations carried out; gives the relevant data used for this purpose and justifies their origin.

    This file shall contain:

    • Description of the organisation in charge of the design of the maintenance

    • Precedents, principles and methods used to design the maintenance of the vehicle.

    • Utilisation profile (Limits of the normal utilisation of the vehicle (km/month, climatic limits, authorised types of loads…) taken into account for the design of the maintenance).

    • Tests, investigations, calculations carried out.

    • Relevant data used to design the maintenance and origin of these data (return of experience, tests…).

    • Responsibility and traceability of the design process (name, skills and position of the author and approver of each document).

  • The Maintenance Documentation.

    The Maintenance Documentation consists of all the documents necessary to realise the management and execution of the maintenance of the vehicle.

    The maintenance documentation is composed of the following;

    • Organic/functional description (breakdown structure).

      The breakdown structure sets up the borders of the freight wagon by listing all the items belonging to the structure of that freight wagon and using an appropriate number of discrete levels to distinguish the relationships existing between different areas of the rolling stock. The last item identified along a branch shall be a Replaceable Unit.

    • Parts List.

      Containing the technical descriptions of the spare parts (replaceable units) in order to allow identification and procurement of the correct spares.

    • Safety/interoperability-relevant limits.

      For the safety/interoperability relevant components or parts, this document shall give the measurable limits not to be exceeded in service (to include operation in degraded mode).

    • Legal obligations.

      Some components or systems are subject to legal obligations (for instance brakes reservoirs, dangerous goods tanks …). These obligations shall be listed.

    • Maintenance plan

      • List, schedule and criteria of planned preventative maintenance operations,

      • List and criteria of conditional preventative maintenance operations,

      • List of corrective maintenance operations,

      • Maintenance operations governed by specific conditions of use.

        The level of the maintenance operations shall be described. Also maintenance tasks to be carried out by the Railway Undertaking (servicing, inspections, brake tests, etc…) shall be described.

        Note: Some maintenance operations like overhauls (level 4) and refurbishment, transformation or very heavy repairs (level 5) may not be defined at the moment when the vehicle is put into service. In this case, the responsibility and the procedures to define such maintenance operations shall be described.-

    • Maintenance manuals and leaflets

      For each maintenance operation listed in the maintenance plan, the manual explains the list of the tasks to be carried out.

      Some maintenance tasks may be common to different operations or common to different vehicles. These tasks are explained in specific maintenance leaflets.

      The manuals and leaflets shall contain the following information:

      • Specific tools and facilities

      • Standardised or statutory specific staff competencies required (welding, non destructive testing…)

      • General requirements relative to Mechanical, Electrical, Fabrication and other engineering competencies.

      • Occupational and Operational Health and Safety provisions (including, but not limited to applicable legislation appertaining to the controlled use of substances hazardous to health and safety).

      • Environmental provisions

      • Details of the task to be carried out as a minimum:

        • Disassembly/assembly instructions

        • Maintenance criteria

        • Checks and tests

        • Parts required to undertake the task

        • Consumables required to undertake the task

      • Tests and procedures to be undertaken after each maintenance operation before putting into service.

      • Traceability and Records.

      • Troubleshooting (fault diagnosis) manual

        Including functional and schematic diagrams of the systems. of the Maintenance File.

In the case where Railway Undertakings carry out maintenance on the Rolling Stock they use, the Railway Undertaking shall ensure processes are in place to manage the maintenance and operational integrity of the Rolling Stock, including:

  • Information in the Rolling Stock Register,

  • Asset Management, including records of all Maintenance undertaken and due on the Rolling Stock (which shall be subject to specified time periods for differing levels of archive storage).

  • Software where relevant.

  • Procedures for the receipt and processing of specific information related to the operational integrity of Rolling Stock, arising as a result from any circumstance including but not limited to operational or Maintenance incidents, that have a potential to affect the safety integrity of Rolling Stock.

  • Procedures for the identification, generation and dissemination of specific information related to the operational integrity of Rolling Stock, arising as a result from any circumstance including but not limited to operational or Maintenance incidents, with a potential to affect the safety integrity of Rolling Stock, and which is identified during any Maintenance activity.

  • Operational duty profiles of Rolling Stock. (including, but not limited to Tonne kilometres and total kilometres).

  • Processes for the protection and validation of such systems.

In accordance with the provisions of Directive 2004/49 Annex III, the Safety Management System of the Railway Undertaking must demonstrate that suitable maintenance arrangements are in place, thereby ensuring on-going compliance with the essential requirements and the requirements of this TSI including the requirements of the Maintenance File.

In the case of entities other than the Railway Undertaking using the Rolling Stock being responsible for the maintenance of the Rolling Stock used, the Railway Undertaking using the Rolling Stock must ascertain that all relevant maintenance processes are in place and are actually applied. This must also be suitably demonstrated within the Safety Management System of the Railway Undertaking.

The entity responsible for the maintenance of the wagon shall ensure that reliable information about maintenance processes and data specified to be made available in the TSIs are available for the operating RU, and demonstrate on request of the operating RU that these processes ensure the compliance of the wagon with the Essential Requirements of Directive 2001/16/EC as modified by Directive 2004/50/EC.



In the light of the essential requirements in Section 3, the functional and technical specifications of the interfaces are arranged by subsystem in the following order:

  • Control and command and signalling subsystem

  • Traffic operation and management subsystem

  • Telematics applications for freight services subsystem

  • Infrastructure subsystem

  • Energy subsystem.

    An additional interface has been identified with the following Council Directive:

  • The Council Directive 96/49/EC and its Annex (RID)

An interface also exists with the Conventional Rail Noise TSI.

For each of these interfaces, the specifications are arranged in the same order as in Section 4.2, as follows:

  • Structures and mechanical parts

  • Vehicle track interaction and gauging

  • Braking

  • Communication

  • Environmental conditions

  • System protection

  • Maintenance

The following list is endorsed to indicate which subsystems are identified as having an interface basic parameters of this TSI: Structures and mechanical parts (section 4.2.2):

    • Interface (e. g. Coupling) between vehicles, between set of Vehicles and between trains (section Traffic operation and management subsystem and Infrastructure subsystem

    • Safe access and egress for rolling stock (section Traffic operation and management subsystem

    • Strength of Main Vehicle Structure (section Infrastructure subsystem

    • Service (fatigue) Loads (section No interfaces identified.

    • Stiffness of the main vehicle structure (section No interfaces identified.

    • Securing of Freight (section Traffic operation and management subsystem

    • Doors closing and locking (section No interfaces identified

    • Marking of freight wagons (section Traffic operation and management subsystem

    • Dangerous goods (section Traffic operation and management subsystem and The Council Directive 96/49/EC and its Annex RID

  • Vehicle track interaction and gauging (section 4.2.3):

    • Kinematic gauge (section Infrastructure subsystem

    • Static axle load, dynamic wheel load and linear load (section (Control command and signalling subsystem and Infrastructure subsystem)

    • Rolling stock parameters, which influence ground based train monitoring systems (section Control command and signalling subsystem

    • Vehicle dynamic behaviour (section (Infrastructure subsystem)

    • Longitudinal compressive forces (section Traffic operation and management subsystem and Infrastructure subsystem

  • Braking (section 4.2.4):

    • Braking performance section Control command and signalling subsystem and Traffic operation and management subsystem

  • Communication (section 4.2.5):

    • Vehicle capability to transmit information from vehicle to vehicle (section Not yet applicable to freight wagons

    • Vehicle capability to transmit information between ground and vehicle (section No interfaces identified

  • Environmental conditions (section 4.2.6)

    • Environmental conditions (section Traffic operation and management subsystem and Infrastructure subsystem

    • Aerodynamic effects (section Traffic operation and management subsystem

    • Cross winds (section Traffic operation and management subsystem

  • System protection (section 4.2.7):

    • Emergency Measures (section Traffic operation and management subsystem

    • Fire safety (section Infrastructure subsystem

    • Electrical protection (section No interfaces identified

  • Maintenance

    • Maintenance file (section 4.2.8):Traffic operation and management subsystem and Noise TSI

4.3.2.CONTROL AND COMMAND AND SIGNALLING SUBSYSTEM – axle load, dynamic wheel load and linear load (section

Section of this TSI specifies the minimum axle loads. The corresponding specifications are laid down in the Control and Command and Signalling TSI Annex A Appendix 1 section 3.1.

The Control and Command and Signalling TSI specifies the maximum axle distance in order to satisfy the requirement for track circuits. The corresponding specifications are laid down in the Control and Command and Signalling TSI Annex A Appendix 1 section 2.1.

Wheels are specified in section The corresponding specifications are laid down in the Control and Command and Signalling TSI section 4.2.11. stock parameters which influence ground based train monitoring systems

  • Hot axle box detectors (see section (To be specified at the next revision of this TSI.). The corresponding specification is laid down in the Control and Command and Signalling TSI section 4.2.10.

  • Electrical detection of the wheelset (section Requirements for electrical detection of the wheelset are described in the Control and Command and Signalling TSI Annex A Appendix 1 section 3.5.

  • Rolling Stock compatibility with Train Detection Systems

    The corresponding specifications are laid down in the Control and Command and Signalling TSI section 4.2.11. performance

The Control Command and Signalling TSI Annex A index 4 might specify the maximum number of steps of the deceleration curve (see b)).


Interfaces to the traffic and operation management subsystem are in consideration (references to this TSI are open points). between vehicles, between sets of vehicles and between trains

The Traffic Operation and Management TSI or national operating rules for shunting, specify shunting speeds in accordance with the energy absorption capability of the buffers specified in section 4.2.

The Traffic Operation and Management TSI specifies the maximum train mass considering the geographical conditions in accordance with the strength of the coupler specified in section 4.2. closing and locking

No interface. of freight

  • Loading rules are required to specify how freight wagons are to be loaded, taking account of the way the freight wagon has been designed to carry particular goods. of freight wagons.

