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Textual Amendments
1. The ECB shall have a pledge over the TIPS DCA holder's existing and future credit balances on its TIPS DCAs, thereby collateralising any current and future claims arising out of the legal relationship between the parties.
2. On the occurrence of:
(a) an event of default, referred to in Article 26(1); or
(b) any other event of default or event referred to in Article 26(2) that has led to the termination or suspension of the TIPS DCA holder's participation, notwithstanding the commencement of any insolvency proceedings in respect of a TIPS DCA holder and notwithstanding any assignment, judicial or other attachment or other disposition of or in respect of the TIPS DCA holder's rights;
all obligations of the TIPS DCA holder shall be automatically and immediately accelerated, without prior notice and without the need for any prior approval of any authority, so as to be immediately due. In addition, the mutual obligations of the TIPS DCA holder and the ECB shall automatically be set off against each other, and the party owing the higher amount shall pay to the other the difference.
3. The ECB shall promptly give the TIPS DCA holder notice of any set-off pursuant to paragraph 2 after such set-off has taken place.
4. The ECB may without prior notice debit any TIPS DCA holder's TIPS DCA by any amount which the TIPS DCA holder owes the ECB resulting from the legal relationship between the TIPS DCA holder and the ECB.
1. The ECB shall keep confidential all sensitive or secret information, including when such information relates to payment, technical or organisational information belonging to the TIPS DCA holder, TIPS DCA holders from the same group or the TIPS DCA holder's customers, unless the TIPS DCA holder or a TIPS DCA holder's customer has given its written consent to disclose.
2. By derogation from paragraph 1, the TIPS DCA holder agrees that information on any action taken under Article 26 shall not be considered as confidential.
3. By derogation from paragraph 1, the TIPS DCA holder agrees that the ECB may disclose payment, technical or organisational information regarding the TIPS DCA holder, other TIPS DCAs held by TIPS DCA holders from the same group or the TIPS DCA holder's customers obtained in the course of the operation of TARGET2-ECB to:
(a) other CBs or third parties that are involved in the operation of TARGET2-ECB, to the extent that this is necessary for the efficient functioning of TARGET2 or the monitoring of the TIPS DCA holder's or its group's exposure;
(b) other CBs in order to carry out the analysis necessary for market operations, monetary policy functions, financial stability or financial integration; or
(c) supervisory and oversight authorities of Member States and the Union, including CBs, to the extent that this is necessary for the performance of their public tasks, and provided in all such cases that the disclosure is not in conflict with the applicable law.
The ECB shall not be liable for the financial and commercial consequences of such disclosure.
4. By derogation from paragraph 1 and provided that this does not make it possible, whether directly or indirectly, to identify the TIPS DCA holder or the TIPS DCA holder's customers, the ECB may use, disclose or publish payment information regarding the TIPS DCA holder or the TIPS DCA holder's customers for statistical, historical, scientific or other purposes in the exercise of its public functions or of functions of other public entities to which the information is disclosed.
5. Information relating to the operation of TARGET2-ECB to which TIPS DCA holders have had access, may only be used for the purposes laid down in these Conditions. TIPS DCA holders shall keep such information confidential, unless the ECB has explicitly given its written consent to disclose. TIPS DCA holders shall ensure that any third parties to whom they outsource, delegate or subcontract tasks which have or may have an impact on the performance of their obligations under these Conditions are bound by the confidentiality requirements in this Article.
6. The ECB shall be authorised, in order to settle payment orders, to process and transfer the necessary data to any TIPS network service provider.
1. TIPS DCA holders shall be deemed to be aware of, and shall comply with, all obligations on them relating to legislation on data protection, prevention of money laundering and the financing of terrorism, proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities and the development of nuclear weapons delivery systems, in particular in terms of implementing appropriate measures concerning any payments debited or credited on their TIPS DCAs. TIPS DCA holders shall also acquaint themselves with their chosen TIPS network service provider's data retrieval policy prior to entering into a contractual relationship with that TIPS network service provider.
