Table of content: Annexes TRANS-EUROPEAN CONVENTIONAL RAIL SYSTEMTechnical Specification for Interoperability Subsystem Rolling Stock Scope Freight Wagons...1.INTRODUCTION 1.1.TECHNICAL SCOPE 1.2.GEOGRAPHICAL SCOPE 1.3.CONTENT OF THIS TSI 2.DEFINITION OF SUBSYSTEM/SCOPE 2.1.DEFINITION OF SUBSYSTEM 2.2.FUNCTIONS OF SUBSYSTEM 2.3.INTERFACES OF SUBSYSTEM Control and command and signalling subsystem - Traffic operation and management subsystem Telematics applications for freight service subsystem Infrastructure subsystem Energy subsystem Noise Aspect The Council Directive 96/49/EC and its Annex (RID). 3.ESSENTIAL REQUIREMENTS 3.1.GENERAL 3.2.THE ESSENTIAL REQUIREMENTS RELATE TO: 3.3.GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 3.3.1.SAFETY Essential Requirement 1.1.1 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC. Essential Requirement 1.1.2: Essential requirement 1.1.3 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC. Essential Requirement 1.1.4 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC. Essential Requirement 1.1.5 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC. 3.3.2.RELIABILITY AND AVAILABILITY Essential Requirement 1.2 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC. 3.3.3.HEALTH Essential Requirement 1.3.1 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC. Essential Requirement 1.3.2 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC.: 3.3.4.ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Essential Requirement 1.4.1 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC. Essential Requirement 1.4.2 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC. Essential Requirement 1.4.3 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC. Essential Requirement 1.4.4 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC. Essential Requirement 1.4.5 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC.: 3.3.5.TECHNICAL COMPATIBILITY Essential Requirement 1.5 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC. 3.4.REQUIREMENTS SPECIFIC TO THE ROLLING STOCK SUBSYSTEM 3.4.1.SAFETY Essential Requirement 2.4.1 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC. 3.4.2.RELIABILITY AND AVAILABILITY Essential Requirement 2.4.2 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC. 3.4.3.TECHNICAL COMPATIBILITY Essential Requirement 2.4.3 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC.: 3.5.REQUIREMENTS SPECIFIC TO MAINTENANCE 3.5.1.HEALTH AND SAFETY Essential Requirement 2.5.1 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC. 3.5.2.ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Essential Requirement 2.5.2 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC. 3.5.3.TECHNICAL COMPATIBILITY Essential Requirement 2.5.3 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC. 3.6.REQUIREMENTS SPECIFIC TO OTHER SUBSYSTEMS CONCERNING ALSO THE ROLLING STOCK...3.6.1.INFRASTRUCTURE SUBSYSTEM Essential Requirement 2.1.1 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC.: 3.6.2.ENERGY SUBSYSTEM Essential Requirement 2.2.1 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC. protection Essential Requirement 2.2.2 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC. compatibility Essential Requirement 2.2.3 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC. 3.6.3.CONTROL AND COMMAND AND SIGNALLING Essential Requirement 2.3.1 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC.: compatibility Essential Requirement 2.3.2 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC. 3.6.4.OPERATION AND TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT Essential Requirement 2.6.1 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC. and availability Essential Requirement 2.6.2. of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC. compatibility Essential Requirement 2.6.3 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC. 3.6.5.TELEMATICS APPLICATIONS FOR FREIGHT AND PASSENGERS compatibility Essential Requirement 2.7.1 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC. and availability Essential Requirement 2.7.2 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC. Essential Requirement 2.7.3: Essential Requirement 2.7.4 of Annex III to Directive 2001/16/EC. 4.CHARACTERISATION OF THE SUBSYSTEM 4.1.INTRODUCTION 4.2.FUNCTIONAL AND TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS OF THE SUBSYSTEM 4.2.1.GENERAL Structures and mechanical parts Vehicle track interaction and gauging Braking Communication Environmental conditions System protection Maintenance 4.2.2.STRUCTURES AND MECHANICAL PARTS: (e. g. Coupling) between vehicles, between set of vehicles... and technical specifications Gear of draw- and buffing-gear access and egress for rolling stock of Main Vehicle Structure and Securing of Freight Loads Design Loads Vertical Load combinations and Jacking Attachment (Including body/bogie) Exceptional Loads (fatigue) Loads of load input. of fatigue strength of the main vehicle structure of vibration stiffness of Freight closing and locking of freight wagons goods applicable to rolling stock for the transport of dangerous... legislation applicable to tanks rules 4.2.3.VEHICLE TRACK INTERACTION AND GAUGING gauge axle load, mass per unit length and geometrical characteristics... stock parameters which influence ground based train monitoring systems... resistance: axle box detection dynamic behaviour and technical specifications against derailment and running stability against derailment when running on twisted tracks rules compressive forces and technical specifications 4.2.4.BRAKING performance and Technical Specification train line Performance elements components storage limits: slide protection (WSP) Brake 4.2.5.COMMUNICATION capability to transmit information from vehicle to vehicle capability to transmit information between ground and vehicle and technical specification rules 4.2.6.ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS conditions and technical specifications movement, ice and hail radiation to Pollution effects winds 4.2.7.SYSTEM PROTECTION Measures safety and technical specification References rules requirement of the fire protection measures protection and technical specifications wagon bonding wagon electrical equipment bonding of tail lamps and technical specifications for the hydraulic/pneumatic equipment of freight wagons and technical specifications 4.2.8.MAINTENANCE: MAINTENANCE FILE, contents and criteria of the Maintenance File File of the Maintenance File. 4.3.FUNCTIONAL AND TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS OF THE INTERFACES 4.3.1.GENERAL 4.3.2.CONTROL AND COMMAND AND SIGNALLING SUBSYSTEM – axle load, mass per unit length and geometrical characteristics... stock parameters which influence ground based train monitoring systems... performance 4.3.3.TRAFFIC OPERATION AND MANAGEMENT SUBSYSTEM between vehicles, between sets of vehicles and between trains... closing and locking of freight of freight wagons. goods compressive forces performance Capability to transmit information between ground and vehicle Conditions effects winds Measures Safety 4.3.4.TELEMATICS APPLICATIONS FOR FREIGHT SERVICES SUBSYSTEM 4.3.5.INFRASTRUCTURE SUBSYSTEM between vehicles, between sets of vehicles and between trains... of Main Vehicle Structure and Securing of Freight gauge axle load, mass per unit length and geometrical characteristics... dynamic behaviour compressive forces Conditions protection 4.3.6.ENERGY SUBSYSTEM 4.3.7.THE COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 96/49/EC AND ITS ANNEX (RID). goods 4.3.8.CONVENTIONAL RAIL NOISE TSI 4.4.OPERATING RULES 4.5.MAINTENANCE RULES 4.6.PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS 4.7.HEALTH AND SAFETY CONDITIONS 4.8.REGISTER OF INFRASTRUCTURE AND EUROPEAN REGISTER OF AUTHORISED TYPES OF...5.INTEROPERABILITY CONSTITUENTS 5.1.DEFINITION 5.2.INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS 5.3.LIST OF CONSTITUENTS 5.3.1.STRUCTURES AND MECHANICAL PARTS gear for Markings 5.3.2.VEHICLE TRACK INTERACTION AND GAUGING and Running Gear 5.3.3.BRAKING valve for variable load/Automatic empty-load change over brake slide protection device adjuster cylinder/actuator half coupling Cock device for distributor pad blocks Pipe Emptying Accelerator valve load sensing & empty/load changeover device 5.3.4.COMMUNICATION 5.3.5.ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS 5.3.6.SYSTEM PROTECTION 5.4.CONSTITUENTS PERFORMANCES AND SPECIFICATIONS 5.4.1.STRUCTURES AND MECHANICAL PARTS Gear for Markings 5.4.2.VEHICLE TRACK INTERACTION AND GAUGING and Running Gear 5.4.3.BRAKING approved at the time of publication of this TSI... valve for variable load/Automatic empty-load change over brake slide protection device adjuster cylinder/actuator half coupling Cock device for distributor pad blocks Pipe Emptying Accelerator valve load sensing & empty/load changeover device 6.ASSESSMENT OF CONFORMITY AND/OR SUITABILITY FOR USE OF THE CONSTITUENTS...6.1.INTEROPERABILITY CONSTITUENTS 6.1.1.ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES 6.1.2.MODULES solutions for Interoperability Constituents solutions for Interoperability Constituents of suitability for use 6.1.3.SPECIFICATION FOR ASSESSMENT OF ICS and mechanical parts Gear of Freight Wagons track interaction and gauging and Running Gear 6.2.SUBSYSTEM CONVENTIONAL RAIL ROLLING STOCK FREIGHT WAGONS 6.2.1.ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES 6.2.2.MODULES solutions of Maintenance 6.2.3.SPECIFICATIONS FOR ASSESSMENT OF THE SUBSYSTEM and Mechanical Parts of main vehicle structure and Securing of Freight track interaction and gauging dynamic behaviour of the partial type approval procedure of new wagons from dynamic behaviour test for wagons to built or...Two axle wagons Wagons with two-axle bogies Wagons with three-axle bogies from stationary tests compressive forces for freight wagons with side buffers the freight wagons performance Brake System Testing conditions and other environmental conditions environmental conditions effects winds 7.IMPLEMENTATION 7.1.GENERAL 7.2.TSI REVISION 7.3.APPLICATION OF THIS TSI TO NEW ROLLING STOCK 7.4.EXISTING ROLLING STOCK 7.4.1.APPLICATION OF THIS TSI TO EXISTING ROLLING STOCK 7.4.2.UPGRADING AND RENEWAL OF EXISTING FREIGHT WAGONS 7.4.3.ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR WAGON MARKING 7.5.WAGONS OPERATING UNDER NATIONAL, BILATERAL, MULTILATERAL OR INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS 7.5.1.EXISTING AGREEMENTS 7.5.2.FUTURE AGREEMENTS 7.6AUTHORISATION FOR PLACING IN SERVICE OF TSI CONFORM WAGONS 7.6.1.In accordance with Article 17(1) of Directive 2008/57/EC, where compliance...7.6.2.When seeking authorisations of placing in service under Article 21...7.6.3.In accordance with Article 21(5) of Directive 2008/57/EC, the authorisation...7.6.4.An authorisation of placing in service granted by one Member...7.6.5.Even if a wagon has been authorised for placing in...7.7.SPECIFIC CASES 7.7.1.INTRODUCTION 7.7.2.LIST OF SPECIFIC CASES and mechanical parts: (e. g. Coupling) between vehicles, between set of vehicles... gauge 1 524 mm gauge 1 520 mm Buffers and couplers — version C gauge 1 520 mm / 1 524 mm gauge 1 520 mm gauge 1 668 mm — Distance between buffers centrelines... between vehicles specific case on the network of 1 000 mm... access and egress for rolling stock access and egress for rolling stock Republic of Ireland... of main vehicle structure and securing of freight 520 mm gauge lines 668 mm gauge lines — Lifting and jacking track interaction and gauging gauge gauge Great Britain 520 mm and 1 435 mm track gauge wagons... gauge Finland gauge Spain and Portugal gauge Ireland axle load, dynamic wheel load and linear load axle load, dynamic wheel load and linear load Finland... axle load, dynamic wheel load and linear load Great... axle load, dynamic wheel load and linear load Lithuania,... axle load, dynamic wheel load and linear load Republic... stock parameters which influence ground based train monitoring systems... dynamic behaviour of specific cases of wheel diameter related to various... for wheels: loads cases: dynamic behaviour Spain and Portugal dynamic behaviour Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland compressive forces compressive forces Poland and Slovakia in selected 1 520... and Running Gear and Running Gear Poland and Slovakia in selected 1... and Running Gear Spain and Portugal performance performance Great Britain performance Poland and Slovakia in selected 1 520 mm... performance Finland performance Spain and Portugal performance Finland, Sweden, Norway, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania performance Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland brake brake Great Britain brake Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland conditions conditions conditions Spain and Portugal safety safety Spain and Portugal protection protection Poland and Slovakia in selected 1 520 mm...7.7.3.TABLE OF SPECIFIC CASES ARRANGED BY MEMBER STATE A.1.Buffers Fig. A1Buffer supporting plate A.2.Draw Gear Fig. A2Draw hook — dimensions Fig. A3D-shackle for screw coupler Fig. A4Draw- and buffing gear Fig. A5Berne rectangle Fig. A6Screw coupler and draw hooks Fig. A7Clearance to be provided at wagon extremities above the draw...B.1.VEHICLE UNIQUE NUMBER B.2.VEHICLE TARE WEIGHT Fig. B1Tare weight of wagon not fitted with handbrakes. Fig. B2Marking for the tare weight and braked weight of wagons...B.3.VEHICLE LOAD TABLE Fig. B3 Fig. B4 Fig. B5 Fig. B6Dimensions of Load Table B.4.LENGTH OVER BUFFERS Fig. B7 B.5.SYMBOLS FOR TRAFFIC TO GREAT BRITAIN Fig. B8for wagons accepted on train-ferries Fig. B9for wagons accepted through the Channel Tunnel Fig. B10for wagons accepted on train-ferries and through the Channel Tunnel...B.6.WAGONS BUILT FOR RUNNING BETWEEN COUNTRIES WITH DIFFERENT TRACK GAUGES...Fig. B11 B.7.AUTOMATIC GAUGE CHANGING WHEELSETS Fig. B12 B.8.SHUNTING PROHIBITED ON HUMPS WITH A SMALLER CURVE RADIUS THAN...Fig. B13 B.9.BOGIE WAGONS WITH A DISTANCE BETWEEN AXLES IN EXCESS OF...Fig. B14 B.10.WAGONS PROHIBITED FROM PASSING THROUGH RETARDERS OR OTHER STOPPING DEVICES...Fig. B15 B.11.TABLE OF MAINTENANCE DATES Fig. B16 B.12.HIGH VOLTAGE WARNING NOTICE Fig. B17For vehicles built after 1.1.1987 B.13.POSITION OF LIFTING/JACKING POINTS Fig. B18Lifting without running gear in workshop. Fig. B19Lifting at 4 points with or without running gear. Fig. B20Lifting with or without running gear or rerailing by only...B.14.MAXIMUM LOAD OF WAGON Fig. B21 B.15.CAPACITY OF TANK WAGONS Fig. B22 B.16.CONTAINER WAGON FLOOR HEIGHT Fig. B23 B.17.MINIMUM CURVE RADIUS Fig. B24 B.18.SIGN FOR BOGIE WAGONS ONLY PERMITTED TO NEGOTIATE TRAIN-FERRY RAMPS...Fig. B25 B.19.MARKINGS ON PRIVATELY OWNED WAGONS B.20.MARKINGS ON FREIGHT WAGONS RELATING TO SPECIFIC RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH...B.21.POSITION OF LOADS: PLATFORM WAGONS Fig. B26Example showing concentrated loads distributed over different lengths of supporting...Fig. B27Example showing concentrated loads distributed over different lengths of supporting...Fig. B28Example showing concentrated loads distributed over different lengths of supporting...Fig. B29Example showing concentrated loads distributed over different lengths of supporting...B.22.DISTANCES BETWEEN OUTER WHEELSETS OR BOGIE CENTRES Fig. B30 B.23.WAGONS WHICH NEED SPECIAL CARE IN SHUNTING (E.G BI MODAL...Fig. B31 B.24.MANUALLY APPLIED PARKING BRAKE Fig. B32 B.25.INSTRUCTIONS AND SAFETY ADVICES FOR SPECIAL EQUIPMENTS B.26.NUMBERING OF WHEELSETS B.27.BRAKING MARKINGS ON WAGONS B.27.1.Inscriptions denoting the type of air brake B.27.2.Marking of the braked mass on vehicles B.27.2.1.Vehicles not fitted with changeover devices. Fig. B33 B.27.2.2.Vehicles fitted with manual changeover equipment Fig. B34 Fig. B35 Fig. B36 Fig. B37 B.27.2.3.Vehicles having two or more sets of brake equipment with...B.27.2.4.Vehicles fitted with a braking device varying automatically and progressively...Fig. B38 Fig. B39 Fig. B40 B.27.2.5.Wagons fitted with devices for the automatic control of the...Fig. B41 Fig. B42 Fig. B43 B.27.3.Others marking concerning the braking B.27.3.1.Marking denoting the installation of a high power R brake...Fig. B44 B.27.3.2.Marking denoting a brake with composite brake-shoe inserts Fig. B45 B.27.3.3.Marking denoting disc brakes Fig. B46 B.28.WAGON WITH AUTOMATIC COUPLER UNDER OSSHD STANDARD Fig. B47 B.29.PLATE ‘PERMISSION TO OPERATE ON 1 520 MM TRACKS’ Fig. B48 B.30.WAGON WITH VARIABLE-GAUGE WHEELSETS (1 435 MM/1 520 MM) Fig. B49 B.31.Marking on bogies with variable-gauge wheelsets (1 435 mm/1 520...Fig B50 B.32.MARKING OF WAGONS GAUGE (1)Wagons built to gauge G1 will be marked as follows:...