The Traffic Operation and Management TSI determines the specifications related to vehicle numbering. goods

The traffic operation and management subsystem TSI shall specify that when freight wagons carrying dangerous goods are included in a train consist, the train configuration shall comply with the requirements of the Council Directive 96/49/EC and its Annex in their valid version. compressive forces

With respect to longitudinal compressive forces, the TSI Traffic and Operation Management Subsystem determines operational requirements for:

  • driving trains

  • drivers handling of trains including braking in various line conditions

  • banking and shunting of trains due to lines and network

  • coupling and handling special types of vehicles (Road-Railer™, Kombirail) in trains

  • locomotives distributed in the train performance

The method of calculating the deceleration profile for a new wagon is described in this TSI by using its technical vehicle parameters.

The method of calculating braking power of a train under service conditions will be described in the Traffic Operation and Management TSI.

The traffic operation and management TSI will define rules for dealing with the following subjects:

  • Marshalling of trains

  • Deactivating the brake, releasing the brake and selecting the brake-mode

  • Communicating to the train crew and ground staff the means and conditions for parking of wagons.

  • Reducing speed according to actual adhesion conditions on a line

  • Making available scotches beside the tracks where it is necessary. The freight wagons shall not be required to carry scotches.

  • Dealing with degraded mode, especially for short trains

  • Testing the brake (operational inspection)

  • Isolating the brake of a wagon with excessive deceleration rate compared to the remainder of the train.

No interface. Capability to transmit information between ground and vehicle

No interface. Conditions

When a limit of the climactic conditions defined in section of this TSI is exceeded, the system is in a degraded mode. In this case operational restrictions shall be considered and information given to the Railway Undertaking or train driver. Regarding temperature the rolling stock register and infrastructure register give the values for normal operation. effects

To be specified at the next revision of this TSI. winds

To be specified at the next revision of this TSI. Measures

The Traffic Operation and Management TSI will specify that emergency arrangements and rescue plans shall be set up. The associated instructions shall include details of how to re-rail vehicles, and procedures to make damaged vehicles safe for movement. Railway undertakings shall also consider how their own staff and the staff of the civil emergency authorities are to be trained, including practical simulation exercises.

The Instructions for dealing with emergency situations shall take account of the risks to which the emergency response staff may be exposed, and give details of how those risks are to be managed. Details of risks arising from the design of the Freight Wagon and advice on how to mitigate such risks shall be given to the Railway Undertaking to enable comprehensive instructions to be written, by or on behalf of the freight wagon designer or builder.

These instructions shall also include a list of parameters that need to be checked on damaged or derailed freight wagons in a degraded situation. Safety

Information to the drivers from the Infrastructure manager

Provide rules and rescue plan for operation in case of fire.


There are no interfaces between the two subsystems.


To be specified at a later stage, once the infrastructure subsystem TSI is available.

Interface between vehicles, between sets of vehicles and between trains

Strength of Main Vehicle Structure and Securing of Freight

Kinematic gauge

Static axle load, dynamic wheel load and linear load

Vehicle dynamic behaviour

Longitudinal compressive forces

Environmental Conditions

Fire protection


There are no interfaces between the two subsystems.


All special regulations concerning the transport of dangerous goods are fixed in the Council Directive 96/49/EC and its Annex (RID) in their valid version. All derogations, restrictions and exemptions are also listed in section II of the Council Directive 96/49/EC in its valid version.


To ensure ongoing adherence to the levels set in the Conventional Rail Noise TSI (see its section 4.5), wagons shall be appropriately maintained.

The Maintenance File defined in section 4.2.8 shall include the relevant measures to deal with wheel tread defects.


For TRIV wagon the environmental conditions (see § of the TSI) low temperatures (-25 oC to –40 oC) and/or conditions of snow/ice shall be taken carefully into account in the design phase of rolling stock. Even if this is done, a lower level of functionality sometimes has to be accepted and managed during operation. This shall be compensated for by the use of operational procedures to ensure the same overall safety level. It is also important that operators have the necessary qualifications or skills for operating under those conditions.


In light of the essential requirements in Section 3, the maintenance rules specific to the rolling stock freight wagon subsystem concerned by this TSI are described in subsections:

  • Safe access and egress for rolling stock

  • Strength of main vehicle structure and securing of freight

  • Doors closing and locking

  • Dangerous goods

  • Kinematic gauge

  • Vehicle dynamic behaviour

  • Maintenance rules

  • Longitudinal compressive forces

  • Vehicle capability to transmit information between ground and vehicle

  • Fire safety

and in particular in subsection

  • 4.2.8 Maintenance.

The maintenance rules shall be such as to enable the wagon to pass the assessment criteria specified in Section 6 throughout its lifetime.

The party responsible for the management of the maintenance file as defined in Section 4.2.8 shall define the tolerances and intervals appropriately to ensure ongoing compliance. It is also responsible for deciding the in-service values when not specified in this TSI.

This means the assessment procedures described in Chapter 6 of this TSI shall be fulfilled for type approval, and are not necessarily appropriate for maintenance. Not all tests may be made at every maintenance event and those that are may be subject to wider tolerances.

The combination of the above assures continuous compliance with the essential requirements through the life of the vehicle.


The professional qualifications required for the operation of the Conventional Rail Rolling Stock subsystem will be covered by the TSI Traffic Operation and Management.

The competence requirements for the maintenance of the Conventional Rail Rolling Stock subsystem shall be detailed in the maintenance plan (see section 4.2.8). As activities related to maintenance level 1 are not in the scope of this TSI, but in the one of the TSI Traffic Operation and Management, professional qualifications associated with these activities are not specified in this TSI Rolling Stock.


Apart from requirements specified in the maintenance plan (see section 4.2.8) in this TSI, there are no additional requirements to applicable European regulations and existing national regulations compatible with European ones on health and safety for maintenance or operations staff.

Activities related to maintenance level 1 are not in the scope of this TSI, but in the TSI Traffic Operation and Management. Health and safety conditions at work associated with these activities are not specified in this TSI Rolling Stock.



The Infrastructure Register shall contain the following mandatory data as listed in Annex KK.

The requirements for the conventional rail infrastructure register content with regard to the subsystem Rolling Stock are specified in subsection (environmental conditions). The infrastructure manager is responsible for the correctness of the data provided for inclusion in the infrastructure register.


The Rolling Stock Register shall contain the following mandatory data for all freight wagons, which are in accordance with this TSI as listed in Annex H.

If the Member State of registration changes, the contents of the Rolling Stock Register for that wagon shall be passed from the original State of registration to the new State of registration.

The data contained in the Rolling Stock Register is required by:

  • The Member State to confirm that the freight wagon meets the requirements in accordance with this TSI

  • The Infrastructure Manager to confirm that the freight wagon is compatible with the infrastructure over which it is intended to operate

  • The Railway Undertaking to confirm that the freight wagon is suitable for its traffic requirements.

In the territory of all Member States, the requirements applicable in neighbouring third countries are applied to freight wagons arriving from or going to these third countries, subject to the additional requirements which define minimum criteria of the interfaces between the freight wagons and the infrastructure and the interfaces of these freight wagons to locomotives.

Where the data which is available concerning these freight wagons is less than required for the Rolling Stock Register, the Railway Undertaking shall put in place arrangements to ensure that the vehicles are safe to operate on the TSI-compliant infrastructure.



According to Article 2(d) of Directive 2001/16/EC:

Interoperability constituents are “any elementary component, group of components, subassembly or complete assembly of equipment incorporated or intended to be incorporated into a subsystem upon which the interoperability of the trans-European conventional rail system depends directly or indirectly. The concept of a constituent covers both tangible objects and intangible objects such as software”.

Interoperability constituents described in section 5.3 are constituents, whose technology, design, material, manufacturing and assessment processes are defined and enable their specification and assessment.


As announced in section 4.1 of this TSI, innovative solutions may require new specification and/or new assessment methods. These specifications and assessment methods shall be developed by the process described in sections (and


The interoperability constituents are covered by the relevant provisions of Directive 2001/16/EC and are listed below.




Draw gear

Decals for Markings



Bogie and Running Gear







Relay valve for variable load/Automatic empty-load change over brake

Wheel slide protection device

Slack adjuster

Brake cylinder/actuator

Pneumatic half coupling

End Cock

Isolating device for distributor

Brake pad

Brake blocks

Brake Pipe Emptying Accelerator valve

Automatic load sensing & empty/load changeover device









The specifications of the interoperability constituent buffers are described in section buffers, paragraph “buffer characteristics”.

The interfaces of the interoperability constituents “buffers” are described in for traffic operation and management and in for infrastructure. Gear

The specifications of the interoperability constituent draw gear are described in section draw gear, paragraph “draw gear characteristics” and section interaction of draw- and buffing-gear, paragraph “draw gear and buffing gear characteristics”.

The interfaces of the interoperability constituents draw gear are described in for traffic operation and management and in for infrastructure. for Markings

Where markings are achieved by using decals, these are Interoperability Constituents. These markings are specified in Annex B


The integrity of the structure of the bogie and running gear is important for the safe operation of the railway system.

The loading environment of the bogie and running gear is determined by

  • the maximum speed

  • static track features (alignment, track gauge, cant, rail inclination, track irregularities)

  • dynamic track features (horizontal and vertical track stiffness and track damping)

  • wheel/rail contact parameters (Wheel and rail profile, track gauge)

  • wheel defects (e.g. wheel flats, out of roundness)

  • mass, inertia and stiffness of car body, bogies and wheelsets

  • suspension characteristic of the vehicles

  • distribution of the payload

  • braking performance.

The specifications of the interoperability constituents bogie and running gear are described in, and Vehicle Track Interaction and Gauging.

It is permissible for bogies to be used in other application without further validation (testing) provided the range of applicable parameters in the new application (including those of the vehicle body) remain within the range already proved.

In order to ensure safe operation of the bogies and running gear, they shall be designed to withstand the loading environment expected during their operation. In particular, the bogies and running gear shall be compliant with the test conditions detailed in section 6.

