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a Without prejudice to specific certification requirements provided for by any relevant Community agreement with third countries. | |||||
b Exclusively for live animals other than animals belonging to the cervidae species. | |||||
c Not including Kosovo as defined by United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 of 10 June 1999. | |||||
d The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia; provisional code that does not affect the definitive denomination of the country to be attributed after the conclusion of the negotiations currently taking place in the United Nations. | |||||
e Serbia and Montenegro are republics with individual customs forming a State Union and therefore are listed separately. | |||||
Specific conditions (see footnotes in each certificate): “I” : territory where the presence of BSE in native cattle has been assessed as highly unlikely, for the purpose of exporting to the European Community animals certified according to the models of certificate BOV-X and BOV-Y. “II” : territory recognised as having an official tuberculosis-free status for the purposes of exports to the European Community of animals certified according to the model of certificate BOV-X. “III” : territory recognised as having an official brucellosis-free status for the purposes of exports to the European Community of animals certified according to the model of certificate BOV-X. “IVa” : territory recognised as having an official enzootic-bovine-leukosis (EBL)-free status for the purposes of exports to the European Community of animals certified according to the model of certificate BOV-X. “IVb” : territory with approved holdings recognised as having an official enzootic-bovine-leukosis (EBL)-free status for the purposes of exports to the European Community of animals certified according to the model of certificate BOV-X. “V” : territory recognised as having an official brucellosis-free status for the purposes of exports to the European Community of animals certified according to the model of certificate OVI-X. “VI” : Geographical constraints: “VII” : territory recognised as having an official tuberculosis-free status for the purposes of exports to the European Community of animals certified according to the model of certificate RUM. “VIII” : territory recognised as having an official brucellosis-free status for the purposes of exports to the European Community of animals certified according to the model of certificate RUM. “IX” : territory recognised as having an official Aujeszky’s disease-free status for the purposes of exports to the European Community of animals certified according to the model of certificate POR-X. “X” : only until 31.12.2006 for transit through the territory of animals for direct slaughter which are consigned from Bulgaria or Romania and destined to a Member States in lorries which have been sealed with a serially numbered seal. The seal number must be entered on the health certificate and the seal must be intact on arrival at the designated border inspection post of entry into the Community and recorded in TRACES . The certificate must be stamped at the exit point of Bulgaria or Romania by the competent veterinary authorities prior to transiting a third country with the following appropriate wording “ONLY FOR TRANSIT TO THE EU FROM BULGARIA/ROMANIA (delete country as applicable) VIA THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA/MONTENEGRO/SERBIA (delete country as applicable)”.’” | |||||
Countrye | Code of territory | Description of territory | Veterinary certificate | Specific conditions | |
Model(s) | SG | ||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
BG — Bulgaria | BG-0 | Whole country | — | VI | |
BG-1 | The provinces of Varna, Dobrich, Silistra, Choumen, Targovitchte, Razgrad, Rousse, V. Tarnovo, Gabrovo, Pleven, Lovetch, Plovdic, Smolian, Pasardjik, Sofia distric, Sofia city, Pernik, Kustendil, Blagoevgrad, Sliven, Starazagora, Vratza, Montana and Vidin | BOV-X, BOV-Y, RUM, OVI-X, OVI-Y | A | ||
CA — Canada | CA-0 | Whole country | POR-X | IVb IX | |
CA-1 | Whole country except the Okanagan Valley region of British Columbia described as follows:
Southerly to a point on the Canada/United States border 118° 15′ longitude, 49° latitude | BOV-X, OVI-X, OVI-Y, RUMb | A | ||
CH — Switzerland | CH-0 | Whole country | BOV-X, BOV-Y, OVI-X, OVI-Y, RUM | ||
POR-X, POR-Y, SUI | B | ||||
CL — Chile | CL-0 | Whole country | OVI-X, RUM | ||
POR-X, SUI | B | ||||
GL — Greenland | GL-0 | Whole country | OVI-X, RUM | V | |
HR — Croatia | HR-0 | Whole country | BOV-X, BOV-Y, RUM, OVI-X, OVI-Y | ||
IS — Iceland | IS-0 | Whole country | BOV-X, BOV-Y, RUM, OVI-X, OVI-Y | I | |
POR-X, POR-Y | B | ||||
MK — The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedoniad | MK-0 | Whole country | X | ||
NZ — New Zealand | NZ-0 | Whole country | BOV-X, BOV-Y, RUM, POR-X, POR-Y, OVI-X, OVI-Y | I | |
PM — Saint Pierre and Miquelon | PM-0 | Whole country | BOV-X, BOV-Y, RUM, OVI-X, OVI-Y, CAM | ||
RO — Romania | RO-0 | Whole country | BOV-X, BOV-Y, RUM, OVI-X, OVI-Y | V | |
XM — Montenegroc | XM-0 | Whole custom territorye | X | ||
XS — Serbiac | XS-0 | Whole custom territorye | X |