(2)Wagons built to gauges GA, GB or GC will be...C.1.SCOPE OF APPLICATION C.2.GENERAL PART C.2.1.List of notations used C.2.2.Definitions C.2.2.1.Normal co-ordinates Fig. C1 C.2.2.2.Reference profile C.2.2.3.Geometric overthrow Fig.C2 C.2.2.4.Roll centre C Fig.C3 C.2.2.5.Asymmetry 2.2.6.Coefficient of flexibility s (see Fig. C3) C.2.2.6.Maximum construction gauge for rolling stock Fig. C4 C.2.2.7.Kinematic gauge C.2.2.8.Quasi-static movements z C.2.2.9.S projections (Fig.C5) C.2.2.10.Ei or Ea reductions C.2.2.11.Lineside structure gauge C.2.3.General comments on the method for obtaining the maximum rolling...C.2.3.1.Relative positions of the various gauges Fig. C5 C.2.4.Rules for the reference profile for determining the maximum rolling...C.2.4.1.Vertical movements C. of minimum heights above the running surface Fig. C6 Sags independent of the load state and of the suspension...Deflection dependent on the load state of the vehicles and...1 —Structural distortions: sags for all the vehicle body zones A,...2 —Deflection of the suspensions C. over vertical transition curves (including marshalling yard humps) and...a)Vehicles with a reference profile (part below 130 mm) in...Fig.C7 NOTES Fig. C8 Fig. C9 Fig. C10 NOTES Fig. C11 Table C1 showing the values of Ei and E′i expressed...b)Vehicles not allowed on shunting humps by reason of their...c)All vehicles d)Special cases C. of maximum heights above the running surface Fig. C12 C.2.4.2.Lateral movements (D) C. running position on the track and displacement factor (A)...Fig. C13 C. cases of multiple units and coaches fitted with a...C. movement (z) C.2.5.Determination of reductions by calculation C.2.5.1.Terms taken into account in calculating movements (D) C. concerning the running position of the vehicle on a...C. of terms concerning lateral play C. movements (term concerning vehicle['s] inclination [leaning] on its suspension...a)Special cases b)Influence of side-bearers play for wagons fitted with bogies c)Special terms xi and xa C.3.GAUGE G1 C.3.1.Reference profile for static gauge G1 Fig. C14 C.3.1.1.Reduction formulae C.3.2.Reference profile for kinematic gauge G1 C.3.2.1.Part common to all vehicles Fig. C15 C.3.2.2.Part below 130 mm on vehicles which must not pass...Fig. C16 C.3.2.3.Part below 130 mm for vehicles able to pass over...Fig. C17 C. of shunting devices on curved track sections Fig. C18 C.3.3.Permitted projections So (S) C.3.4.Reduction formulae C.3.4.1.Reduction formulae applicable to powered vehicles (dimensions in metres) NOTES NOTES C.3.4.2.Reduction formulae applicable to multiple units (dimensions in metres) NOTES NOTES C.3.4.3.Reduction formulae applicable to coaches and passenger vehicles (dimensions in...a)For bogie coaches, with the exception of the bogies themselves...NOTES NOTES NOTES b)For bogies and their associated parts C.3.4.4.Reduction formulae applicable to wagons (dimensions in metres) a)For wagons with independent axles and the bogies themselves and...1)Internal reductions Ei — Sections between the end axles (where...2)External reductions Ea — Sections beyond the end axles (where...NOTES b)For bogie wagons 1)- Internal reductions Ei — Sections between bogie pivots (where...2)External reductions Ea — Sections beyond bogie pivots (where n...NOTES C.3.5.Reference profile for pantographs and non-insulated live parts on the...C.3.6.Rules for the reference profile for determining the maximum rolling...C.3.6.1.Powered units fitted with pantographs a)Preliminary calculations b)For sections between the end axles or bogie pivots c)For sections beyond the end axles or bogie pivots C.3.6.2.Railcars fitted with pantographs C.3.6.3.Pantographs in lowered position C.3.6.4.Insulation clearance margin for 25kV C.4.GA, GB, GC VVEHICLE GAUGES C.4.1.Static gauge reference profiles and associated rules Fig. C20 C.4.1.1.GA and GB static gauges C.4.1.2.GC static gauge C.4.2.Kinematic gauge reference profiles and associated rules Fig. C21 C.4.2.1.Tractive units (except railcars and multiple unit motor coaches) C. and GB kinematic gauges C. kinematic gauge C.4.2.2.Railcars and multiple unit motor coaches C. and GB kinematic gauges NOTES C. kinematic gauge C.4.2.3.Passenger coaches and luggage vans C. and GB kinematic gauges C. kinematic gauge C.4.2.4.Wagons C. and GB kinematic gauges C. kinematic gauge C.5.GAUGES REQUIRING BI- OR MULTILATERAL AGREEMENTS C.5.1.G2 gauge C.5.1.1.Reference profile of G2 static gauge Fig. C22 C.5.1.2.Reference profile of G2 kinematic gauge Fig. C23 C.5.2.GB1 and GB2 gauges C.5.2.1.General C.5.2.2.GB1 and GB2 static reference profiles (loading gauges) Fig. C24 Fig. C25 C.5.2.3.Rules for GB1 and GB2 static reference profiles C.5.2.4.GB1 and GB2 kinematic reference profiles Fig. C26 Fig. C27 C.5.2.5.Rules for GB1 and GB2 kinematic reference profiles C.5.3.Gauge 3.3 C.5.3.1.General C.5.3.2.Reference profile of 3.3 kinematic gauge Fig. C28 C.5.3.3.Rules for the reference profile to determine the maximum construction...C. projections So (S) C. displacements z C.5.3.4.Reduction formulae C. formulae applicable to tractive units (dimensions in metres) C. formulae applicable to multiple units (dimensions in metres)* C. formulae applicable to coaches and other passenger vehicles (dimensions...C.5.4.Gauge GB-M6 C.5.4.1.General C.5.4.2.Reference profile of the GB-M6 kinematic gauge Fig. C29 C.5.4.3.Reduction formulae C. vehicles a)Reduction formulae for h > 1 170 mm. c)Reduction formulae for heights 100 < h ≤ 1 170...C. vehicles a)Reduction formulae for height h >1 170 mm. b)Reduction formulae for heights 100 < h ≤ 1 170...C.6.APPENDIX 1 C.6.1.Rolling Stock Loading Gauge C.6.1.1.Conditions concerning doors, steps and footboards 1.Carriage doors 2.Steps and footboards C.7.APPENDIX 2 C.7.1.Rolling Stock Loading Gauge C.7.1.1.Compression of the suspensions for areas outside the support polygon...1.For all vehicles, and wagons in particular, it may be...C.8.APPENDIX 3 ROLLING STOCK LOADING GAUGE C.8.1.Calculation of the loading gauge of tilting vehicles C.8.1.1.General C.8.1.2.Scope C.8.1.3.Field of application C.8.1.4.Background C.8.1.5.Conditions related to safety C.8.1.6.Symbols used C.8.2.Basic conditions to determine the loading gauge of TBV units...C.8.2.1.Types of body tilting systems Fig. C30 Fig. C31 C.8.3.Analysis of the formulae C.8.3.1.Basic formulae C.8.3.2.Modifications to be made to the formulae for TBVs C. for the values of the lateral plays when the...C. displacement of a TBV C. of the quasi-static displacements zP for the reductions on...Fig. C32:ACTIVE system Fig. C33:PASSIVE system C. of the quasi-static displacements zP, for the reductions on...Fig. C34:ACTIVE system Fig. C35:PASSIVE system C. systems: displacements due to body rotation Fig. C36 C.8.4.Associated Rules C.8.5.Comments C.8.5.1.Condition for adjusting the inclination (TBV units with active system)...C.8.5.2.Condition concerning the speed of TBV units C.8.6.Appendix 4 Rolling Stock Loading Gauge D.1LOAD LIMITS FOR WAGONS ACCORDING TO THE CLASSIFICATION OF LINES....D.2LOAD LIMITS FOR WAGONS ACCORDING TO THE CLASSIFICATION OF LINES....D.3LOAD LIMITS FOR WAGONS ACCORDING TO THE CLASSIFICATION OF LINES....D.4LOAD LIMITS FOR WAGONS ACCORDING TO THE CLASSIFICATION OF LINES....D.5LOAD LIMITS FOR WAGONS ACCORDING TO THE CLASSIFICATION OF LINES....D.5.1Wagons with three 2-axle bogies D.5.2Wagons with four 2-axle bogies D.6LOAD LIMITS FOR WAGONS ACCORDING TO THE CLASSIFICATION OF LINES....D.7LOAD LIMITS FOR WAGONS ACCORDING TO THE CLASSIFICATION OF LINES....Fig. E1 — Symbols Fig. F1Tag position on wagon. Fig. F2Installation constraints for tag readers Fig. G1 Fig G2 I.1.DISTRIBUTOR I.1.1.Distributor Interfaces I.1.1.1.Distributor valve Fig.: I.1 Fig.: I.2 Fig.: I.3 Fig.: I.4 Fig.: I.6 I.2.RELAY VALVE FOR VARIABLE LOAD/AUTOMATIC EMPTY-LOAD CHANGE OVER BRAKE I.2.1.Relay valve for variable load I.2.2.Relay valve for automatic empty/load change over I.3.WHEEL SLIDE PROTECTION DEVICE I.4.SLACK ADJUSTER I.5.BRAKE CYLINDER/ACTUATOR Fig.: I.9.1 Fig.: I.9.2 I.6.PNEUMATIC HALF COUPLING Fig. I.10 Fig. I.11Pneumatic half coupling — Main Reservoir Pipe Fig. I.12Coupling Head — Brake Pipe Fig. I.13Seal — Single piece coupling head Fig. I.14Coupling Head — Main Reservoir Pipe Fig. I.15Seal — Two piece coupling head I.7.END COCK Fig. I.16Marking on end of the spindle Fig. I.17 Diagram showing the overall dimensions of the end cock (Dimensional...(Dimensional length unit is millimetre) Fig. I.18 End cock fitted...Fig. I.18 End cock fitted with a spring locking device in the...(Dimensional length unit is millimetre) Fig. I.19 Diagram showing the...Fig. I.19 Diagram showing the overall dimensions of the end cock on...(Dimensional length unit is millimetre) Fig. I.20 Connection dimensions for...Fig. I.20 Connection dimensions for the end cock controls on vehicles equipped...