The list containing bogie designs that at the time of publication are already considered to meet the requirements of this TSI for some applications is attached in Annex Y.

The Interfaces of the interoperability constituent bogie and running gear with the subsystem Control and Command and Signalling relative to the spacing of the axles are described in Static axle load, dynamic wheel load and linear load.

Freight wagons shall be designed such that operating through curves, on ramps and with access on ferry boats is possible without contact between bogies and car body. The side bearers of the bogie wagons shall have sufficient overlap in the smallest curve radius for which the wagon has been designed. If the wagon is only capable of operating on a smaller ferry boat angle than 2,5 degrees, then the marking according to Annex B, Fig. B 25, shall be applied. If the wagon is only capable of operating on a bigger curve radius than 35 m, then the marking according to Annex B, Fig. B 24, shall be applied.

Track Interaction and Gauging Braking and System protection.

The detailed specification is described in section Electrical resistance, in section energy limits (in braking) in Annex K and in Annex E, which includes example solutions in some elements.

A complete functional specification of the IC wheelset is deferred until the next revision of this TSI

The Interfaces of the interoperability constituent wheelset with the subsystem Control and Command and Signalling are described in Static axle load, dynamic wheel load and linear load.

The detailed specification is described in Annex L, which includes example solutions in some elements and Annex E.

A complete functional specification of the IC wheel is deferred until the next revision of this TSI.

The Interfaces of the interoperability constituent wheel with the subsystem Control and Command and Signalling are described in Static axle load, dynamic wheel load and linear load.

The detailed specification is described in Annex M, which includes example solutions in some elements.

A complete functional specification of the IC axles is deferred until the next revision of this TSI.

The Interfaces of the interoperability constituent axle wheelset with the subsystem Control and Command and Signalling are described in Static axle load, dynamic wheel load and linear load.

5.4.3.BRAKING approved at the time of publication of this TSI

The list containing brake system and brake constituent designs that at the time of publication are already considered to meet the requirements of this TSI for some applications is attached in Annex FF.

The functional specification of the interoperability constituent distributor is described in Braking Performance Elements and Air Supply.

The interfaces of the interoperability constituent are described in Annex I section I.1. valve for variable load/Automatic empty-load change over brake

The functional specification of the interoperability constituent relay valve for variable load/Automatic empty/load changeover brake is described in Braking Performance Elements and Air Supply.

The interfaces of the interoperability constituent is are described in Annex I section I.2. slide protection device

The functional specification of the interoperability constituent wheel slide protection device is described in wheel slide protection and Air Supply.

The specification of the interoperability constituent is described in Annex I section I.3. adjuster

The functional specification of the interoperability constituent slack adjuster is described in Mechanical Components.

The specification of the interoperability constituent is described in Annex I section I.4. cylinder/actuator

The functional specification of the interoperability constituent brake cylinder/actuator is described in Braking Performance Elements, Parking Brake, Energy Limits and Air Supply.

The specification of the interoperability constituent is described in Annex I section I.5. half coupling

The specification of the interoperability constituent is described in Annex I section I.6. Cock

The specification of the interoperability constituent is described in Annex I section I.7 device for distributor

The specification of the interoperability constituent is described in Annex I section I.8 pad

The specification of the interoperability constituent is described in Annex I section I.9 blocks

The specification of the interoperability constituent is described in Annex I section I.10 Pipe Emptying Accelerator valve

The specification of the interoperability constituent is described in Annex I section I.11 load sensing & empty/load changeover device

The specification of the interoperability constituent is described in Annex I section I.12




The assessment procedure for conformity or suitability for use of interoperability constituents shall be based on European specifications or specifications approved in accordance with Directive 2001/16/EC.

In the case of suitability for use, these specifications will indicate all the parameters to be measured, monitored or observed, and will describe the related testing methods and measuring procedures, whether in a test-bench simulation or tests in a real railway environment.

The manufacturer of an Interoperability Constituent (IC) or his authorised representative established within the Community shall draw up an EC declaration of conformity or an EC declaration of suitability for use in accordance with Article 13.1 and Annex IV of the Directive 2001/16/EC before placing ICs on the market.

The assessment procedures for conformity of ICs defined in Section 5 of this TSI shall be carried out by application of modules as specified in Section 6.1.2

Assessment of conformity or suitability for use of an IC shall be carried out by a notified body, when indicated in the procedure, with which the manufacturer or its authorised representative in the Community has lodged the application

The modules shall be combined and used selectively according to the particular constituent.

The modules are defined in Annex Q of this TSI.

The phases for the application of the conformity and suitability for use assessment procedures for the interoperability constituents as defined in Section 5 of this TSI are indicated in Annex Q, Table Q.1 to this TSI.


For the conformity assessment procedure of interoperability constituents within the rolling stock subsystem, the manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the Community may choose:

  1. a)

    the type-examination procedure (module B) for the design and development phase in combination with a module for the production phase: either the production quality management system procedure (module D), or the product verification procedure (module F),

or alternatively

  1. b)

    the full quality management system with design examination procedure (module H2) for all phases,


  1. c)

    the full quality management system procedure (module H1)

Module D may only be chosen where the manufacturer operates a quality system for production, final product inspection and testing approved and surveyed by a notified body of its choice. Assessment of welding processes shall be carried out according to national rules.

Module H1 or H2 may only be chosen where the manufacturer operates a quality system for design, production, final product inspection and testing, approved and surveyed by a notified body of its choice.

The conformity assessment shall cover the phases and characteristics as indicated by “X” in the Table Q1 of Annex Q to this TSI. solutions for Interoperability Constituents

If a existing solution for an interoperability constituent is already on the European market before this TSI enters into force, then the following process applies.

The manufacturer shall demonstrate that tests and verification of ICs have been considered successful for previous applications under comparable conditions. In this case these assessments shall remain valid in the new application.

In this case, the type can be considered as already approved and an assessment of the type is not necessary.

In accordance with assessment procedures for the different ICs, the manufacturer or its authorised representative established within the Community shall:

  • either apply the internal production control procedure (module A),

  • or apply the internal design control with production verification procedure (module A1),

  • or apply the full quality management system procedure (module H1).

If it is not possible to demonstrate that the solution is positively proven in the past, the Section applies. solutions for Interoperability Constituents

When a solution proposed to be an Interoperability Constituent is innovative, as defined in the section 5.2, the manufacturer shall state the deviation from the relevant section of the TSI. The European Railway Agency shall finalise the appropriate functional and interface specifications of the constituents and develop the assessment methods.

The appropriate functional and interface specifications and the assessment methods shall be incorporated in the TSI by the revision process. As soon as these documents are published, the assessment procedure of the interoperability constituents may be chosen by the manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the Community, as specified in the section

After entry into force of a decision of the Commission, taken in accordance with Article 21(2) of Directive 2001/16/EC, the innovative solution may be used before being incorporated into the TSI. of suitability for use

Whenever an assessment procedure is started based on in-service experience for an interoperability constituent within the rolling stock subsystem, the manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the Community shall apply the type validation of in service experience procedure (module V).

6.1.3.SPECIFICATION FOR ASSESSMENT OF ICS and mechanical parts

The buffers are to be assessed against the specification contained in section buffers paragraph buffer characteristics. Gear

The draw gear shall be assessed against the specification contained in section draw gear, paragraph “draw gear characteristics” and section interaction of draw- and buffing-gear, paragraph “draw gear and buffing gear characteristics”. of Freight Wagons

The decals for marking are to be assessed against the specification contained in Annex B track interaction and gauging and Running Gear

The integrity of the structure of the body to bogie connection, bogie frame, axle-box and all attached equipment shall be assured. This assurance shall be generated by use of sufficient appropriate methods, such as demonstration by bench tests, validated modelling, comparison with an existing design approved by or on behalf of national approval regime, which is used in similar service and condition or other methods.

The test conditions applicable for bogies running on standard gauge track under normal conditions of speed and track quality are defined in Annex J. They represent only the common part of the full range of tests to be performed on all types of bogie frames.

It is not possible to specify tests of a general nature for each specific bogie component, in particular for the axle bearings, the connection between bogie and body, the dampers and the brakes. Such tests shall be drawn up case by case, using the tests defined above as a guide. The objectives and the parameter definitions of the tests already specified are detailed below.

This remark also applies to the case of bogie frames intended for service on track with a different gauge, or under clearly different operating conditions, or bogies with a novel design.

The three tests described in Annex J Sections J1, J2 and J3 have been defined in order to:

  • optimise the construction of the bogie frame (weight, speed)

  • supplement the information obtained from calculations

  • ensure that the bogie frames are suitable for withstanding the in-service loads without the occurrence of permanent deformation or cracks that would reduce safety or result in high maintenance costs.

If there is no comparable solution available, experience has shown that three tests are required: two static tests (Annex J sections J1 and J2), and one dynamic test (Annex J section J3).

The two static tests shall be performed first; they allow, in particular, for any bogies that do not meet the minimum strength requirements to be rejected.

The dynamic test (fatigue test) is designed to verify whether the bogie design is sound, and whether fatigue cracks might be expected to occur in service.

The load values that have been used for the definition of the tests have been derived in particular from running tests.

The tests in Annex J section J1 are considered to represent the maximum loads that can occur in service, without taking the loads due to accidents into account.

The tests in Annex J sections J2 and J3 are considered to represent, on average, the aggregate total of variable loads occurring during the bogie service life.

The number of cycles in the fatigue test was selected to simulate an overall service life of 30 years at a rate of 100 000 km per year. If this is not representative of the intended life cycle, the load cases shall be revised.

The distribution of these cycles over three distinct load stages was done with a view to optimising bogie frame structures. In particular, the possibility of the occurrence of cracks during the last load stage provides a means to identify the most highly stressed zones, to which special attention shall be paid during manufacture, production testing and maintenance operations.

