ANNEXU.K.Technical Specification for Interoperability relating to the subsystem Rolling Stock — Freight Wagons

TRANS-EUROPEAN CONVENTIONAL RAIL SYSTEMTechnical Specification for Interoperability Subsystem Rolling Stock Scope Freight WagonsU.K.



The assessment procedure for conformity or suitability for use of interoperability constituents shall be based on European specifications or specifications approved in accordance with Directive 2001/16/EC.

In the case of suitability for use, these specifications will indicate all the parameters to be measured, monitored or observed, and will describe the related testing methods and measuring procedures, whether in a test-bench simulation or tests in a real railway environment.

The manufacturer of an Interoperability Constituent (IC) or his authorised representative established within the Community shall draw up an EC declaration of conformity or an EC declaration of suitability for use in accordance with Article 13.1 and Annex IV of the Directive 2001/16/EC before placing ICs on the market.

The assessment procedures for conformity of ICs defined in Section 5 of this TSI shall be carried out by application of modules as specified in Section 6.1.2

Assessment of conformity or suitability for use of an IC shall be carried out by a notified body, when indicated in the procedure, with which the manufacturer or its authorised representative in the Community has lodged the application

The modules shall be combined and used selectively according to the particular constituent.

The modules are defined in Annex Q of this TSI.

The phases for the application of the conformity and suitability for use assessment procedures for the interoperability constituents as defined in Section 5 of this TSI are indicated in Annex Q, Table Q.1 to this TSI.


For the conformity assessment procedure of interoperability constituents within the rolling stock subsystem, the manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the Community may choose:


the type-examination procedure (module B) for the design and development phase in combination with a module for the production phase: either the production quality management system procedure (module D), or the product verification procedure (module F),

or alternatively


the full quality management system with design examination procedure (module H2) for all phases,



the full quality management system procedure (module H1)

Module D may only be chosen where the manufacturer operates a quality system for production, final product inspection and testing approved and surveyed by a notified body of its choice. Assessment of welding processes shall be carried out according to national rules.

Module H1 or H2 may only be chosen where the manufacturer operates a quality system for design, production, final product inspection and testing, approved and surveyed by a notified body of its choice.

The conformity assessment shall cover the phases and characteristics as indicated by ‘X’ in the Table Q1 of Annex Q to this TSI. solutions for Interoperability ConstituentsU.K.

If a existing solution for an interoperability constituent is already on the European market before this TSI enters into force, then the following process applies.

The manufacturer shall demonstrate that tests and verification of ICs have been considered successful for previous applications under comparable conditions. In this case these assessments shall remain valid in the new application.

In this case, the type can be considered as already approved and an assessment of the type is not necessary.

In accordance with assessment procedures for the different ICs, the manufacturer or its authorised representative established within the Community shall:

  • either apply the internal production control procedure (module A),

  • or apply the internal design control with production verification procedure (module A1),

  • or apply the full quality management system procedure (module H1).

If it is not possible to demonstrate that the solution is positively proven in the past, the Section applies. solutions for Interoperability ConstituentsU.K.

When a solution proposed to be an Interoperability Constituent is innovative, as defined in the section 5.2, the manufacturer shall state the deviation from the relevant section of the TSI. The European Railway Agency shall finalise the appropriate functional and interface specifications of the constituents and develop the assessment methods.

The appropriate functional and interface specifications and the assessment methods shall be incorporated in the TSI by the revision process. As soon as these documents are published, the assessment procedure of the interoperability constituents may be chosen by the manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the Community, as specified in the section

After entry into force of a decision of the Commission, taken in accordance with Article 21(2) of Directive 2001/16/EC, the innovative solution may be used before being incorporated into the TSI. of suitability for useU.K.

Whenever an assessment procedure is started based on in-service experience for an interoperability constituent within the rolling stock subsystem, the manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the Community shall apply the type validation of in service experience procedure (module V).

6.1.3.SPECIFICATION FOR ASSESSMENT OF ICSU.K. and mechanical partsU.K.

The buffers are to be assessed against the specification contained in section buffers paragraph buffer characteristics. GearU.K.

The draw gear shall be assessed against the specification contained in section draw gear, paragraph ‘draw gear characteristics’ and section interaction of draw- and buffing-gear, paragraph ‘draw gear and buffing gear characteristics’. of Freight WagonsU.K.