(Dimensional length unit is millimetre) I.8. ISOLATING DEVICE FOR DISTRIBUTOR...I.8.ISOLATING DEVICE FOR DISTRIBUTOR Fig. I.21 I.9.BRAKE PAD I.9.1.Purpose I.9.2.Operational I.9.3.Pad design I.9.4.Frictional Performance General requirements I.10.BRAKE BLOCKS I.10.1.Purpose I.10.2.Materials I.10.3.Interface with Block Holder Fig I.10.3.1Part 1 Fig I.10.3.1Part 2 Fig I.10.3.2part 1 Fig I.10.3.2part 2 Fig I.10.3.3All other dimensions as Fig I.10.3.1 Fig I.10.3.4All other dimensions as Fig I.10.3.2 I.11.BRAKE PIPE EMPTYING ACCELERATOR VALVE Fig. I.22Insensitivity test conditions I.12.AUTOMATIC LOAD SENSING & EMPTY/LOAD CHANGEOVER DEVICE I.12.1.Continuous Load Sensing Device I.12.2.Empty/Load Changeover device J.1.STATIC TESTS WITH EXCEPTIONAL IN-SERVICE LOADS Definitions of Applied Loads Vertical and Transverse Loads Loads due to roll Loads Due To Braking Torsional Loads Test Procedure Results To Be Obtained Static Tests With Exceptional In-Service Loads– two axle bogies Static Tests With Exceptional In-Service Loads– Three Axle Bogies J.2.STATIC TESTS WITH NORMAL IN-SERVICE LOADS Definitions of applied loads. Vertical loads and loads due to roll Transverse load Loads Due To Braking Torsional Loads Test Procedure Results To Be Obtained Static Tests With Normal In Service Loads– Two Axle Bogies...Static Tests With Normal In-Service Loads– Three Axle Bogies J.3.FATIGUE TESTS Vertical Loads And Loads Due To Roll Transverse Loads Loads Due To Braking Torsional Loads Test Procedure Torsional Loads Results To Be Obtained Fatigue Tests on Two-Axle Bogies Load On Pivot Bearing Loads On Friction Pads Transverse load acting on the pivot bearing Fatigue Tests — Three Axle Bogies Load on Pivot Bearing Loads on Friction Pads Transverse Load Acting on the Pivot Bearing J.4.NOTATION J.5.OVERVIEW/GUIDELINES Common Conditions For Rig Tests K.1ASSEMBLY OF COMPONENTS. K.1.1General. K.1.2Interference between axle wheelseat and wheel bore hub. K.1.3Press fitting diagram. K.2WHEELSET CHARACTERISTICS. K.2.1Mechanical resistance of the assemblies. K.3DIMENSIONS AND TOLERANCES. K.3.1General. K.3.2Characteristics of mounted wheels. Fig. K6 K.3.3Overhang of the wheel. K.4PROTECTION AGAINST CORROSION. L.1DESIGN ASSESSMENT L.1.1General L.1.2Design parameters to be assessed. L.1.2.1Parameters for geometrical compatibility L.1.2.2Parameters for thermo mechanical Compatibility L.1.2.3Parameters for mechanical assessment L.1.3Assessment of geometrical Compatibility L.1.4Assessment of thermo mechanical compatibility L.1.4.1General procedure L.1.4.2First step: Braking bench test. L. procedure. L. criteria. L.1.4.3Second step: Wheel fracture bench test. L. L. fracture bench test procedure L. criteria. L.1.4.4Third step: Field braking test. L. L. procedure. L. criteria. L.1.5Assessment of mechanical compatibility L.1.5.1General procedure. L.1.5.2First step: calculation. L. forces. Figure. L1 L. procedure. L. criteria. L.1.5.3Second step: Bench test. L. L. of the bench loading and test procedure. L. criteria. L.2PRODUCT ASSESSMENT L.2.1Mechanical characteristics linked to wear: L.2.1.1Tensile test characteristics L.2.1.2Hardness characteristics in the rim L.2.1.3Heat treatment homogeneity L.2.2Mechanical characteristics linked to safety: L.2.2.1Impact test characteristics L.2.2.2Toughness characteristic of the rim L.2.3Material cleanliness L.2.3.1Micrographic cleanliness L.2.3.2Internal integrity L.2.4Surface condition L.2.4.1Characteristics to be achieved. L.2.5Surface integrity L.2.6Geometrical tolerances L.2.7Static imbalance L.2.8Protection against corrosion M.1.DESIGN ASSESSMENT M.1.1.General M.1.2.Identification of forces and calculation of moments. M.1.3.Geometrical and dimensional tolerances M.1.3.1.Selection of the diameters for journals and axle body. M.1.3.2.Selection of the diameters of the various seats from the...M. bearing surface. M. between the collar bearing surface and wheelseat. M. M.1.4.Maximum permissible stresses. M.1.4.1.Steel grade EA1N M.1.4.2.Steel grades other than EA1N. M.2.PRODUCT ASSESSMENT M.2.1.Mechanical characteristics: M.2.1.1.Characteristics from tensile test M.2.1.2.Impact test characteristics M.2.2.Microstructure characteristics M.2.3.Material micrographic cleanliness M.2.4.Internal integrity M.2.5.Permeability to ultrasound M.2.6.Surface characteristics M.2.6.1.Surface finish M.2.6.2.Surface integrity M.2.6.3.Geometrical and dimensional tolerances M.2.7Final protection against corrosion M.2.7.1General M.2.7.2.Resistance to specific corrosive products N.1STATIC TEST METHODS N.1.1Limits values for static tests to verify fatigue strength Design level for temperature class TRIV P.1.DESIGN ASSESSMENT P.1.1.Distributor P.1.2.Relay valve for variable load and automatic empty-load change-over P.1.2.1.Relay valve for variable load P.1.2.2.Relay valve for automatic empty-load P.1.3.Wheel slide protection device P.1.4.Slack adjuster P.1.5.Brake cylinder/actuator P.1.6.Pneumatic half coupling P.1.7.End Cocks P.1.8.Isolating device for distributor P.1.9.Brake pads P.1.10.Brake blocks P.1.11.Accelerator valve P.1.12.Automatic variable load sensing and empty/load changeover device P.1.12.1.Automatic variable load sensing device P.1.12.2.Empty/load changeover device P.PRODUCT ASSESSMENT P.2.1.Distributor P.2.2.Relay valve for variable load and empty/load P.2.3.Wheel slide protection device P.2.4.Slack adjuster P.2.5.Brake cylinder/actuator P.2.6.Pneumatic half coupling P.2.7.End Cocks P.2.8.Isolating device for distributor P.2.9.Brake pads P.2.10.Brake blocks P.2.11.Accelerator valve P.2.12.Automatic variable load sensing and empty/load changeover device P.2.12.1.Automatic variable load sensing device P.2.12.2.Empty/load changeover device P.3.TEST PROCEDURE CHARACTERISTIC Modules for Interoperability Constituents: Characteristics MODULES FOR INTEROPERABILITY CONSTITUENTSModule A: Internal Production Control 1.This module describes the procedure whereby the manufacturer or his...2.The manufacturer must establish the technical documentation described in point...3.The technical documentation must enable the conformity of the interoperability...4.The manufacturer must take all the measures necessary in order...5.The manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the Community...6.The manufacturer or his authorised representative must keep a copy...7.If additional to the EC declaration of conformity, an EC...MODULES FOR INTEROPERABILITY CONSTITUENTSModule A1: Internal Design Control with Production Verification 1.This module describes the procedure whereby the manufacturer or his...2.The manufacturer must establish the technical documentation described in point...3.The technical documentation must enable the conformity of the interoperability...4.The manufacturer must take all the measures necessary in order...5.The notified body, chosen by the manufacturer, must carry out...5.1.Verification by examination and testing of every interoperability constituent 5.1.1.Each product shall be individually examined and appropriate tests shall...5.1.2.The notified body must draw up a written certificate of...5.2.Statistical verification 5.2.1.The manufacturer must present his interoperability constituents in the form...5.2.2.All interoperability constituents must be available for verification in the...5.2.3.The statistical procedure must use appropriate elements (statistical method, sampling...5.2.4.In the case of accepted lots, the notified body shall...5.2.5.If a lot is rejected, the notified body or the...6.The manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the Community...7.The manufacturer or his authorised representative must keep a copy...8.If additional to the EC declaration of conformity, an EC...MODULES FOR INTEROPERABILITY CONSTITUENTSModule B: Type Examination 1.This module describes that part of the procedure by which...2.The application for the EC type-examination must be lodged by...3.The technical documentation must enable the conformity of the interoperability...4.The notified body must: 4.1.examine the technical documentation, 4.2.verify that any specimen(s) required for test has (have) been...4.3.where a design review is requested in the TSI, perform...4.4.where a review of the manufacturing process is requested in...4.5.identify the elements which have been designed in accordance with...4.6.perform or have performed the appropriate examinations and necessary tests...4.7.perform or have performed the appropriate