To ensure the validity of the tests defined in Annex J sections J1, J2 and J3, particular attention shall be paid to their practical implementation. In particular: -

For the static tests of Annex J sections J1 and J2, the bogie frames shall be equipped with uni-directional strain gauges in those locations where stresses occur with a single clearly defined direction; in all other locations tri-directional strain gauges (rosettes) shall be used.

The active part of these gauges shall not exceed 10 mm.

Strain gauges and strain rosettes are attached to the bogie frame at all highly stressed points, in particular in zones of stress concentration.

The test set-up shall be defined so as to reproduce the forces acting on the bogie frame, and its deformation, as they occur in service. Particular attention shall be paid to the transmission of the vertical and transverse loads that in certain cases are distributed over several elements (e.g. pivot, springs, stops...).

The static tests shall be performed on a complete bogie, equipped with its suspension. In most cases, this arrangement is not feasible for the fatigue test for practical reasons; a separate study shall be conducted to define the test set-up.

The bogie frames used for the three tests shall be complete, and equipped with all their connecting elements (for dampers, brakes, etc.). They shall conform fully to the production drawings, and they shall have been manufactured under the same conditions as series-produced bogie frames.

If cracks or fractures occur during the fatigue test, originating from manufacturing defects that were not detected during the preceding static testing of the bogie frame, the test shall be repeated with another frame. If the defects are confirmed, the design shall be considered as unsatisfactory.

The assessment of the wheelset is described in Annex K.

The assessment of the design and of the product is described in Annex L.

The assessment of the design and of the product is described in Annex M.

See Annex P.



At the request of the contracting entity or its representative established in the Community, the notified body carries out EC verification in accordance with annex VI of the Directive 2001/16/EC.

If the contracting entity can demonstrate that tests or verifications related to the Conventional Rail Rolling Stock Subsystem have been considered successfully for any previous application, these assessments shall be taken into account in the conformity assessment.

Modified freight wagons changed within the limits given in Annex II shall not require a new conformity assessment.

The impact of weight change on safety critical components, safety related components, the interaction between infrastructure and the freight wagon, and on classification for line categories according to, must in all cases be considered.

As far as specified in this TSI, the EC verification of the Conventional Rail Rolling Stock Subsystem shall take into account its interfaces with other subsystems of the Conventional Rail System.

The contracting entity shall draw up the EC declaration of verification for the Rolling Stock Subsystem in accordance with Article 18 (1) and Annex V of Directive 2001/16/EC.


The Modules to choose for the verification procedures are defined in Annex AA.

For the verification procedure of the requirements of Freight wagons, as specified in section 4, the contracting entity or its authorised representative established within the Community may chose the following modules:

  1. a)

    the Type Examination procedure (module SB) for the design and development phase, in combination with a module for the production phase either:

    • the Production Quality Management System procedure (module SD),

    • or the Product Verification (module SF);


  2. b)

    the Full quality Management System with Design Examination procedure (module SH2).

The module SD may only be chosen where the contracting entity, or the main contractors when involved, operate a quality management system for manufacture, final production inspection and testing, approved and surveyed by a Notified Body of his/their choice. Assessment of welding processes shall be carried out according to national rules.

The module SH2 may only be chosen where the contracting entity, or the main contractors when involved, operate a quality management system for design, manufacture, final production inspection and testing, approved and surveyed by a Notified Body of his/their choice.

The following additional requirements shall be taken into account for the use of the modules:

  • Module SB: with reference to section 4.3 of the module, a design review is requested,

  • For the production phase, modules SD, SF and SH2: the application of these Modules shall enable the conformity of the wagons with the approved type as described in the type examination certificate. In particular, the application shall demonstrate that the manufacture and the assembly are realised with the same components and the same technical solutions as the approved type. solutions

When a freight wagon includes an innovative solution, as defined in section 4.1, the manufacturer or the contracting entity shall state the deviation from the relevant section of the TSI.

The European Railway Agency shall finalise the appropriate functional and interface specifications of this solution and develop the assessment methods.

The appropriate functional and interface specifications and assessment methods shall be incorporated in the TSI by the revision process. As soon as these documents are published, the assessment procedure for the freight wagon may be chosen by the manufacturer or the contracting entity or his authorised representative established within the Community, as specified in the section.

After entry into force of a decision of the Commission, taken in accordance with Article 21(2) of Directive 2001/16/EC, the innovative solution may be used before being incorporated into the TSI. of Maintenance

According to article 18.3 of the Directive 2001/16/EC, the Notified Body shall compile the Technical File, which includes the Maintenance File.

The conformity assessment of maintenance is in the responsibility of each member state concerned. The Annex DD (which remains an open point) describes the procedure by which each member state ascertains that maintenance arrangement meet the provisions of this TSI and ensure the respect of the basic parameters and essential requirements during the subsystem lifetime.

6.2.3.SPECIFICATIONS FOR ASSESSMENT OF THE SUBSYSTEM and Mechanical Parts of main vehicle structure and Securing of Freight

Validation of the design shall follow the requirements of Section 6 of EN12663.

The test programme shall include a shunting impact test as defined in Annex Z if no demonstration of structural integrity by calculation has been performed.

Where tests have previously been carried out on similar components or sub-systems it is not necessary to repeat the tests, provided a clear safety justification showing the applicability of the earlier tests can be provided. track interaction and gauging dynamic behaviour of the partial type approval procedure

When a wagon has already been type approved, modifications of certain of its characteristics (see section or of the conditions of its operation that affect its dynamic behaviour may require an additional test. of new wagons

When new wagons have to be approved by commissioning tests, these tests shall be done by:

  1. 1)

    measurement of wheel/rail forces


  1. 2)

    measurement of accelerations


  1. 3)

    validated modelling


  1. 4)

    comparison with existing vehicles

The precise limit values will vary according to the testing and analysis method used. from dynamic behaviour test for wagons to built or converted to run up to 100km/h or 120km/h

Freight wagons are permitted to run up to 100km/h or 120km/h without having to pass the dynamic behaviour test if they meet the following conditions defined in

  • Longitudinal Compression Forces

  • Static axle load, dynamic wheel load and linear load

and if they are fitted with a suspension or bogie listed below.

Two axle wagons

Freight wagons shall be fitted with type of suspensions listed in Annex Y in the table relating to two axle wagons.

Wagons with two-axle bogies

The freight wagons shall be fitted with types of bogies or variants provided that the modifications with respect to the basic type only affect elements that cannot influence the dynamic behaviour. These bogies are listed in Annex Yin the two tables relating to wagons with two axle bogies.

Wagons with three-axle bogies

The freight wagons shall be fitted with types of bogies or variants provided that the modifications with respect to the basic type only affect elements, which cannot influence the dynamic behaviour. These bogies are listed in Annex Yin the table relating to wagons with three axle bogies. . compressive forces for freight wagons with side buffers

When it is necessary to require the certification of the admissible longitudinal compressive force by tests, then the tests have to be carried out according to the method described in Annex R, at least with the measurement areas given in this Annex. the freight wagons

Evidence shall be provided by measuring the freight wagon underframes and bogies that deviations from the nominal dimensions are within the permissible tolerances (EN 13775 part 1 to 3 and prEN 13775 parts 4 to 6). performance

The methods to determine the braking power are described in Annex S. Brake System Testing

The tests and limits below apply to wagons fitted with conventional air brakes for freight trains.

These tests shall be performed only with the single pipe mode (the Brake Pipe). Tests with the auxiliary reservoir filled permanently from the Main Reservoir Pipe shall also to be carried out to demonstrate that the brake operation is not adversely affected.

The normal working pressure (regime pressure) of the conventional air brake is 5 bar. These tests shall be performed at this pressure. Additionally sample tests shall be performed to ensure that the operation of the brake is not adversely affected, with a decrease or an increase in this working pressure not exceeding 1 bar.

The tests shall be performed in the “P” and “G” brake modes, when fitted. Where variable or empty load braking systems are fitted, the tests shall be carried out in the “loaded” and “empty” positions to ensure that the operation of the brake is not adversely affected and is compliant with this TSI.

The use of electricity or other means to control the brake is permitted provided the principles of this TSI are retained. The equivalent level of safety shall be demonstrated.

Tests listed in the table below are done based on a separate vehicle when stationary or on a stationary train.

Individual Interoperability Constituents have their design and product assessment described within Annex P.

Pneumatic Brake Characteristics



Limit Value


Fill time of the brake cylinder to 95 % maximum pressure

P Setting

3-5 seconds (3-6 seconds in the case of an empty/load system)

G Setting

18-30 seconds


Release time of the brake cylinder to 0,4 bar pressure

P Setting

15-20 seconds

For a total weight of 70 tonnes or greater, it is permissible for the release time to be 15 to 25 seconds.

G Setting

45-60 seconds

In the case of brakes with pneumatically-controlled devices for the variation of the braking power, the release time is the time which must elapse before a pressure of 0,4 bar is seen in the relay control chamber (pilot pressure)


Reduction in brake pipe pressure required to obtain maximum brake cylinder pressure

1,5 ± 0,1 bar


Maximum brake cylinder pressure

3,8 ± 0,1 bar



The insensitivity of the brake to slow decreases in brake pipe pressure, shall be such that the brake is not activated if the normal working pressure drops by 0,3 bar in one minute.

The sensitivity of the brake to decreases in brake pipe pressure shall be such that the brake is activated within 1,2 seconds if the normal working pressure drops by 0,6 bar in 6 seconds.

Brake does not activate with a 0,3 bar drop in one minute.

Brake activates within 1,2 seconds with a 0,6 bar drop in 6 seconds.


Brake pipe leakage from a starting pressure of 5 bar

0,2 bar maximum pressure loss in 5 minutes


Brake cylinder, auxiliary reservoir and control reservoir leakage from a starting Brake Cylinder pressure of 3,8 + or — 0,1 bar from a brake pipe pressure of 0 bar

0,15 bar maximum pressure loss in 5 minutes measured at the auxiliary reservoir.


