Article 3


To enable decisions to be taken with sufficient speed to ensure the protection of Commission staff (including protection of their health at the workplace), information, buildings and other assets from any threat and to ensure its operational capacity, in situations where urgency precludes the use of usual decision-making procedures, paragraphs 2 and 3 shall apply.


If a crisis situation arises inside the European Union, the Member of the Commission responsible for security matters may take any decision he considers necessary to protect the staff and assets of the Commission from such threat.

In situations of extreme urgency the Director of the Commission Security Directorate may take similar decisions to those provided for in the first subparagraph, acting where possible in consultation with the Management Group. Any use of these powers shall immediately be reported to the Member of the Commission responsible for security matters, for review, and where appropriate, endorsement, amendment or revocation. The chairperson of the Management Group shall be informed at the same time as the Member of the Commission responsible for security matters.


If a crisis situation arises outside the European Union, in situations of extreme urgency the Head of a Commission mission or Community delegation may take similar decisions to those provided for in the first subparagraph of paragraph 2. Any use of these powers shall be reported to the Member of the Commission responsible for External Relations who shall immediately inform the Member of the Commission responsible for security matters. These decisions shall be jointly reviewed by the two Members, and where appropriate endorsed, amended or revoked. The chairperson of the Management Group shall be informed at the same time as the Member of the Commission responsible for security matters.


Any decision taken pursuant to this article shall be submitted to the next meeting of the College for review and, where appropriate, endorsement, amendment or revocation.