Article 26Objectives and conditions for issuing alerts

1.Data on persons wanted for arrest for surrender purposes on the basis of a European Arrest Warrant or wanted for arrest for extradition purposes shall be entered at the request of the judicial authority of the issuing Member State.

2.Data on persons wanted for arrest for surrender purposes shall also be entered on the basis of arrest warrants issued in accordance with Agreements concluded between the European Union and third countries on the basis of Articles 24 and 38 of the EU Treaty for the purpose of surrender of persons on the basis of an arrest warrant, which provide for the transmission of such an arrest warrant via the Schengen Information System.

Article 27Additional data on persons wanted for arrest for surrender purposes

1.If a person is wanted for arrest for surrender purposes on the basis of a European Arrest Warrant the issuing Member State shall enter in SIS II a copy of the original of the European Arrest Warrant.

2.The issuing Member State may enter a copy of a translation of the European Arrest Warrant in one or more other official languages of the institutions of the European Union.

Article 28Supplementary information on persons wanted for arrest for surrender purposes

The Member State which entered the alert in SIS II for arrest for surrender purposes shall communicate the information referred to in Article 8(1) of Framework Decision 2002/584/JHA to all Member States through the exchange of supplementary information.

Article 29Supplementary information on persons wanted for arrest for extradition purposes

1.The Member State which entered the alert into SIS II for extradition purposes shall communicate the following data to all Member States through the exchange of supplementary information to all Member States:

(a)the authority which issued the request for arrest;

(b)whether there is an arrest warrant or a document having the same legal effect, or an enforceable judgment;

(c)the nature and legal classification of the offence;

(d)a description of the circumstances in which the offence was committed, including the time, place and the degree of participation in the offence by the person for whom the alert has been issued;

(e)in so far as possible, the consequences of the offence;

(f)any other information useful or necessary for the execution of the alert.

2.The data mentioned in paragraph 1 shall not be communicated where the data referred to in Articles 27 or 28 have already been provided and are considered sufficient for the execution of the alert by the Member State concerned.

Article 30Conversion of alerts on persons wanted for arrest for surrender purposes or extradition purposes

If an arrest cannot be made, either because a requested Member State refuses in accordance with the procedures on flagging set out in Articles 24 or 25, or because, in the case of an alert for arrest for extradition purposes, an investigation has not been completed, the requested Member State must regard the alert as being an alert for the purposes of communicating the whereabouts of the person concerned.

Article 31Execution of action based on an alert on a person wanted for arrest with a view to surrender or extradition

1.An alert entered in SIS II in accordance with Article 26 in conjunction with the additional data referred to in Article 27, shall constitute and have the same effect as a European Arrest Warrant issued in accordance with Framework Decision 2002/584/JHA where this Framework Decision applies.

2.Where Framework Decision 2002/584/JHA does not apply, an alert entered in SIS II in accordance with Articles 26 and 29 shall have the same legal force as a request for provisional arrest under Article 16 of the European Convention on Extradition of 13 December 1957 or Article 15 of the Benelux Treaty concerning Extradition and Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters of 27 June 1962.