Manual release of the automatic air brake.

Brake releases


Graduability in application and release variations in brake pipe pressure:

Less or equal to 0,1 bar.


Pressure corresponding to the return to the filling position at the time of brake release

Brake Pipe:

- 0,15 bar below actual running pressure

Brake cylinder:

<0,3 bar


Automatic air brake indicator

Ensure the indicator reflects the brake state — applied or released


Slack adjuster to be tested by creating an excessive brake friction pair gap and demonstrating that repeated application/release cycles restore correct clearance

Design brake friction pair pad/block clearance


Compliance to design brake pad/block loads

Brake pad/block loads shall comply with design


Brake rigging shall be free to move and allow brake pads/blocks to clear the brake discs/wheels in the released state and not reduce application forces below design

Brake rigging shall be free


Parking brake components shall be free moving and lubricated if required

Free movement: ensure that it applies and releases without binding.


Control and Performance of the parking brake shall be such that with 500 N force applied to the end of a brake lever or tangentially to a hand wheel rim, the parking brake is fully applied.

500 N input force


Manual release of the parking brake

Parking Brake releases


Parking brake indicator shall reflect state of brake

Indicator shall accurately show the brake state — applied or released

Notes on Table above:


The timings shall be obtained from an emergency application on a single vehicle. Following inshot to approximately 10 % of the final brake cylinder pressure, the increase in pressure shall be progressive. The filling time begins when air commences to fill the cylinder and ends when the pressure reaches 95 % of the final value, and shall be as stated.


At the time of full and continuous release of the brake on a separate vehicle following an emergency application, the pressure in the brake cylinder shall fall progressively. The release time, measured from when air commences to be exhausted from the cylinder, to when the pressure reaches 0,4 bar shall be as stated.


In order to obtain maximum brake cylinder pressure, the brake pipe pressure shall be reduced by 1,4 to 1,6 bar below the regime pressure.


The maximum brake cylinder pressure obtained from a reduction in brake pipe pressure of 1,4 to 1,6 bar shall be 3,7 to 3,9 bar.


The insensitivity of the brake to slow decreases in brake pipe pressure, shall be such that the brake is not activated if the normal working pressure drops by 0,3 bar in one minute.

The sensitivity of the brake to decreases in brake pipe pressure shall be such that the brake is activated within 1,2 seconds if the normal working pressure drops by 0,6 bar in 6 seconds.


After charging the brake pipe to 5 bar, isolate the brake pipe, allow time for settlement and then ensure leakage does not exceed that stated.


After an emergency braking, with a brake pipe pressure of 0 bar, start measuring after the stabilisation period and ensure overall leakage does not exceed that stated.


The brake shall have a device enabling manual brake release.


The brake shall be such that the pressure in the brake cylinder continuously follows the variations in the brake pipe pressure. A pressure variation of +/- 0,1 bar in the brake pipe shall cause the distributor to change the brake cylinder pressure correspondingly.

For one value of brake pipe pressure, the brake cylinder pressure shall not vary by more than 0,1 bar during application and release. (For braking via pneumatically controlled relay valves for braking power variation, the 0,1 bar value applies to the pilot pressure.)


In the case of brakes with relay valves for the variation of the braking power, the pressure of 0,3 bar corresponds to the pressure existing at the pneumatic relay control (pilot reservoir).


Wagons where the automatic air brake application/release state cannot be checked without going underneath the wagon (for example those fitted with axle mounted disc brakes) shall be fitted with an indicator showing the state of the automatic brake.


Correct slack adjuster operation shall be confirmed by creating an excessive brake friction pair gap, demonstrating that repeated application/release cycles restore the correct clearance.


On the first of a series of wagons, the brake pad or block application force shall be measured to confirm that it complies with the design.


Brake rigging shall be free such that the pads/blocks clear the brake discs/wheels in the released state, and application forces are not reduced below design.


Parking brake components, rigging, leadscrews & nuts etc, shall be free moving and lubricated if required by the design.


On the first of a series of wagons, the vehicle retarding force shall be measured resulting from a 500N input force at the end of a parking brake lever, or applied tangentially to a handwheel rim. The force measured shall comply with the design.


The parking brake shall be applied and released manually, not adversely affecting the friction pair gap in the released state.


A parking brake indicator shall be fitted which accurately reflects the status of the parking brake, applied or released.

The tests procedures shall conform to the European standards.

For freight wagons equipped with “R” braking mode specific tests shall be done. These tests shall conform to the European standards. conditions and other environmental conditions

All components and groups of components have to be tested in accordance with requirements given in section 4.2 and 6 and referenced European Standards, taken into account which temperature class specified in section the wagon shall be approved for. environmental conditions

It is sufficient for the supplier to make a declaration of conformity stating how the environmental conditions in the following sections have been taken into account in the design of the wagon:

  • (Altitude)

  • (Humidity)

  • (Rain)

  • (Snow, ice and hail)

  • (Solar radiation)

  • (Resistance to pollution)

The Notified Body shall verify that this declaration exists and that the content is reasonable.

This does not affect specific test requirements regarding environmental conditions given in section 4 or 6. They shall be executed and verified. Those tests shall be referenced in the declaration. effects

Open point to be specified at the next revision of this TSI. winds

Open point to be specified at the next revision of this TSI.



The implementation of the TSIs must take into consideration the overall migration of the conventional rail network towards full interoperability.

In order to support this migration, the TSIs allow for staged, gradual application and co-ordinated implementation with other TSIs.

In the case of this TSI it shall be implemented in close co-ordination with the Noise TSI.


In conformity with article 6(3) of Directive 2001/16/EC as modified by Directive 2004/50/EC, the Agency shall be responsible for preparing the review and updating of TSIs and making appropriate recommendations to the Committee referred to in Article 21 of this directive in order to take account of developments in technology or social requirements. In addition, the progressive adoption and revision of other TSIs may also impact this TSI. Proposed changes to this TSI shall be subject to rigorous review and updated TSIs will be published on an indicative periodic basis of 3 years.

The Agency shall be notified of any innovative solutions under consideration in order to determine its future inclusion within the TSI.


Sections 2 to 6 and any specific provisions in paragraph 7.7 below apply in full to new freight wagons being placed into service, with the following exceptions:

  • the provisions of section (Braking Performance elements) deceleration profile in braking power, for which a date of implementation will be given in future revisions of the TSI.

This TSI does not apply to wagons being subject to a contract already signed or under final phase of tendering procedure before the date of entry into force of this TSI.



Existing freight wagons are freight wagons that are already in service before this TSI enters into force.

The TSI does not apply to existing rolling stock as long as it is not renewed or upgraded.


Upgraded or renewed freight wagons requiring new authorisation for placing into service within the meaning of Directive 2001/16/EC Article 14.3, shall comply with:

  • sections 4.2, 5.3, 6.1.1 and 6.2 and any specific provisions in paragraph 7.7 below, as soon as this TSI comes into force and

The following exceptions shall apply:

  • Hot axle box detection (To be specified at the next revision of this TSI);

  • Deceleration profile in braking power;

  • 4.2.6 Environmental conditions;

  • Aerodynamic effects (T be specified at the next revision of this TSI);

  • Cross winds (To be specified at the next revision of this TSI);

  • 4.2.8 Maintenance file.

For these exceptions, national rules apply.

With regards to wagons operating under the agreements specified in 7.5 below, the conditions to be applied when renewing or upgrading these wagons are those mentioned in the relevant agreements, if any. In the absence of such conditions, this TSI is applicable.


In addition to the general case above for upgraded or renewed freight wagons, all existing interoperable freight wagons are required to comply with the requirements of this TSI with respect to the design of wagon markings from the date of the next overall repainting of the wagon without the intervention of a notified body. A Member State is permitted to define an earlier date of compliance.



Member States shall notify the Commission, within 6 months after the entry into force of this TSI, of the following agreements under which freight wagons related to the scope of this TSI (construction, renewal, upgrading, placing in service, operation and management of wagons as defined in chapter 2 of this TSI) are operated:

  • National, bilateral or multilateral agreements between Member States and Railway Undertakings or Infrastructure Managers, agreed on either a permanent or temporary basis, and required due to the very specific or local nature of the intended transport service;

  • bilateral or multilateral agreements between Railway Undertakings, Infrastructure Managers or between Safety Authorities, which deliver significant levels of local or regional interoperability;

  • international agreements between one or more Member States and at least one third country, or between Railway Undertakings or Infrastructure Managers of Member States and at least one Railway Undertaking or Infrastructure Manager of a third country, which deliver significant levels of local or regional interoperability.

Continued operation/maintenance of wagons covered by these agreements shall be permitted as far as they do comply with Community legislation.

The compatibility of these agreements with EU legislation including their non-discriminatory character and, in particular, this TSI, will be assessed and the Commission will take the necessary measures such as, for example, the revision of this TSI to include possible specific cases or transitional measures.

The RIV Agreement and COTIF instruments shall not be notified.


Any future agreement or modification of existing agreements shall take into account EU legislation and, in particular, this TSI. Member States shall notify the Commission with such agreements/modifications. The same procedure of § 7.5.1 then applies.


In accordance with Article 16(1) of Directive 2001/16/EC, where compliance with the TSIs has been achieved and an EC Declaration of Verification is granted within one Member State for freight wagons, this shall be mutually recognised by all Member States.

When seeking safety certification under article 10 of directive 2004/49 (Part B of the certificate) or authorisation of placing in service under article 14(1) of directive 2001/16, Railway Undertakings may seek certification/authorisation of placing in service for grouped wagons. Wagons may be grouped according to series or type.

Once safety certification or authorisation of placing in service is granted for grouped wagons in one Member State, this shall be mutually recognised by all Member States in order to avoid duplication of safety/interoperability checks by Safety Authorities.

As far as this TSI contains Open Points, authorisation for putting into service will be mutually accepted, except as indicated in Annex JJ.

However, it must be verified that the wagons are operated on compatible infrastructures; this may be done through the use of Infrastructure and Rolling Stock registers.