examinations and necessary tests...4.8.agree with the applicant the location where the examinations and...5.Where the type meets the provisions of the TSI, the...6.The applicant must inform the notified body that holds the...7.If no modifications as in point 6 have been made,...8.Each notified body must communicate to the other notified bodies...9.The other notified bodies may receive, on request, copies of...10.The manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the Community...MODULES FOR INTEROPERABILITY CONSTITUENTSModule C: Conformity to Type 1.This module describes that part of the procedure whereby the...2.The manufacturer must take all measures necessary to ensure that...3.The manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the Community...4.The manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the Community...5.If additional to the EC declaration of conformity an EC...MODULES FOR INTEROPERABILITY CONSTITUENTSModule D: Production Quality Management System 1.This module describes the procedure whereby the manufacturer or his...2.The manufacturer must operate an approved quality management system for...3.Quality management system 3.1.The manufacturer must lodge an application for assessment of his...3.2.The quality management system must ensure compliance of the interoperability...3.3.The notified body assesses the quality management system to determine...3.4.The manufacturer must undertake to fulfil the obligations arising out...4.Surveillance of the quality management system under the responsibility of...4.1.The purpose of surveillance is to make sure that the...4.2.The manufacturer must allow the notified body entrance for inspection...4.3.The notified body must periodically carry out audits to make...4.4.Additionally the notified body may pay unexpected visits to the...5.Each notified body must communicate to the other notified bodies...6.The manufacturer must, for a period of 10 years after...7.The manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the Community...8.The manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the Community...9.If additional to the EC declaration of conformity an EC...4 MODULES FOR INTEROPERABILITY CONSTITUENTSModule F: Product Verification 1.This module describes the procedure whereby a manufacturer or his...2.The manufacturer must take all measures necessary in order that...3.The notified body must carry out the appropriate examinations and...4.Verification by examination and testing of every interoperability constituent 4.1.Each product shall be individually examined and appropriate tests shall...4.2.The notified body must draw up a written certificate of...4.3.The manufacturer or his authorised representative must ensure that he...5.Statistical verification 5.1.The manufacturer must present his interoperability constituents in the form...5.2.All interoperability constituents must be available for verification in the...5.3.The statistical procedure must use appropriate elements (statistical method, sampling...5.4.In the case of accepted lots, the notified body shall...5.5.The manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the Community...6.The manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the Community...7.The manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the Community...8.If additional to the EC declaration of conformity an EC...MODULES FOR INTEROPERABILITY CONSTITUENTSModule H 1: Full Quality Management System 1.This module describes the procedure whereby the manufacturer or his...2.The manufacturer must operate an approved quality management system for...3.Quality management system 3.1.The manufacturer must lodge an application for assessment of his...3.2.The quality management system must ensure compliance of the interoperability...3.3.The notified body must assess the quality management system to...3.4.The manufacturer must undertake to fulfil the obligations arising out...4.Surveillance of the quality management system under the responsibility of...4.1.The purpose of surveillance is to make sure that the...4.2.The manufacturer must allow the notified body entrance for inspection...4.3.The notified body must periodically carry out audits to make...4.4.Additionally the notified body may pay unexpected visits to the...5.The manufacturer must, for a period of 10 years after...6.Each notified body must communicate to the other notified bodies...7.The manufacturer or its authorised representative established within the Community...8.The manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the Community...9.If additional to the EC declaration of conformity an EC...MODULES FOR INTEROPERABILITY CONSTITUENTSModule H2: Full Quality Management System With Design Examination 1.This module describes the procedure whereby a notified body carries...2.The manufacturer must operate an approved quality management system for...3.Quality management system. 3.1.The manufacturer must lodge an application for assessment of his...3.2.The quality management system must ensure compliance of the interoperability...3.3.The notified body must assess the quality management system to...3.4.The manufacturer must undertake to fulfil the obligations arising out...4.Surveillance of the quality management system under the responsibility of...4.1.The purpose of surveillance is to make sure that the...4.2.The manufacturer must allow the notified body entrance for inspection...4.3.The notified body must periodically carry out audits to make...4.4.Additionally the notified body may pay unexpected visits to the...5.The manufacturer must, for a period of 10 years after...6.Design examination 6.1.The manufacturer must lodge an application for examination of the...6.2.The application must enable the design, manufacture, maintenance and operation...6.3.The applicant shall present the results of tests, including type...6.4.The notified body must examine the application and assess the...6.5.The applicant must keep the notified body that has issued...6.6.If no modifications as in point 6.4. have been made,...7.Each notified body must communicate to the other notified bodies...8.The manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the Community...9.The manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the Community...10.If additional to the EC declaration of conformity an EC...MODULES FOR INTEROPERABILITY CONSTITUENTSModule V: Type-Validation By In Service Experience (Suitability For Use)...1.This module describes that part of the procedure by which...2.The manufacturer, or his authorised representative established within the Community,...3.The technical documentation must enable the assessment of the product...4.The programme for the validation by in service experience must...5.The notified body must: 5.1.Examine the technical documentation and the programme for validation by...5.2.Verify that the type is representative and has been manufactured...5.3.Verify that the programme for validation by in service experience...5.4.Agree with the applicant the programme and the location where...5.5.Monitor and inspect the progress of in service running, operation...5.6.Evaluate the report, to be issued by the company (ies)...5.7.Assess, if the in service behaviour meets the requirements of...6.Where the type meets the provisions of the TSI, the...7.The applicant must inform the notified body that holds the...8.If no modifications as in point 7 have been made,...9.Each notified body must communicate to the other notified bodies...10.The other notified bodies shall be provided on request with...11.The manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the Community...12.The manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the Community...R.1.TESTS CONDITIONS R.1.1.Track Fig. R1 R.1.2.Test train Fig. R2 R.1.3.Buffer type R.1.4.Carrying out the tests R.2.SCOPE OF MEASUREMENTS R.2.1.Measurements during the tests Fig. R3 R.2.2.Measurements/Calculations to be made R.3.EVALUATION CRITERIA USED TO CALCULATE THE PERMISSIBLE LONGITUDINAL COMPRESSIVE FORCE....R.4.ANALYSIS Fig. R4 R.5.CONDITIONS FOR TEST EXEMPTION Fig. R5 Fig. R 6 Fig. R 7 S.1.DETERMINING THE BRAKING POWER OF VEHICLES FITTED WITH UIC AIR...S.1.1.General S.1.2.Determining the braking power by calculation S.1.2.1.Determining the braking power using the factor k S.1.2.2.Wagons for which the required condition for calculating the braking...Fig.S1Assessment graph S.1.3.Determining the braked mass in tests S.1.3.1.Wagons with a maximum speed of ≤ 120 