The decals for marking are to be assessed against the specification contained in Annex B track interaction and gaugingU.K. and Running GearU.K.

The integrity of the structure of the body to bogie connection, bogie frame, axle-box and all attached equipment shall be assured. This assurance shall be generated by use of sufficient appropriate methods, such as demonstration by bench tests, validated modelling, comparison with an existing design approved by or on behalf of national approval regime, which is used in similar service and condition or other methods.

The test conditions applicable for bogies running on standard gauge track under normal conditions of speed and track quality are defined in Annex J. They represent only the common part of the full range of tests to be performed on all types of bogie frames.

It is not possible to specify tests of a general nature for each specific bogie component, in particular for the axle bearings, the connection between bogie and body, the dampers and the brakes. Such tests shall be drawn up case by case, using the tests defined above as a guide. The objectives and the parameter definitions of the tests already specified are detailed below.

This remark also applies to the case of bogie frames intended for service on track with a different gauge, or under clearly different operating conditions, or bogies with a novel design.

The three tests described in Annex J Sections J1, J2 and J3 have been defined in order to:

  • optimise the construction of the bogie frame (weight, speed)

  • supplement the information obtained from calculations

  • ensure that the bogie frames are suitable for withstanding the in-service loads without the occurrence of permanent deformation or cracks that would reduce safety or result in high maintenance costs.

If there is no comparable solution available, experience has shown that three tests are required: two static tests (Annex J sections J1 and J2), and one dynamic test (Annex J section J3).

The two static tests shall be performed first; they allow, in particular, for any bogies that do not meet the minimum strength requirements to be rejected.

The dynamic test (fatigue test) is designed to verify whether the bogie design is sound, and whether fatigue cracks might be expected to occur in service.

The load values that have been used for the definition of the tests have been derived in particular from running tests.

The tests in Annex J section J1 are considered to represent the maximum loads that can occur in service, without taking the loads due to accidents into account.

The tests in Annex J sections J2 and J3 are considered to represent, on average, the aggregate total of variable loads occurring during the bogie service life.

The number of cycles in the fatigue test was selected to simulate an overall service life of 30 years at a rate of 100 000 km per year. If this is not representative of the intended life cycle, the load cases shall be revised.

The distribution of these cycles over three distinct load stages was done with a view to optimising bogie frame structures. In particular, the possibility of the occurrence of cracks during the last load stage provides a means to identify the most highly stressed zones, to which special attention shall be paid during manufacture, production testing and maintenance operations.

To ensure the validity of the tests defined in Annex J sections J1, J2 and J3, particular attention shall be paid to their practical implementation. In particular: -

For the static tests of Annex J sections J1 and J2, the bogie frames shall be equipped with uni-directional strain gauges in those locations where stresses occur with a single clearly defined direction; in all other locations tri-directional strain gauges (rosettes) shall be used.

The active part of these gauges shall not exceed 10 mm.

Strain gauges and strain rosettes are attached to the bogie frame at all highly stressed points, in particular in zones of stress concentration.

The test set-up shall be defined so as to reproduce the forces acting on the bogie frame, and its deformation, as they occur in service. Particular attention shall be paid to the transmission of the vertical and transverse loads that in certain cases are distributed over several elements (e.g. pivot, springs, stops...).

The static tests shall be performed on a complete bogie, equipped with its suspension. In most cases, this arrangement is not feasible for the fatigue test for practical reasons; a separate study shall be conducted to define the test set-up.

The bogie frames used for the three tests shall be complete, and equipped with all their connecting elements (for dampers, brakes, etc.). They shall conform fully to the production drawings, and they shall have been manufactured under the same conditions as series-produced bogie frames.

If cracks or fractures occur during the fatigue test, originating from manufacturing defects that were not detected during the preceding static testing of the bogie frame, the test shall be repeated with another frame. If the defects are confirmed, the design shall be considered as unsatisfactory.

The assessment of the wheelset is described in Annex K.

The assessment of the design and of the product is described in Annex L.

The assessment of the design and of the product is described in Annex M.

See Annex P.


At the request of the contracting entity or its representative established in the Community, the notified body carries out EC verification in accordance with annex VI of the Directive 2001/16/EC.

If the contracting entity can demonstrate that tests or verifications related to the Conventional Rail Rolling Stock Subsystem have been considered successfully for any previous application, these assessments shall be taken into account in the conformity assessment.

