A report in text format shall include at least:
Member State;
a description of the population of holdings with breeder pigs:
breeding holdings:
total number of breeder holdings;
total number of nucleus holdings;
total number of multiplier holdings;
number of breeder holdings planned to be sampled, and number of breeder holdings actually sampled; number of holdings planned for sampling but not sampled and the reason therefore;
comments on the overall representativeness of the breeding holdings sampling programme;
production holdings:
total number of production holdings;
total number of farrow to weaner/grower holdings;
total number of farrow to finish holdings;
number of production holdings planned to be sampled, and number of production holdings actually sampled; number of holdings planned for sampling but not sampled and the reason therefore;
possible comment on overall representativeness of the production holdings sampling programme;
number of samples from the Salmonella survey obtained and analysed:
from breeding holding;
from production holdings;
from holdings sampled for within-holding prevalence study;
overall results from the Salmonella survey:
prevalence of breeding holdings and of production holdings infected with Salmonella, and serovars of Salmonella;
outcome of within-holding prevalence study;
list of laboratories responsible in the Salmonella survey for:
phage typing (if carried out).
number of samples from the MRSA survey obtained and analysed:
from breeding holding;
from production holdings;
overall results from the MRSA survey: prevalence of breeding holdings and of production holdings infected with MRSA, based on detection and confirmation by PCR;
list of laboratories responsible in the MRSA survey for:
Spa typing;
MLST typing.