km/h S. on a single vehicle (slip brake tests) S. composition in the slip brake test S.1.3.2.Wagons with a maximum speed greater than 120 km/h but...S.2.DETERMINING THE BRAKING POWER OF WAGONS FITTED WITH A UIC...S.3.EXECUTION OF TESTS S.3.1.Method of execution for the tests S.3.1.1.Atmospheric conditions S.3.1.2.Number of tests S.3.1.3.Condition of friction components and discs/wheels S.3.2.Method of evaluating the test results S.3.2.1.Correcting the braking distances from each test S.3.2.2.Correcting the mean braking distance s — S.4.EVALUATION OF BRAKE PERFORMANCE BY A CALCULATION S.4.1.Step by step calculation S.4.2.Calculation by stages of deceleration T.1.WAGONS INTENDED TO RUN ON THE BRITISH NETWORK T.1.1.Introduction T.1.2.Section A — Gauge applicable to wagons in Great Britain...Area above 1 000 mm Above Rail Level (ARL) General 1 000 mm Dimension ARL Determination of Maximum Vehicle Width. Formulae to be applied for determination of the reduction above...Area below 1 000 mm ARL General Determination of Maximum Vehicle Width Diagram for Width Reduction FormulaeFigure T3 Formulae to be applied for determination of the reduction below...T.1.3.Section B — Sample Calculation for a W6-A Gauge Vehicle...1.Example 1.1.Two-axle covered wagon, to the following dimensions: 1.2.Area above 1 000 mm ARL 1.2.1.At centre of the vehicle 1.3.At vehicle headstock below 1 000 m ARL 1.4.1.Total lateral suspension movements,02 + 0,003) m = 23 mm (half-width reduction) 1.5.At axle centre line 1.5.1.Eo/Ei = zero 1.6.At centre of the vehicle vehicle headstock of Vertical Displacements/Underclearances 3.1.Sprung Component Displacement Component Displacement, at Centre of the Vehicle, at Vehicle Headstock C — W7 and W8 Gauges W7 GaugeFig. T4 W8 GaugeFig. T5 T.1.5.Section D — Special load gauge W9 1.1.The W9 gauge has two distinct parts that shall both...Reference profile of the gauge W9 (i) innerFig. T6 2.Notes on the reduction formulae and other factors to be...2.1.Gauge W9 (i) is specified for a wagon with a...2.1.1.Area above 1 000 mm ARL comprised between 1 000 mm and 780 mm ARLFig. T6 1.1.3.Reduction Ei (metres) to be made on each side of...Area between 1 000 mm and 780 mm ARL 2.1.General 2.1.1.This part of the W9 (i) gauge is simplified kinematic...2.1.3.Area below 780 mm ARL of W9 (i) gauge widths Fig. T7 2.1.5.At any point of the vehicle, the combination of its:... Ei (metres) to be made on each side of... Any width reduction derived from the above applies equally...3.Sample calculation 3.1.Width reductions calculated in accordance with data relating to W9...3.1.1.Bogie wagon, to the following dimensions: 3.2.Area above 1 000 mm ARL 3.2.1.At the centre of the wagon 3.2.2.Overall gauge reduction 3.3.Area comprised between 1 000 mm and 780 mm ARL... on the reduction formulae and other factors to be...4.1.Gauge W9 (o) is specified for a wagon with a...4.1.1.Area above 1 000 mm ARL for Width Reduction Formula Fig. T7 4.1.3.Formula to be applied for determination of the reduction above... 4.2.2.Area below 1 000 mm ARL of gauge widths T8 U.1.WAGONS FOR BOTH 1 520 MM AND 1 435 MM...Fig. U1 Fig.U2 Fig.U3 U.2.WAGONS FOR ONLY 1 520 MM TRACKS Fig. U4Kinematic gauge WM-2 Fig.U5Kinematic gauge WM-1 Fig. U6Lower parts for kinematic gauge WM-02, 1, 0 U.3.PASSING OVER TRANSITION CURVES U.4.PASSING OVER VERTICAL TRANSITION CURVES (INCLUDING MARSHALLING YARD HUMPS) AND...Fig. U7First track retarder before first turnout Fig. U8First track retarder after first turnout U.5.ABILITY TO COUPLE V.1.PARKING BRAKE FOR FREIGHT WAGONS INTENDED FOR USE ON THE...V.2.EQUIVALENT BRAKE FORCE & BRAKE FORCE FACTORS FOR FREIGHT WAGONS...Brake Force Equivalent Brake Force Brake Force Factors Calculation of Brake Force Data i)Vehicles with either a single value of brake force, or...ii)Vehicles with a value of brake force that varies in...iii)Factors to be considered in the derivation of brake force...W.1.GENERAL RULES 1.1.The vehicle gauge determines the space where the vehicle should...1.2.To define the lowest position of the various parts of...1.3.For the definition of the highest location of the various...W.2.LOWER PART OF THE VEHICLE W.3.VEHICLE PARTS IN PROXIMITY OF THE WHEEL FLANGES 3.1.The minimum vertical distance allowed for vehicle parts located in...3.2.In exception for the point 3.1, the minimum vertical distance...3.3.The minimum distance of brake components which should come in...W.4.VEHICLE WIDTH 4.1Transverse half-width dimensions allowed on straight track and in curve...W.5.LOWER STEP AND ACCESS DOORS OPENING OUTWARDS FOR COACHES AND...5.1The gauge of the lower step of coaches and multiple...5.2.The gauge in open position of access doors opening outwards...W.6.PANTOGRAPHS AND NON-INSULATED LIVE PARTS ON THE ROOF 6.1.The lowered pantograph in middle position on a straight track...6.2.The raised pantograph in middle position on a straight track...6.3.If the pantograph is not above the centre of the...6.4.Non-insulated parts (25 kV) on the roof should not penetrate...W.7.RULES AND LATER INSTRUCTIONS 7.1.Besides items W.1-W.6, the vehicles designed for the western traffic...7.2.Besides items W.1-W.6, the vehicles designed for the traffic with...7.3.A separate regulation is used for gauging trainsets made up...7.4.Loading gauges are dealt with by a separate regulation. 1)Lower part of the vehicles able to pass over marshalling...2)Lower part of the vehicles unable to pass over marshalling...3)Lower part of the bogies of powered units unable to...4)Gauge of the vehicles able to run on lines individuated...PASSING TRACKS: 1.General rules 2.Reduction formulae (in metres) 2.1Sections between bogie pivots or between end axles 2.2Sections beyond bogie pivots or beyond end axles (vehicles with...3.Reduction values 3.1For sections between bogie pivots; 3.2For sections beyond bogie pivots; 1.This norm concerns the step used either for high (550/1...2.Distance between the track centreline and the platform: 3.Room required for the step: L = 1,800 + 36...3.1Step located between bogie pivots: A s = B +...3.2Step located beyond bogie pivots: 4.Notations (values in metres): 5.Rules related to the transverse distance between the step and...5.1Distance AV = L - As/u should be at least...5.2On a straight track, with a coach in its middle...6.Gauge check 7.Display of the outputs 1.To avoid a uselessly wide gap between the step and...2.The distance between the track centreline and the fixed equipment...3.Room required for to the door: 3.1.Door located between bogie pivots: O s = B +...3.2Door located beyond bogie pivots: O u = B +...4.Notations (values in metres): 5.Rules related to the transverse distance between the door and...6.Gauge check 7.Display of the outputs 1)Es or Eu must be added in the transversal direction...MEMBER STATE: SPAIN AND PORTUGAL Special remark Y.1TWO AXLE BOGIES Y.2SUSPENSION Z.1.BUFFING TESTS Z.1.1.Requirement Z.1.2.Buffing tests with empty wagons Z.1.3.Buffing test with laden wagons Z.1.4.Wagons with side buffers Z.1.5.Wagons equipped with an automatic coupler Z.1.6.Results Structure of modules for the EC verification procedure of Subsystems...MODULES FOR THE EC VERIFICATION OF SUBSYSTEMSModule SB: Type Examination 1.This module describes the EC verification procedure whereby a notified...2.The contracting entity must lodge an application for EC verification...3.The applicant must place at the disposal of the notified...4.The notified body must: 4.1.Examine the technical documentation, 4.2Verify that the specimen(s) of the subsystem or of assemblies...4.3.Where a design review is requested in the TSI, perform...4.4.Identify the elements which have been designed in accordance with...4.5.Perform or have performed the appropriate examinations and necessary tests...4.6.Perform or have performed the appropriate examinations and necessary tests...4.7.Agree with the applicant the location where the examinations and...5.Where the type meets the provisions of the TSI, the...6.Each notified body must communicate to the other notified bodies...7.The other notified bodies may receive on request copies of...8.The contracting entity must keep with the technical documentation copies...9.The applicant must inform the notified body that holds the...MODULES FOR THE EC VERIFICATION OF SUBSYSTEMSModule SD: Production Quality Management System 1.This module describes the EC verification procedure whereby a notified...2.The notified body carries out the procedure, under the condition,...3.For the subsystem that is subject of