Modified freight wagons changed within the limits given in Annex II shall not require a new conformity assessment.

The impact of weight change on safety critical components, safety related components, the interaction between infrastructure and the freight wagon, and on classification for line categories according to, must in all cases be considered.

As far as specified in this TSI, the EC verification of the Conventional Rail Rolling Stock Subsystem shall take into account its interfaces with other subsystems of the Conventional Rail System.

The contracting entity shall draw up the EC declaration of verification for the Rolling Stock Subsystem in accordance with Article 18 (1) and Annex V of Directive 2001/16/EC.


The Modules to choose for the verification procedures are defined in Annex AA.

For the verification procedure of the requirements of Freight wagons, as specified in section 4, the contracting entity or its authorised representative established within the Community may chose the following modules:


the Type Examination procedure (module SB) for the design and development phase, in combination with a module for the production phase either:

  • the Production Quality Management System procedure (module SD),

  • or the Product Verification (module SF);



the Full quality Management System with Design Examination procedure (module SH2).

The module SD may only be chosen where the contracting entity, or the main contractors when involved, operate a quality management system for manufacture, final production inspection and testing, approved and surveyed by a Notified Body of his/their choice. Assessment of welding processes shall be carried out according to national rules.

The module SH2 may only be chosen where the contracting entity, or the main contractors when involved, operate a quality management system for design, manufacture, final production inspection and testing, approved and surveyed by a Notified Body of his/their choice.

The following additional requirements shall be taken into account for the use of the modules:

  • Module SB: with reference to section 4.3 of the module, a design review is requested,

  • For the production phase, modules SD, SF and SH2: the application of these Modules shall enable the conformity of the wagons with the approved type as described in the type examination certificate. In particular, the application shall demonstrate that the manufacture and the assembly are realised with the same components and the same technical solutions as the approved type. solutionsU.K.

When a freight wagon includes an innovative solution, as defined in section 4.1, the manufacturer or the contracting entity shall state the deviation from the relevant section of the TSI.

The European Railway Agency shall finalise the appropriate functional and interface specifications of this solution and develop the assessment methods.

The appropriate functional and interface specifications and assessment methods shall be incorporated in the TSI by the revision process. As soon as these documents are published, the assessment procedure for the freight wagon may be chosen by the manufacturer or the contracting entity or his authorised representative established within the Community, as specified in the section.

After entry into force of a decision of the Commission, taken in accordance with Article 21(2) of Directive 2001/16/EC, the innovative solution may be used before being incorporated into the TSI. of MaintenanceU.K.

According to article 18.3 of the Directive 2001/16/EC, the Notified Body shall compile the Technical File, which includes the Maintenance File.

The conformity assessment of maintenance is in the responsibility of each member state concerned. The Annex DD (which remains an open point) describes the procedure by which each member state ascertains that maintenance arrangement meet the provisions of this TSI and ensure the respect of the basic parameters and essential requirements during the subsystem lifetime.

6.2.3.SPECIFICATIONS FOR ASSESSMENT OF THE SUBSYSTEMU.K. and Mechanical PartsU.K. of main vehicle structure and Securing of FreightU.K.

Validation of the design shall follow the requirements of Section 6 of EN12663.

The test programme shall include a shunting impact test as defined in Annex Z if no demonstration of structural integrity by calculation has been performed.

Where tests have previously been carried out on similar components or sub-systems it is not necessary to repeat the tests, provided a clear safety justification showing the applicability of the earlier tests can be provided. track interaction and gaugingU.K. dynamic behaviourU.K. of the partial type approval procedureU.K.

When a wagon has already been type approved, modifications of certain of its characteristics (see section or of the conditions of its operation that affect its dynamic behaviour may require an additional test. of new wagonsU.K.

When new wagons have to be approved by commissioning tests, these tests shall be done by:


measurement of wheel/rail forces



measurement of accelerations



validated modelling



comparison with existing vehicles

The precise limit values will vary according to the testing and analysis method used. from dynamic behaviour test for wagons to built or converted to run up to 100km/h or 120km/hU.K.

Freight wagons are permitted to run up to 100km/h or 120km/h without having to pass the dynamic behaviour test if they meet the following conditions defined in

  • Longitudinal Compression Forces

  • Static axle load, dynamic wheel load and linear load

and if they are fitted with a suspension or bogie listed below.

Two axle wagonsU.K.