2. TIPS DCA holders shall be deemed to have authorised the ECB to obtain any information relating to them from any financial or supervisory authority or trade body, whether national or foreign, if such information is necessary for the TIPS DCA holders' participation in TARGET2-ECB.
3. TIPS DCA holders, when acting as the payment service provider of a payer or payee, shall comply with all requirements resulting from administrative or restrictive measures imposed pursuant to Articles 75 or 215 of the Treaty to which they are subject, including with respect to notification and/or the obtaining of consent from a competent authority in relation to the processing of transactions. In addition:
(a) when the ECB is the payment service provider of a TIPS DCA holder that is a payer:
the TIPS DCA holder shall make the required notification or obtain consent on behalf of the central bank that is primarily required to make notification or obtain consent, and shall provide the ECB with evidence of having made a notification or having received consent;
the TIPS DCA holder shall not enter any payment order into TARGET2 with the exception of payment orders concerning the transfer of liquidity between different accounts of the same TIPS DCA holder, until it has obtained confirmation from the ECB that the required notification has been made or the consent has been obtained by or on behalf of the payment service provider of the payee;
(b) when the ECB is a payment service provider of a TIPS DCA holder that is a payee, the TIPS DCA holder shall make the required notification or obtain consent on behalf of the central bank that is primarily required to make notification or obtain consent, and shall provide the ECB with evidence of having made a notification or having received consent.
For the purposes of this paragraph, the terms ‘ payment service provider ’ , ‘ payer ’ and ‘ payee ’ shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the applicable administrative or restrictive measures.
1. Except where otherwise provided for in these Conditions, all notices required or permitted pursuant to these Conditions shall be sent by registered post, facsimile or otherwise in writing. Notices to the ECB shall be submitted to the European Central Bank, Director-General of the ECB's Directorate-General Payment Systems and Market Infrastructure, Sonnemannstrasse 22, 60314 Frankfurt am Main, Germany or to the BIC address of the ECB: ECBFDEFF. Notices to the TIPS DCA holder shall be sent to it at the address, fax number or its BIC address as the TIPS DCA holder may from time to time notify to the ECB.
2. To prove that a notice has been sent, it shall be sufficient to prove that the notice was delivered to the relevant address or that the envelope containing such notice was properly addressed and posted.
3. All notices shall be given in English.
4. TIPS DCA holders shall be bound by all forms and documents of the ECB that the TIPS DCA holders have filled in and/or signed, including but not limited to static data collection forms, as referred to in Article 6(2)(a), and information provided under Article 14(5), which were submitted in compliance with paragraphs 1 and 2 and which the ECB reasonably believes to have received from the TIPS DCA holders, their employees or agents.
The ECB may at any time unilaterally amend these Conditions, including the Appendices. Amendments to these Conditions, including the Appendices, shall be announced by means of communication in writing to the participants. Amendments shall be deemed to have been accepted unless the TIPS DCA holder expressly objects within 14 days of being informed of such amendments. In the event that a TIPS DCA holder objects to the amendment, the ECB is entitled immediately to terminate and close that TIPS DCA holder's TIPS DCA in TARGET2-ECB.
1. Any rights, interests, obligations, responsibilities and claims arising from or relating to these Conditions shall not be transferred, pledged or assigned by TIPS DCA holders to any third party without the ECB's written consent.
2. These Conditions do not create any rights in favour of or obligations in relation to any entity other than the ECB and TIPS DCA holders in TARGET2-ECB.
1. The bilateral relationship between the ECB and TIPS DCA holders in TARGET2-ECB shall be governed by German law.
2. Without prejudice to the competence of the Court of Justice of the European Union, any dispute arising from a matter relating to the relationship referred to in paragraph 1 falls under the exclusive competence of the competent courts of Frankfurt am Main.
3. The place of performance concerning the legal relationship between the ECB and the TIPS DCA holders shall be Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
If any provision in these Conditions is or becomes invalid, this shall not prejudice the applicability of all the other provisions of these Conditions.
1. These Conditions become effective from 30 November 2018 .
2. By requesting a TIPS DCA in TARGET2-ECB, applicant TIPS DCA holders automatically agree to these Conditions between themselves and in relation to the ECB.]