The following special provisions are permitted in the specific cases below.

These specific cases belong to two categories: the provisions apply either permanently (case “P”), or temporarily (case “T”). In temporary cases, it is recommended that the Member States concerned should conform with the relevant subsystem either by 2010 (case “T1”), an objective set out in Decision No 1692/96/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 1996 on Community guidelines for the development of the trans-European transport network, or by 2020 (case “T2”).


General specific case on the network of 1 524 mm

Member State: Finland

Case “P”:

In the territory of Finland and at Swedish cross-border station Haparanda (1 524 mm), the bogies, wheelsets and other track gauge interfaces related interoperability constituents or/and subsystems built for track gauge 1 524 mm network are only accepted, if they comply with the following mentioned Finnish specific cases for track gauge interfaces. Without prejudice to the above-mentioned restriction (1 524 mm gauge) all the interoperability constituents and/or subsystems complying with the TSI requirements for 1 435 mm track gauge are accepted at Finnish cross-border station Tornio (1 435 mm) and at train-ferry harbours on the tracks for 1 435 mm. and mechanical parts: (e. g. Coupling) between vehicles, between set of vehicles and between trains gauge 1 524 mm

Member State: Finland

Case “P”

For vehicles, which are intended for traffic in Finland, the distance between buffer centrelines is permitted to be 1 830 mm. Alternatively, it is permitted that these wagons be equipped with SA-3 couplers, or SA-3 compatible couplers, with or without side buffers.

For vehicles which are intended for traffic in Finland it is required that where the distance between the buffer centrelines is 1 790 mm, the width of the buffer plates shall be increased by 40 mm towards the outside. gauge 1 520 mm

Member State: Poland, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Hungary

Case “P”

All wagons intended to operate occasionally on 1 520 mm track gauge in Poland and Slovakia on selected 1 520 mm lines, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia shall meet the following requirements:

Each wagon compliant with this TSI for track gauge 1 520 mm and 1 435 mm shall be equipped both with automatic coupler and screw coupling according to one of the following solutions:

  • the kind of coupler can be changed at the border between the 1 435 mm and 1 520 mm networks


  • the wagon can be equipped with buffers and automatic coupler type SA3 and intermediate coupler


  • the wagon can be equipped with hidden buffers and automatic coupler; buffers in advanced position shall allow operating a wagon with screw coupling or intermediate coupler.

Buffers and couplers — version C


Coupler Version D



Buffer and Coupler Version D

Tank wagons for dangerous goods shall be equipped with couplers shock absorber complying with following parameters:

  • dynamic absorption minimum 130 kJ

  • terminal force under quasi-static loading minimum 1 000 kN. gauge 1 520 mm / 1 524 mm

Member State: Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland and Poland

Case “P”

With regards to wagons operating, or intended to operate, in bilateral traffic permanently on 1 520 mm / 1 524 mm lines between Member States and third countries, sections 4 and 5 of this TSI are not applicable. gauge 1 520 mm

Member State: Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia

Case “T”

For wagons operating permanently on 1 520 mm lines between Member States, sections 4 and 5 of this TSI are not applicable until the next revision of this TSI. The next revision shall take into consideration the specific cases as identified from the process given in 7.5.1 of this TSI. gauge 1 668 mm — Distance between buffers centrelines

Member State: Spain and Portugal

Case “P”

For vehicles, which are intended for traffic to Spain or Portugal, it is permissible for the distance between buffer centrelines to be 1 850 mm (± 10 mm). In this case the compatibility with buffers in a standard arrangement shall be demonstrated.

Buffer plates dimensions for two-axle wagons and bogie wagons:

Unified width of buffer plates for wagons which are intended for traffic to Spain or Portugal (distance between centrelines 1 850 mm) shall be 550 mm or 650 mm depending of characteristics of wagons included in applicable national regulations. between vehicles

Member State: Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland

Case “P”

For Ireland, the buffer centres are 1 905 mm apart, and the buffer and draw gear centre heights above the rail must be between 1 067 mm min. and 1 092 mm max with no load on the wagon. To facilitate coupling and uncoupling during shunting, “instantor” link couplings may be permitted on freight wagons (see Annex HH). specific case on the network of 1 000 mm or less

Member state: Greece

Case “T1”:

For the existing isolated 1 000 mm gauge, which is not in the scope of this TSI, national rules shall apply. access and egress for rolling stock access and egress for rolling stock Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland

Member State: Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland

Case “P”

For Ireland, the requirement will be that “steps and handrails where provided will be for access and egress only, and not to permit the shunter to ride on the outside of the vehicle.”

Annex EE is not applicable in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. of main vehicle structure and securing of freight 520 mm gauge lines

Member State: Poland, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Hungary

Case “P”

All wagons intended to operate permanently or occasionally on 1 520 mm track gauge shall meet the following requirements:

Design loads

Longitudinal design loads


Minimal values [kN]

Compressive force at automatic coupler level

3 000

Tractive force at automatic coupler level

2 500

Compressive force at axis at each buffer

1 000

Compressive force applied eccentric (50 mm) from axis at each buffer


Compressive force applied diagonally via side buffers (if fitted)


Vehicles meeting these requirements can be shunted without restriction.

  • Maximum Vertical Load

    Load of a wagon in boundary design condition at 150 % of maximum load shall not cause plastic strain.

    Deflection of a wagon frame related to standstill shall be not more than 3 ‰ of king-pin base.

  • Load combinations

    The structure shall conform to load combinations from the most inconvenient case of vertical load combined with compressive force 3 000 kN at automatic coupler and forces applied to axis at each buffer.

    Vertical, dynamical surplus resulting from reaction inertial force of load on body of a wagon and its horizontal components reacting transversely to track shall be considered by calculation.

    For tank wagons internal pressure, partial vacuum and pressure from hydraulic shock shall be considered in addition.

  • Load during lifting

    Wagon shall be resistant to forces during lifting without plastic strain. Additional points of support under norms to 1 520 mm vehicles should be regarded.

Requirements for dynamic forces applied at automatic coupler

  • General

    A loaded and unloaded freight wagon shall be resistant to the impact of a ram wagon. This shall be demonstrated by a test on a straight track. The weight of the ram wagon shall be equal to at least the weight of the tested wagon. For tests of two-axle wagons a ram wagon of 100 ±3 t is recommended.

    A ram wagon shall be equipped with automatic coupler type SA3 and a coupler shock absorber. The difference between the axes of automatic couplers shall not exceed 50 mm.

    The test shall apply with the following specifications:

    • single test wagon not braked;

    • contra-ram formed by 3 or 4 wagons formed as a group at least 300 t mass.

    The applied force in loaded state shall be 3 000 kN ±10 %.

    The contra ram group of wagons shall be protected against rolling by hand-brake or braking skids.

  • Impact in unloaded state

    The speed of the ram wagon shall be 12 km/h. The tested wagon shall be unbraked.

    Loads shall not cause any plastic deflection. Tensions in selected critical points such as connection bogie/frame, frame/wagon body and superstructure shall be recorded.

  • Impact in loaded state

    The tested wagon shall be loaded with the maximum load.

    The maximum speed of the ram wagon shall be 12 km/h. Impact tests shall start gradually from 2 to 3 km/h.

    The test shall be performed for the following ranges:

    • up to 5 km/h,

    • 5 to 10 km/h,

    • above 10 km/h.

    At least 5 impacts shall be carried out for each speed range. Additionally, 3 impact tests shall be carried out with the impact of a compressive force equals 3 000 kN. This impact force shall be supported by calculation.

    During the tests the permissible impact compressive force shall not exceed the limit of more than 10 %. If a boundary value of 3 000 kN ±10 % is reached just below 12 km/h the speed shall not be increased.

    Additionally in order to simulate long-term sustainability 40 impact test shall be carried out either at 12 km/h or with an impact compressive force of 3 000 kN.

    Loads shall not cause any plastic deflection.

  • Dynamic strength condition during operation of wagons

    Wagons shall be resistant to longitudinal compressive and tractive forces of 1 000 kN at 120 km/h. 668 mm gauge lines — Lifting and jacking

Member State: Spain and Portugal

Case “P”

For two-axle wagons:

  • Provision shall be made to limit the drop of the spring when the wagon is lifted.

    An example of solution is shown in Annex X Plate 3.

  • For lifting by jacks (limited to the “connections” at the maximum), each wagon shall be fitted with four base plates, two under each underframe sole-bar, placed symmetrically in relation to the transverse axis of the wagon.

    This arrangement may also be appropriate for new axle changeover pit facility (including for multiple or articulated wagons with no limitation on number of units).

    Base plates shall have the following dimensions:

    • In the longitudinal direction of the wagon: 150 mm at the maximum.

    • In the transverse direction of the wagon: 100 mm.

    • Thickness: 15 mm.

    They shall be cross-grooved, with the slots parallel and perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the wagons:

    • Groove depth: 5 to 7 mm approximately.

    • Groove width: 4 to 6 mm approximately.

    The wagon infrastructure shall provide for clearance of the wheelsets when the base plates, when in the raised position (with normal lifting jack movement of 800 mm), reach a maximum height of 1 550 mm in relation to rail level.

    Annex X Plate 6 shows the clearances to be provided on wagons for engaging the lifting-jack heads.

For bogie wagons:

  • Bogies with interchangeable axles shall be fitted with a device to limit the descent of the springs on lifting the wagons with their bogies.

    It is recommended that the device shown in Annex X Plate 10 be adopted.

  • The maximum wagon length over buffers may not exceed 24,486 m. The underframe structure shall be capable of bearing the weight of the bogie frames during of lifting in the conditions defined in the next paragraph.

  • The positioning of lifting jacks on work sites shall comply with the diagram shown in Annex X Plate 13.

    The arrangements adopted are appropriate for handling all wagons with an overall length not exceeding 24,48 m.