Freight wagons shall be fitted with type of suspensions listed in Annex Y in the table relating to two axle wagons.

Wagons with two-axle bogiesU.K.

The freight wagons shall be fitted with types of bogies or variants provided that the modifications with respect to the basic type only affect elements that cannot influence the dynamic behaviour. These bogies are listed in Annex Yin the two tables relating to wagons with two axle bogies.

Wagons with three-axle bogiesU.K.

The freight wagons shall be fitted with types of bogies or variants provided that the modifications with respect to the basic type only affect elements, which cannot influence the dynamic behaviour. These bogies are listed in Annex Yin the table relating to wagons with three axle bogies.

[F16. Exemptions from stationary tests U.K.

Freight wagons are exempted from the stationary tests mentioned in section if they comply with the requirements of UIC leaflet 530-2 (May 2006).] compressive forces for freight wagons with side buffersU.K.

When it is necessary to require the certification of the admissible longitudinal compressive force by tests, then the tests have to be carried out according to the method described in Annex R, at least with the measurement areas given in this Annex. the freight wagonsU.K.

Evidence shall be provided by measuring the freight wagon underframes and bogies that deviations from the nominal dimensions are within the permissible tolerances (EN 13775 part 1 to 3 and prEN 13775 parts 4 to 6). performanceU.K.

The methods to determine the braking power are described in Annex S. Brake System TestingU.K.

The tests and limits below apply to wagons fitted with conventional air brakes for freight trains.

These tests shall be performed only with the single pipe mode (the Brake Pipe). Tests with the auxiliary reservoir filled permanently from the Main Reservoir Pipe shall also to be carried out to demonstrate that the brake operation is not adversely affected.

The normal working pressure (regime pressure) of the conventional air brake is 5 bar. These tests shall be performed at this pressure. Additionally sample tests shall be performed to ensure that the operation of the brake is not adversely affected, with a decrease or an increase in this working pressure not exceeding 1 bar.

The tests shall be performed in the ‘P’ and ‘G’ brake modes, when fitted. Where variable or empty load braking systems are fitted, the tests shall be carried out in the ‘loaded’ and ‘empty’ positions to ensure that the operation of the brake is not adversely affected and is compliant with this TSI.

The use of electricity or other means to control the brake is permitted provided the principles of this TSI are retained. The equivalent level of safety shall be demonstrated.

Tests listed in the table below are done based on a separate vehicle when stationary or on a stationary train.

Individual Interoperability Constituents have their design and product assessment described within Annex P.

Pneumatic Brake Characteristics
NoCharacteristicLimit Value
1Fill time of the brake cylinder to 95 % maximum pressure

P Setting

3-5 seconds (3-6 seconds in the case of an empty/load system)

G Setting

18-30 seconds

2Release time of the brake cylinder to 0,4 bar pressure

P Setting

15-20 seconds

For a total weight of 70 tonnes or greater, it is permissible for the release time to be 15 to 25 seconds.

G Setting

45-60 seconds

In the case of brakes with pneumatically-controlled devices for the variation of the braking power, the release time is the time which must elapse before a pressure of 0,4 bar is seen in the relay control chamber (pilot pressure)

3Reduction in brake pipe pressure required to obtain maximum brake cylinder pressure1,5 ± 0,1 bar
4Maximum brake cylinder pressure3,8 ± 0,1 bar


The insensitivity of the brake to slow decreases in brake pipe pressure, shall be such that the brake is not activated if the normal working pressure drops by 0,3 bar in one minute.

The sensitivity of the brake to decreases in brake pipe pressure shall be such that the brake is activated within 1,2 seconds if the normal working pressure drops by 0,6 bar in 6 seconds.

Brake does not activate with a 0,3 bar drop in one minute.

Brake activates within 1,2 seconds with a 0,6 bar drop in 6 seconds.