the EC verification...4.EC verification procedure 4.1.The contracting entity must lodge an application for EC verification...4.2.The application must enable the design, manufacture, assembly, installation, maintenance...4.3.The notified body shall fist examine the application concerning the...5.Quality management system 5.1.The contracting entity, if involved, and the main contractors, when...5.2.For the contracting entity or the main contractor responsible for...5.3.The notified body chosen by the contracting entity must examine,...5.4.The notified body referenced to in point 5.1. must assess...5.5.The contracting entity, if involved, and the main contractors shall...6.Surveillance of the quality management system(s) under the responsibility of...6.1.The purpose of surveillance is to make sure that the...6.2.The contracting entity, if involved, and the main contractors must...6.3.The notified body must periodically carry out audits to make...6.4.Additionally the notified body may pay unexpected visits to the...6.5.The notified body chosen by the contracting entity and responsible...7.The notified body as referenced in point 5.1. must have...8.The contracting entity, if involved, and the main contractors must,...9.Where the subsystem meets the requirements of the TSI, the...10.The notified body chosen by the contracting entity shall be...11.Each notified body must communicate to the other notified bodies...12.The records accompanying the certificate of conformity must be lodged...MODULES FOR THE EC VERIFICATION OF SUBSYSTEMSModule SF: Product Verification 1.This module describes the EC verification procedure whereby a notified...2.The contracting entity must lodge an application for EC verification...3.Within that part of the procedure the contracting entity checks...4.The contracting entity must take all measures necessary in order...5.The application must enable the design, manufacture, installation, maintenance and...6.The notified body shall first examine the application concerning the...7.Verification by examination and testing of every subsystem (as a...7.1.The notified body must carry out the tests, examinations and...7.2.Each subsystem (as serial product) must be individually examined, tested...8.The notified body may agree with the contracting entity (and...9.Where the subsystem meets the requirements of the TSI, the...10.The notified body shall be responsible for compiling the technical...11.The records accompanying the certificate of conformity must be lodged...MODULES FOR THE EC VERIFICATION OF SUBSYSTEMSModule SH2: Full Quality Management System with Design Examination 1.This module describes the EC verification procedure whereby a notified...2.The notified body shall carry out the procedure, including a...3.For the subsystem that is subject of the EC verification...4.EC verification procedure 4.1.The contracting entity must lodge an application for EC verification...4.2.The application must enable the design, manufacture, assembly, installation, maintenance...4.3.The contracting entity shall present the results of examinations, checking...4.4.The notified body must examine the application concerning the design...5.Quality management system 5.1.The contracting entity, if involved, and the main contractors, when...5.2.For the contracting entity or the main contractor responsible for...5.3.The notified body chosen by the contracting entity must examine,...5.4.The notified body referenced in point 5.1. must assess the...5.5.The contracting entity, if involved, and the main contractors shall...6.Surveillance of the quality management system(s) under the responsibility of...6.1.The purpose of surveillance is to make sure that the...6.2.The contracting entity, if involved, and the main contractors must...6.3.The notified body must periodically carry out audits to make...6.4.Additionally the notified body may pay unexpected visits to the...6.5.The notified body chosen by the contracting entity and responsible...7.The notified body as referenced under point 5.1. must have...8.The contracting entity, if involved, and the main contractors must,...9.Where the subsystem meets the requirements of the TSI, the...10.The notified body chosen by the contracting entity shall be...11.Each notified body must communicate to the other notified bodies...12.The records accompanying the certificate of conformity must be lodged...BB.1TAIL SIGNAL LAMP BRACKETS Fig. BB1signal lamp bracket BB.2TAIL SIGNAL LAMPS: SPACE REQUIRED — ENVELOPE Fig. BB2Space required envelope CC.1PAYLOAD SPECTRUM CC.1.1General CC.1.2Track induced loading CC.1.3Traction and braking CC.1.4Aerodynamic loading CC.1.5Fatigue loads at interfaces EE.1GENERAL EE.2MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS EE.2.1Handrails EE.2.2Dimension of footsteps Fig. EE1Disposition des Marchepieds et des mains courantes aux extrémités des...Fig EE2Espace libre, Clearance, Freiraum Fig. EE3Hand rails for shunters FF1.WHEEL SLIDE PROTECTION DEVICES FF1.1.Wheel slide protection devices for new, existing, upgraded and renewed...FF1.2.Wheel slide protection devices for use on existing vehicles FF 2.COMPRESSED-AIR BRAKES FOR ‘FREIGHT TRAINS’ AND ‘PASSENGER TRAINS’ FF 2.1.Distributor Valves for new vehicles, upgraded and renewed vehicles FF 2.2.Valves for vehicles existing before 2005 which are upgraded or...FF 3.SELF-ADJUSTING LOAD-PROPORTIONAL BRAKING DEVICES APPROVED FOR INTERNATIONAL TRAFFIC FF 4.BRAKE PIPE EMPTYING ACCELERATORS ACCEPTED IN INTERNATIONAL SERVICES FF 5.QUICK-RELEASE VALVES ACCEPTED IN INTERNATIONAL SERVICES FF 6.BRAKE PADS FOR VEHICLES EQUIPPED WITH DISC BRAKES, ACCEPTED FOR...FF 7.AUTOMATIC ‘EMPTY-LOADED’ CONTROL MECHANISMS ACCEPTED IN INTERNATIONAL TRAFFIC FF 8.TEST BENCHES ASSESSED UP TO JUNE 2004 AS CAPABLE OF...JJ.1.LIST OF OPEN POINTS JJ.2.CLOSURE OF OPEN POINTS AND ADDITIONAL SPECIFICATIONS IN THE CASE...1.Closure of open points 1.1.Hot Axle Box detection 1.2.Cross winds 1.3.Assessment of welding joints 1.4.Assessment of maintenance 1.5.Wheel treads 1.6.Cast wheels 1.7.Design and Assessment of composite brake blocks 2.Additional specifications 2.1.Buffers and draw gears 2.2.Strength of main vehicle structure 2.3.Jacking FigureRelevage sur la voie / Rerailing 2.4.Axle 2.5.Dynamic behaviour of the vehicle 2.6.Longitudinal compressive force 2.7.Braking 2.7.1.Energy storage 2.8.Two-axle wagons 2.9.Electric or electromagnetic interference 2.10.Special types of wagons 2.11.Wagons coming to UK 1.TERMS AND DEFINITIONS Hot axle box detector (HABD): 2.SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 3.ROLLING STOCK REQUIREMENTS 3.1.Target Zone 3.2.Target area 3.3.Dimensions of the Target Area 3.4.Position of the Target Area in the XY plane 3.5.Visibility requirements for the Target Area 4.OTHER MECHANICAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS 4.1.Prohibitive Zone 5.CROSS REFERENCE TABLE YY.1.INTRODUCTION YY.2.STRENGTH OF WAGON BODY STRUCTURES YY.2.1.Stresses due to the vertical load YY.2.2.Combined stresses YY.2.3.Strength of the wagon floor to support industrial trucks and...YY.3.COVERED WAGONS WITH FIXED ROOF AND FIXED OR MOVING SIDE-WALLS...YY.3.1.Strength of fixed side and end-walls YY.3.2.Strength of side doors YY.3.3.Strength of sliding walls YY.3.4.Forces resulting from the passing of trains YY.3.5.Strength of lockable partitions of sliding-wall wagons YY.3.6.Strength of roof YY.4.WAGONS WITH FULL OPENING ROOF (ROLLER ROOF AND HINGED ROOF)...YY.4.1.Wagons for the transport of heavy part-load goods YY.4.2.Wagons for the transport of heavy bulk goods YY.5.HIGH-SIDED OPEN WAGONS YY.5.1.Resistance of side-walls to transverse forces and of the edges...YY.5.2.Strength of the side doors YY.6.FLAT WAGONS AND COMPOSITE FLAT/HIGH-SIDED WAGONS YY.6.1.Strength of the side and end flaps YY.6.2.Strength of the fixed side-wall flaps YY.6.3.Strength of the side stanchions YY.6.4.Strength of end stanchions YY.7.GRAVITY DISCHARGE WAGONS YY.7.1.Strength of walls YY.8.WAGONS FOR THE CONVEYANCE OF ISO CONTAINERS AND/OR SWAP-BODIES YY.8.1.Attachment of containers and swap-bodies YY.8.2.Strength requirements for the container/swap-body retention devices YY.8.3.Positioning of the container/swap-body retention devices YY.9.REQUIREMENTS FOR OTHER PAYLOAD SECURING EQUIPMENT YY.10.DEPOT TOW HOOKS 1.The tow hook shall be positioned such that there is...2.The tow hook shall be positioned so as to avoid...3.To reduce the potential danger to staff at the side...ZZ.1.STRUCTURAL STEELS ZZ.2.OTHER STRUCTURAL MATERIALS

