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Terms of reference for capacity opinions for participants in TARGET2U.K.

The European Central Bank

Kaiserstrasse 29

D-60311 Frankfurt am Main


Participation in TARGET2-ECB

[location], [date]

Dear Sir or Madam,

We have been asked to provide this Opinion as [in-house or external] legal advisers to [specify name of Participant or branch of Participant] in respect of issues arising under the laws of [jurisdiction in which the Participant is established; hereinafter the ‘jurisdiction’] in connection with the participation of [specify name of Participant] (hereinafter the ‘Participant’) in TARGET2-ECB (hereinafter the ‘System’).

This Opinion is confined to the laws of [jurisdiction] as they exist as on the date of this Opinion. We have made no investigation of the laws of any other jurisdiction as a basis for this Opinion, and do not express or imply any opinion in this regard. Each of the statements and opinions presented below applies with equal accuracy and validity under the laws of [jurisdiction], whether or not the Participant acts through its head office or one or more branches established inside or outside of [jurisdiction] in submitting payment orders and receiving payments.


For the purposes of this Opinion, we have examined:


a certified copy of the [specify relevant constitutional document(s)] of the Participant such as is/are in effect on the date hereof;


[if applicable] an extract from the [specify relevant company register] and [if applicable] [register of credit institutions or analogous register];


[to the extent applicable] a copy of the Participant's licence or other proof of authorisation to provide banking, investment, funds transfer or other financial services in [jurisdiction];


[if applicable] a copy of a resolution adopted by the board of directors or the relevant governing body of the Participant on [insert date], [insert year], evidencing the Participant's agreement to adhere to the System Documents, as defined below; and


[specify all powers of attorney and other documents constituting or evidencing the requisite power of the person or persons signing the relevant System Documents (as defined below) on behalf of the Participant];

and all other documents relating to the Participant's constitution, powers, and authorisations necessary or appropriate for the provision of this Opinion (hereinafter the ‘Participant Documents’).

For the purposes of this Opinion, we have also examined:


the terms and conditions of TARGET2-ECB dated [insert date] (hereinafter the ‘Rules’); and



The Rules and the […] shall be referred to hereinafter as the ‘System Documents’ (and collectively with the Participant Documents as the ‘Documents’).


For the purposes of this Opinion we have assumed in relation to the Documents that:


the System Documents with which we have been provided are originals or true copies;


the terms of the System Documents and the rights and obligations created by them are valid and legally binding under the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany by which they are expressed to be governed, and the choice of the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany to govern the System Documents is recognised by the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany;


the Participant Documents are within the capacity and power of and have been validly authorised, adopted or executed and, where necessary, delivered by the relevant parties; and


the Participant Documents are binding on the parties to which they are addressed, and there has been no breach of any of their terms.

A.The Participant is a corporation duly established and registered or otherwise duly incorporated or organised under the laws of [jurisdiction].U.K.
B.The Participant has all the requisite corporate powers to execute and perform the rights and obligations under the System Documents to which it is party.U.K.
C.The adoption or execution and the performance by the Participant of the rights and obligations under the System Documents to which the Participant is party will not in any way breach any provision of the laws or regulations of [jurisdiction] applicable to the Participant or the Participant Documents.U.K.
D.No additional authorisations, approvals, consents, filings, registrations, notarisations or other certifications of or with any court or governmental, judicial or public authority that is competent in [jurisdiction] are required by the Participant in connection with the adoption, validity or enforceability of any of the System Documents or the execution or performance of the rights and obligations thereunder.U.K.
E.The Participant has taken all necessary corporate action and other steps necessary under the laws of [jurisdiction] to ensure that its obligations under the System Documents are legal, valid and bindingU.K.

This Opinion is stated as of its date and is addressed solely to the ECB and the [Participant]. No other persons may rely on this Opinion, and the contents of this Opinion may not be disclosed to persons other than its intended recipients and their legal counsel without our prior written consent, with the exception of the national central banks of the European System of Central Banks [and [the national central bank/relevant regulatory authorities] of [jurisdiction]].

Yours faithfully,