    The wagon lifting operations shall be effected by simultaneous raising of the underframe and bogie frames. The wagons shall be provided with cables to secure the bogie frames to the body during these operations. Annex X Plate 14 shows the devices fitted to the bogies at 4 points and to the wagon underframe at 8 points, to enable such securing to be carried out at the time of lifting and the cables to be placed in the idle position when not in use.

    Wagon underframes shall be fitted with base plates to the following dimensions:

    • Length in longitudinal direction of wagon: 250 mm minimum.

    • Width in transverse direction of wagon: 100 mm.

    • Thickness: 15 mm.

    The contact surface of base plates shall be grooved in accordance with indications given in paragraph relating to 2-axle wagons.

    The position of the base-plates on the wagon underframes and the clearances to be provided for engaging the lifting jacks noses are represented in Annex X Plate 15. This position is appropriate for new axle-changeover pit installing (also for multiple or articulated wagons with no limitation on the number of units).

    The wagon infrastructure shall provide for clearance of the wheelsets when the base-plates, in the raised position (with normal lifting jack movement of 900 mm), reach a maximum height of 1 650 m in relation to rail level. track interaction and gauging gauge gauge Great Britain

Member State: Great Britain

Case “P”

For wagons intended to run on the British network, see Annex T. 520 mm and 1 435 mm track gauge wagons

Member State: Poland, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia

Case “P”

For wagons intended to run on 1 520 mm and 1 435 mm track gauge, see Annex U. gauge Finland

Member State: Finland

Case “P”

For wagons which are intended only for traffic in Finland and at the Swedish cross-border station Haparanda (1 524 mm), the vehicle gauge shall not exceed the gauge FIN 1 as defined in Annex W. gauge Spain and Portugal

Member State: Spain and Portugal

Case “P”

Passing over vertical transition curves (including marshalling yard humps) and over braking, shunting or stopping devices.

It shall be possible for bogies to negotiate an angle of elevation for access to ferry-boats, whose maximum link-span angle with the horizontal is 2o 30' on 120 m curves.

Passing over curves.

It shall be possible for the wagons to run through curve of 60 m radius for flat wagons and 75 m for other types on standard-gauge track and through curves of 120 m on broad-gauge track. gauge Ireland

Member State: Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland

Case “P”

Dynamic wagon loading gauge:

Freight wagons operating between Ireland and Northern Ireland shall conform to the Iarnród Éireann wagons dynamic loading gauge and the Northern Ireland (GNR) wagons dynamic loading gauge shown on the composite gauge drawing no. 07000/121 Annex HH. Static wagon gauge dimensions indicated on this drawing must also be respected.

Wagon construction:

The maximum construction gauge of the wagons shall be determined in accordance with the national rules. axle load, dynamic wheel load and linear load axle load, dynamic wheel load and linear load Finland

Member State: Finland

Case “P”

For vehicles intended for traffic in Finland, the admissible axle load shall be 22,5 tonnes at the maximum speed of 120 km/h and 25 tonnes at the maximum speed of 100 km/h, when the wheel diameter is between 920 to 840 mm. axle load, dynamic wheel load and linear load Great Britain

Member State: Great Britain

Case “P”

The classification of lines and line sections in Great Britain is carried out according to the Notified National Standard (Railway Group Standard GE/RT8006 “Interface between Rail Vehicle Weights and Underline Bridges”). Vehicles intended to operate in Great Britain shall obtain classification according to this standard.

The classification for the wagon is determined according to the geometrical position and the loads on each axle. axle load, dynamic wheel load and linear load Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia

Member State: Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia

Case “P”

For the vehicle gauge national rules shall be applied. axle load, dynamic wheel load and linear load Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland

Member State: Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland

Case “P”

The static axle load limit for wagons is 15,75 tonnes for the Irish network, but the operation of bogie wagons with 18,8 tonne axle loading is permitted on certain routes. stock parameters which influence ground based train monitoring systems dynamic behaviour

Category “P” — permanent of specific cases of wheel diameter related to various track gauges.


Wheel diameter (mm)

Gauge (mm)

Minimum value (mm)

Maximum value (mm)

Distance between outside surfaces of the flange (SR)

≥ 840

1 520

1 487

1 509

1 524

1 487

1 514

1 602

1 668

1 643

1 659

Distance between inner faces of the flange (AR)

≥ 840

1 520

1 437

1 443

1 524

1 442

1 448

1 602

1 668

1 590

1 596

Width of the rim (BR)

≥ 330

1 520



Thickness of the flange (Sd)

≥ 840

1 520



< 840 and ≥ 330




Height of the flange (Sh)

≥ 760



< 760 and ≥ 630



< 630 and ≥ 330



Face of flange (QR)

≥ 330


Burr value included

Sizes above are indicated as a function of the height of the upper rail level and shall be met by empty or full wagons.

The wheel sets of freight wagons running permanently on 1 520 mm gauge shall be measured in accordance with the wheel set measurement procedure specified for 1 520 mm freight wagons. for wheels:

According to the Nordic climatic conditions, a specific wheel material is generally used in Finland and in Norway. It is similar to ER8 but with a level of manganese and silicon increased to improved properties against shelling. For domestic traffic this material may be used if agreed between the parties. loads cases:

Additional forces shall be used if the parameters of the line generate higher forces.

(e.g.: small curves …) dynamic behaviour Spain and Portugal

Member State: Spain and Portugal

Case “P”

Width of the rim.

In the case of axle designed for 22,5 t loads, use may be made of those whose drawings are given in Annex X Plate 1 and which are derived for the ERRI standard axle design. Additional arrangements shall be made in some cases so as to comply with the gauge of the active surfaces of the wheel flanges of the axle included in the present TSI. dynamic behaviour Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland

Member State: Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland

Case “P”

Rolling stock should be designed to operate safely over a track twist of up to 17o/oo over a 2,7 m base, and up to 4o/oo over a 11,2 m base.

The maximum and minimum values for SR and AR are as follows:


All wheel diameters

1 571 mm min.

1 588 mm max.


All wheel diameters

1 523 mm min

1 524 mm max.


All wheel diameters

127 mm min.

135 mm max.


All wheel diameters

24 mm min

32 mm max.


All wheel diameters

30,5 mm min.

38 mm max.


All wheel diameters

6,5 compressive forces compressive forces Poland and Slovakia in selected 1 520 mm lines, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia

Member State: Poland and Slovakia in selected 1 520 mm lines, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia

Case “P”

Requirements for 1 520 mm gauge wagons for wagons of gauge 1 435 mm to operate on 1 520 mm network.

Countries: Poland and Slovakia in selected 1 520 mm lines, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia

Wagons equipped with automatic couplers shall be resistant to longitudinal compressive and tractive forces of 1 000 kN at 120 km/h. and Running Gear and Running Gear Poland and Slovakia in selected 1 520 mm lines, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia

Member State: Poland and Slovakia in selected 1 520 mm lines, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia

Case “P”

In Poland and Slovakia in selected 1 520 mm lines, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, the requirements for wagons with variable-gauge running gear of 1 435 mm/1 520 mm gauge required to operate on 1 520 mm network are the following.

  1. a)


    For two-axle bogies permissible wheelset spacing shall be between 1 800 mm and 2 400 mm.

    Running gear intended for use on European rail networks of 1 520 mm gauge shall be able to withstand an operating temperature range of - 40 oC to + 40 oC. For Asian 1 520 mm gauge networks, running gear shall be suitable for a temperature range of - 60 oC to + 45 oC and a relative humidity of 0-100 %.

  2. b)

    Running gear frames

    The running gear frame may be welded or cast. The steel used shall be weldable without pre-heating and shall have a minimum tensile strength of 370 N/mm2. The minimum values to be obtained for notched bar impact strength (V notch as specified for ISO test) are summarised in the following table:

    Notched bar impact strength [J]

    -20 oC

    -40 oC

    -60 oC




Proof required for running on 1 520 mm gauge system only. and Running Gear Spain and Portugal

Member State: Spain and Portugal

Case “P”

Overall dimensions of bogie.

Bogies with interchangeable axles shall have a minimum wheelbase of 1,8 m and a distance between suspension planes of 2,17 m. The overall dimensions of the bogie are given in Annex X Plate 7. The overall dimensions thus defined apply to a bogie suitable for S braking conditions. The French and Spanish National Authorities shall be consulted over application of the SS braking conditions.

The height of the pivoting centre shall be 925 mm above rail level and the radius of the pivoting bearing shall be 190 mm as for the standard-gauge bogie. The pivot shall comply with the drawing in Annex X Plate 8.

Axle box for wagon bogies.

Axle boxes shall comply with the drawing shown in Annex X Plate 9.

Retractable safety device linking axle to bogie frame.

Axle boxes shall comprise a safety system enabling the axles to be secured to the bogie frame. Such a device, shown in Annex X Plate 11, shall be retractable during axle changeover operations.


For two-axle wagons:

The diameter of the running tread of new wheels shall be 1 000 mm maximum.

For bogie wagons:

The diameter of the running tread of new wheels shall be 920 mm.


The wheelsets shall bear a serial number, a type number and the owner's mark.

These indications, together with the date (month and year) of the last overhaul of the wheelsets, the code index of the owning or registering railway, and the index of the location which has carried out the overhaul, shall be shown on a floating collar on the axle shaft.

The code number of the owning or registering railway and the date (month and year) of the last overhaul shall be reproduced in white paint on the front of each axle box.

Axle box and guard plates.

The axle boxes, axle guards and spring buckles shall be designed to enable the indications shown in Plate 2 to be respected (the diameter of the hole in the upper side of the axle box shall allow for the use of a ring or stop for adjustment of the suspension, as shown in Annex X).

As the wheel of the broad-gauge axle are quite close to the wagon underframe, a stirrup with 14 or 10 mm axle-guard shall be used: see Plate 18.

It is recommended that use should be made of axle-guard stays that can be removed and assembled quickly. They shall be fixed by means of 2 M-20 × 55 bolts fitted with growed washers. On construction, the distance between hole centres shall be 483 +1/0 mm.