Commission Decision

of 28 July 2006

concerning the technical specification of interoperability relating to the subsystem ‘rolling stock — freight wagons’ of the trans-European conventional rail system

(notified under document number C(2006) 3345)

(Text with EEA relevance)

(2006/861/EC) (repealed)


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,

Having regard to Directive 2001/16/EC of 19 March 2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the interoperability of the conventional rail system1, and in particular Article 6(1) thereof,



In accordance with Article 2(c) of Directive 2001/16/EC, the trans-European conventional rail system is subdivided into structural and functional subsystems.


In accordance with Article 23(1) of the Directive, the subsystem ‘rolling stock — freight wagons’ needs to be covered by a technical specification for interoperability (TSI).


The first step in establishing a TSI is to have a draft TSI drawn up by the European Association for Railway Interoperability (AEIF) which was appointed as the joint representative body.


The AEIF has been given a mandate to draw up a draft TSI for the ‘rolling stock — freight wagons’ subsystem in accordance with Article 6(1) of Directive 2001/16/EC. The basic parameters for this draft TSI were adopted by Commission Decision 2004/446/EC of 29 April 2004 specifying the basic parameters of the Noise, Freight Wagons and Telematics applications for freight Technical Specifications for Interoperability referred to in Directive 2001/16/EC2.


The draft TSI set up on the basis of the basic parameters was accompanied by an introductory report containing a cost-benefit analysis as provided for in Article 6(5) of the Directive.


The draft TSIs have been examined by the Committee set up by Council Directive 96/48/EC of 23 July 1996 on the interoperability of the trans-European high-speed rail system3 and referred to in Article 21 of Directive 2001/16/EC, in the light of the introductory report.


Directive 2001/16/EC and the TSIs do apply to renewals but not to maintenance-related replacements. However Member States are encouraged, when they are able to do so and where it is justified by the scope of the maintenance-related work, to apply the TSIs to maintenance-related replacements.


The putting into service of new, renewed or upgraded wagons must also take into full consideration the impact on the environment; this includes the impact of noise. It is therefore important that the implementation of the TSI being the subject of this Decision is carried out in conjunction with the requirements of the Noise TSI, to the extent that the Noise TSI applies to freight wagons.


In its current version the TSI does not fully deal with all aspects of interoperability; the items which are not dealt with are classified as ‘Open Points’ in Annex JJ of the TSI. Given that the verification of interoperability has to be established by reference to the requirements of the TSIs, in accordance with Article 16(2) of Directive 2001/16/EC, it is necessary, during the transition period between the publication of this Decision and the full implementation of the attached TSI, to lay down the conditions to be complied with in addition to those explicitly referred to in the TSI attached.


Individual Member States are to inform the other Member States and the Commission of the relevant national technical rules in use for achieving interoperability and meeting the essential requirements of Directive 2001/16/EC as well as of the bodies it appoints for carrying out the procedure for the assessment of conformity or suitability for use as well as the checking procedure in use for verifying the interoperability of subsystems within the meaning of Article 16(2) of Directive 2001/16/EC. For this latter purpose, Member States should apply, as far as possible, the principles and criteria provided for in Directive 2001/16/EC for the implementation of Article 16(2) in making use of the bodies notified under Article 20 of Directive 2001/16/EC. The Commission should carry out an analysis of the information forwarded by the Member States, in the form of national rules, procedures, bodies in charge of implementing procedures, and duration of these procedures, and, where appropriate, should discuss with the Committee the need for the adoption of any measures.


The TSI in question should not demand the use of specific technologies or technical solutions except where this is strictly necessary for the interoperability of the trans-European conventional rail system.


The TSI is based on best available expert knowledge at the time of preparation of the relevant draft. Developments in technology, operational, safety or social requirements may make it necessary to amend or supplement this TSI. Where applicable, a review or updating procedure should be initiated in accordance with Article 6(3) of Directive 2001/16/EC.


To encourage innovation and in order to take into account the experience acquired, the attached TSI should be subject to a periodical revision at regular intervals.


Where innovative solutions are proposed the manufacturer or the contracting entity shall state the deviation from the relevant section of the TSI. The European Rail Agency will finalise the appropriate functional and interface specifications of the solution and develop the assessment methods.


Freight wagons currently operate under existing national, bilateral, multinational or international agreements. It is important that those agreements do not hinder current and future progress towards interoperability. To this end, it is necessary that the Commission examine those agreements in order to determine whether the TSI presented in this Decision needs to be revised accordingly.


In order to avoid any confusion, it is necessary to state that the provisions of Decision 2004/446/EC which concern the basic parameters of the trans-European conventional rail system shall not apply anymore.


The provisions of this Decision are in conformity with the opinion of the Committee set up by Article 21 of Directive 96/48/EC,