Article 38Objectives and conditions for issuing alerts
1.Data on objects sought for the purposes of seizure or use as evidence in criminal proceedings shall be entered in SIS II.
2.The following categories of readily identifiable objects shall be entered:
(a)motor vehicles with a cylinder capacity exceeding 50cc, boats and aircrafts;
(b)trailers with an unladen weight exceeding 750 kg, caravans, industrial equipment, outboard engines and containers;
(d)blank official documents which have been stolen, misappropriated or lost;
(e)issued identity papers such as passports, identity cards, driving licenses, residence permits and travel documents which have been stolen, misappropriated, lost or invalidated;
(f)vehicle registration certificates and vehicle number plates which have been stolen, misappropriated, lost or invalidated;
(g)banknotes (registered notes);
(h)securities and means of payment such as cheques, credit cards, bonds, stocks and shares which have been stolen, misappropriated, lost or invalidated.
3.The technical rules necessary for entering, updating, deleting and searching the data referred to in paragraph 2 shall be established in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 67, without prejudice to the provisions of the instrument setting up the Management Authority.