Part D:Reporting from the Member States
1.Overall description on the implementation of the Salmonella and MRSA surveys
A report in text format shall include at least:
Member State;
a description of the population of holdings with breeder pigs:
breeding holdings:
total number of breeder holdings;
total number of nucleus holdings;
total number of multiplier holdings;
number of breeder holdings planned to be sampled, and number of breeder holdings actually sampled; number of holdings planned for sampling but not sampled and the reason therefore;
comments on the overall representativeness of the breeding holdings sampling programme;
production holdings:
total number of production holdings;
total number of farrow to weaner/grower holdings;
total number of farrow to finish holdings;
number of production holdings planned to be sampled, and number of production holdings actually sampled; number of holdings planned for sampling but not sampled and the reason therefore;
possible comment on overall representativeness of the production holdings sampling programme;
number of samples from the Salmonella survey obtained and analysed:
from breeding holding;
from production holdings;
from holdings sampled for within-holding prevalence study;
overall results from the Salmonella survey:
prevalence of breeding holdings and of production holdings infected with Salmonella, and serovars of Salmonella;
outcome of within-holding prevalence study;
list of laboratories responsible in the Salmonella survey for:
phage typing (if carried out).
number of samples from the MRSA survey obtained and analysed:
from breeding holding;
from production holdings;
overall results from the MRSA survey: prevalence of breeding holdings and of production holdings infected with MRSA, based on detection and confirmation by PCR;
list of laboratories responsible in the MRSA survey for:
Spa typing;
MLST typing.
2.Complete data on each holding sampled and corresponding tests results:
The Member States shall submit the results of the Salmonella and MRSA surveys electronically to the Commission in the form of raw data using a data dictionary and data collection requirements established and provided by the Commission.
2.1.Information on the holding
The following information shall be collected in Member States and transmitted to the Commission for each holding selected for sampling:
code of the holding;
holding production type:
indoor versus ‘any stage of the production kept outdoors’;
nucleus, multiplier, farrow to weaner, farrow to finish and farrow to grower;
holding size: the number of breeding pigs present at the time of sampling (adult inventory);
replacement policy: all replacement breeding pigs purchased; some replacement breeding pigs homebred or all replacement breeding pigs homebred;
(voluntarily) clinical symptoms of diarrhoea: were there symptoms of diarrhoea within the three months before the sampling?
2.2.Information on all samples collected within the Salmonella survey
The following information shall be collected in Member States for each sample sent to the laboratory within the frame of the Salmonella survey:
code of the sample;
code of the laboratory involved in initial analysis;
date of sample collection;
date laboratory analysis begun;
detection of Salmonella: qualitative result (positive/negative);
serotyping of Salmonella: serovar(s) detected (may be more than one);
age of the pigs: all gilts versus mixed age breeding pigs;
sex: only sows; sows and boars or only boars;
production stage: maternity; mating, gestation (other?);
housing: slatted floor (fully/partly); solid floor; deep straw or other;
diet: are pigs in this pen, yard or group fed compound feed exclusively;
feed supplement: is there any Salmonella reducing substance added to the feed (like organic acid, a probiotic);
systematic use of antibiotics: are antibiotics used in all animals of this group by any route of administration;
the last date of administration of antimicrobials to the animals (within the last four weeks).
2.3.Additional information on the samples collected within the Salmonella survey for the within holding prevalence
The following addition information shall be collected in Member States for each individual sample sent to the laboratory within the frame of the sampling for the within-holding prevalence:
code of the pooled sample;
detection of Salmonella in each individual sample: qualitative result (positive/negative);
serotyping of Salmonella in each individual sample: serovar(s) detected (may be more than one).
2.4.Information on the samples collected within the MRSA survey
The following information shall be collected in Member States and for each sample sent to the laboratory:
the code of the sample;
the code/name of the laboratory involved in the detection;
the date of sample collection;
the date laboratory analysis begun;
the result of detection of MRSA (positive/negative);
the code/name of the laboratory involved in the PCR;
the result of PCR;
the code/name of the laboratory involved in the Spa typing;
the result of Spa typing;
code/name of the laboratory involved in the MLST-typing,
the result of MLST typing.