Overall surface area of wheelsets.

The underframes of vehicles shall have a completely unobstructed space, level with each wheel, as shown in Plate 4.

Axle design

The axles shall be capable of supporting the maximum load laid down for lines suitable for 20t axle-loads (lines in category C) or for 22,5t axle-loads (lines in category D). They shall be fitted with roller bearing axle boxes and be interchangeable with existing axles. The new axles shall be designed in accordance with the provisions laid down in the present TSI. The use of automatic variable-gauge wheelsets, which are able to run on both 1 435 mm and 1 668 mm lines, are allowed only with the agreement of Spanish and French competent Authorities for international transport through this latter Member State.. performance performance Great Britain

Member State: Great Britain

Case “P”

Freight wagons intended for use on the British network see Annex V section V2 performance Poland and Slovakia in selected 1 520 mm lines, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia

Member State: Poland and Slovakia in selected 1 520 mm lines, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia

Case “P”

  • Distributors

    Interoperability wagons for 1 435 mm to operate on 1 520 mm network shall be equipped with additional braking systems in accordance with the following:

    Option 1: fit two distributors with a changeover device

    • for the 1 435 mm gauge: distributor according to Annex I

    • for the 1 520 mm gauge: type 483 distributor

    Option 2: fit a standard distributor or an approved KE/483 distributor combination on the wagon that meets the technical braking requirements of both 1 435 mm and 1 520 mm gauge railways, with a changeover device allowing the system to switch to the respective operating regime.

    Under option 1, the wagon's brake equipment must include “brake on/off” and “freight/passenger” changeover devices as well as an “empty/loaded” device it there is no automatic load-proportional braking facility According to Annex I and a “brake on/off” and “empty — partly loaded — loaded” device as per the standards for the 1 520 mm gauge and the “Technical Requirements for the Brake Equipment of Wagons built in RF Workshops”.

    Each distributor must have its own release valve with a pull chord with handles on both sides of the wagon.

    For braking option 2, a distributor should preferably be used in combination with an automatic load-proportional braking system. When the braking position is switched over manually in accordance with the load, there must be at least two graduated positions for the braking force.

  • Load-proportional braking, brake power and brake performance

    The wagon's brakes must ensure that the prescribed values for the braked weight and the theoretical brake farce coefficients are guaranteed for operation on both 1 435 mm and 1 520 mm gauges at the respective maximum speeds.

    For operation on the 1 435 mm gauge, wagons shall be fitted with either a hand-operated load-changeover device or an automatic load-proportional braking system meeting the requirements according to Annex I.

    For operation on the 1 520 mm gauge, wagons shall be fitted with either an automatic load-proportional braking system or a hand-operated load-changeover device with at least two positions. Use of the automatic system and its configuration for the 1 520 mm track gauge shall give due consideration to the bogie design used and the type of transition from one gauge to the other.

    Brake performance shall be calculated on the basis of the “Standard Braking Calculation for Freight and Refrigerator Wagons”. Here, the theoretical coefficient calculated for the wagon brake block force when the brake system is switched on to the 1 520 mm gauge shall satisfy the following values:

    • for K (composite) brake blocks: at least 0,14 up to a maximum of 0,31 for a fully-laden wagon and at least 0,22 up to a maximum of 0,37 for an empty wagon;

    • for GG (cast-iron) brake blocks: at least 0,36 up to a maximum of 0,7 for a fully-laden wagon and at least 0,62 up to a maximum of 0,81 for an empty wagon.

    The different wagon braking forces specified in the standards for operation on 1 435 mm and 1 520 mm track gauges can be accommodated by an appropriate adjustment to the brake rigging or the brake cylinder.

  • Changeover device for switching from 1 435 to 1 520 mm track gauges

    The changeover from one distributor system to another shall take place during the gauge changeover operation using the 1 435 mm/1 520 mm changeover device. Actuation of this device must require minimum effort and must jack reliably into its final position. The final position selected must correspond to one braking system only and must render the second braking system non-operational. When one braking system fails, the other must remain operational, assuming the wagon has two separate distributors.

    The switch from one braking system to another may only be effected in the gauge changeover station either manually (by means of a special device) or automatically.

    The braking system selected must be clearly indicated, even when the changeover takes place automatically.

    Where the changeover takes place automatically, an automatic load-proportional braking system should preferably be used. performance Finland

Member State: Finland

Case “P”

For vehicles for 1 524 mm gauge only, braking power shall be determined based on the minimum distance of 1 200 m between signals on the Finnish network. Minimum braked weight percentage is 55 % for 100 km/h and 85 % for 120 km/h.

The requirements for energy limits related to the slope with a mean declivity of 21 ‰ and a length of 46 km (slope of St Gothard's line) are not valid for vehicles for 1 524 mm gauge only.

In vehicles for 1 524 mm gauge only, the parking brake shall be designed such that fully loaded wagons shall be held on a gradient of 2,5 % with maximum adhesion of 0,15 with no wind. In wagons built for the transport of road vehicles the parking brake is operated from the ground. performance Spain and Portugal

Member State: Spain and Portugal

Case “P”

Brake-shoe arrangement.

For two-axle wagons:

Brake shoes shall be assembled in accordance with the requirements indicated in Plate 5. The assembly in Plate 12 for bogie wagons may also be used.

For bogie wagons:

Brake shoes shall be assembled in accordance with the provisions in Plate 12. performance Finland, Sweden, Norway, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania

Member State: Finland, Sweden, Norway, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania

Case “T1”

Requirements of this TSI concerning the use of composite blocks approved based on the existing UIC specifications and test methods are not in general valid for Finland, Norway, Sweden, Estonia and Lithuania.

Composite brake blocks shall be assessed on a national basis and shall take into consideration environmental winter conditions.

This specific case is valid until the specifications and assessment methods have been further developed and proven to be sufficient for Nordic Winter Conditions.

That does not preclude freight wagons from other member states from operating in Nordic and Baltic states. performance Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland

Member State: Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland

Case “P”

Service Brake: The stopping distance of a new wagon operating on straight and level track on the railway network in Ireland must not exceed:

Stopping distance = (v2/(2*0,55) m

(where v = max operating speed of wagon on IR network in m/s)

The maximum operating speed must be less than or equal to 120 km/h. These conditions must be met for all conditions of loading. brake brake Great Britain

Member State: UK

Case “P”

Freight wagons intended for use on the British network see Annex V section V1 brake Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland

Member State: Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland

Case “P”

For new wagons used solely on the railway network in Ireland every wagon has to be equipped with a parking brake that must hold a fully loaded wagon on a gradient of 2,5 % with a maximum of 10 % adhesion with no wind.

Ireland requests exception from requirements where the parking brake is to be operated ‘from the vehicle’, in favour of a requirement that ‘the parking brake is to operated from the vehicle or from the ground’. conditions conditions conditions Spain and Portugal

Member State: Spain and Portugal

Case “P”

In Spain and Portugal the upper external temperature limit is + 50 instead of + 45 given by temperature class Ts in section safety safety Spain and Portugal

Member State: Spain and Portugal

Case “P”

Spark arrester.

Category “P”- permanent

For two-axle wagons:

Spark arrester shields shall be constructed and arranged in accordance with Plate 16.

The external part of these shields shall be directed downwards, and their upper part shall be curved.

The width of their upper part shall be 415 +5/0 mm; the distance between inside edges shall be 1 120 mm.

The vertical part of these shields shall be 115 mm in height, and the part pointing downwards 32 mm at 30o. The distance of these shields in relation to the floor shall be 20 mm, and the radius of the curved part 1 800 mm. Axle wagons accepted for transit between France and Spain, with dangerous goods in RID classes 1a and 1b shall have their brake isolated while running.

For bogie wagons:

  • The spark arrester shields shall be constructed and arranged in accordance with Plate 17.

    • They shall be smooth and 500 mm wide.

    • The distance between their inside edges shall be 1 100 mm ± 10.

    • In relation to the floor, the minimum distance of these shields shall be 80 mm. protection protection Poland and Slovakia in selected 1 520 mm lines, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia

Member State: Poland and Slovakia in selected 1 520 mm lines, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia

Case “P”

Additional requirements for 1 520 mm wagons and 1 435 mm wagons to operate on 1 520 mm network.





Specific case


All countries

Vehicle dynamic behaviour



Interface (e.g. coupling) between vehicles



Kinematic gauge



Static axle load, dynamic wheel load and linear load



Braking performance


Finland, Sweden, Norway, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania (Annex P)

Braking performance


Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland

Sections 4 and 5

Subsystem characterisation and interoperability constituents


Finland and Norway



Great Britain

Kinematic gauge


Great Britain

Static axle load, dynamic wheel load and linear load


Great Britain

Braking performance


Great Britain

Parking brake



Vehicle dynamic behaviour


Poland, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia

Interface (e.g. coupling) between vehicles


Poland, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia

Strength of main vehicle structure


Poland, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia

Kinematic gauge


Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia


Static axle load, dynamic wheel load and linear load


Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia

Sections 4 and 5

Subsystem characterisation and interoperability constituents


Poland, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia

Vehicle dynamic behaviour


Poland, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia

Longitudinal compressive forces


Poland, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia

Bogies and running gear


Poland, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia

Braking performance


Poland, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia

Electrical protection


Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland


Interface (e.g. coupling) between vehicles


Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland

Safe access and egress


Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland


Static axle load, dynamic wheel load and linear load



Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland

Vehicle dynamic behaviour


Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland

Braking performance


Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland

Parking brake


Spain and Portugal

Interface (e.g. coupling) between vehicles



Spain and Portugal

Strength of main vehicle structure


Spain and Portugal

Kinematic gauge


Spain and Portugal

Vehicle dynamic behaviour


Spain and Portugal

Bogies and Running Gear


Spain and Portugal

Braking performance


Spain and Portugal

Environmental conditions


Spain and Portugal

Fire Safety