6Brake pipe leakage from a starting pressure of 5 bar0,2 bar maximum pressure loss in 5 minutes
7Brake cylinder, auxiliary reservoir and control reservoir leakage from a starting Brake Cylinder pressure of 3,8 + or — 0,1 bar from a brake pipe pressure of 0 bar0,15 bar maximum pressure loss in 5 minutes measured at the auxiliary reservoir.
8Manual release of the automatic air brake.Brake releases
9Graduability in application and release variations in brake pipe pressure:Less or equal to 0,1 bar.
10Pressure corresponding to the return to the filling position at the time of brake release

Brake Pipe:

- 0,15 bar below actual running pressure

Brake cylinder:

<0,3 bar

11Automatic air brake indicatorEnsure the indicator reflects the brake state — applied or released
12Slack adjuster to be tested by creating an excessive brake friction pair gap and demonstrating that repeated application/release cycles restore correct clearanceDesign brake friction pair pad/block clearance
13Compliance to design brake pad/block loadsBrake pad/block loads shall comply with design
14Brake rigging shall be free to move and allow brake pads/blocks to clear the brake discs/wheels in the released state and not reduce application forces below designBrake rigging shall be free
15Parking brake components shall be free moving and lubricated if requiredFree movement: ensure that it applies and releases without binding.
16Control and Performance of the parking brake shall be such that with 500 N force applied to the end of a brake lever or tangentially to a hand wheel rim, the parking brake is fully applied.500 N input force
17Manual release of the parking brakeParking Brake releases
18Parking brake indicator shall reflect state of brakeIndicator shall accurately show the brake state — applied or released

Notes on Table above:


The timings shall be obtained from an emergency application on a single vehicle. Following inshot to approximately 10 % of the final brake cylinder pressure, the increase in pressure shall be progressive. The filling time begins when air commences to fill the cylinder and ends when the pressure reaches 95 % of the final value, and shall be as stated.


At the time of full and continuous release of the brake on a separate vehicle following an emergency application, the pressure in the brake cylinder shall fall progressively. The release time, measured from when air commences to be exhausted from the cylinder, to when the pressure reaches 0,4 bar shall be as stated.


In order to obtain maximum brake cylinder pressure, the brake pipe pressure shall be reduced by 1,4 to 1,6 bar below the regime pressure.


The maximum brake cylinder pressure obtained from a reduction in brake pipe pressure of 1,4 to 1,6 bar shall be 3,7 to 3,9 bar.


The insensitivity of the brake to slow decreases in brake pipe pressure, shall be such that the brake is not activated if the normal working pressure drops by 0,3 bar in one minute.

The sensitivity of the brake to decreases in brake pipe pressure shall be such that the brake is activated within 1,2 seconds if the normal working pressure drops by 0,6 bar in 6 seconds.


After charging the brake pipe to 5 bar, isolate the brake pipe, allow time for settlement and then ensure leakage does not exceed that stated.


After an emergency braking, with a brake pipe pressure of 0 bar, start measuring after the stabilisation period and ensure overall leakage does not exceed that stated.


The brake shall have a device enabling manual brake release.


The brake shall be such that the pressure in the brake cylinder continuously follows the variations in the brake pipe pressure. A pressure variation of +/- 0,1 bar in the brake pipe shall cause the distributor to change the brake cylinder pressure correspondingly.

For one value of brake pipe pressure, the brake cylinder pressure shall not vary by more than 0,1 bar during application and release. (For braking via pneumatically controlled relay valves for braking power variation, the 0,1 bar value applies to the pilot pressure.)


In the case of brakes with relay valves for the variation of the braking power, the pressure of 0,3 bar corresponds to the pressure existing at the pneumatic relay control (pilot reservoir).


Wagons where the automatic air brake application/release state cannot be checked without going underneath the wagon (for example those fitted with axle mounted disc brakes) shall be fitted with an indicator showing the state of the automatic brake.


Correct slack adjuster operation shall be confirmed by creating an excessive brake friction pair gap, demonstrating that repeated application/release cycles restore the correct clearance.


On the first of a series of wagons, the brake pad or block application force shall be measured to confirm that it complies with the design.


Brake rigging shall be free such that the pads/blocks clear the brake discs/wheels in the released state, and application forces are not reduced below design.


Parking brake components, rigging, leadscrews & nuts etc, shall be free moving and lubricated if required by the design.


On the first of a series of wagons, the vehicle retarding force shall be measured resulting from a 500N input force at the end of a parking brake lever, or applied tangentially to a handwheel rim. The force measured shall comply with the design.


The parking brake shall be applied and released manually, not adversely affecting the friction pair gap in the released state.


A parking brake indicator shall be fitted which accurately reflects the status of the parking brake, applied or released.

The tests procedures shall conform to the European standards.

For freight wagons equipped with ‘R’ braking mode specific tests shall be done. These tests shall conform to the European standards.