Model Germany 4 (D4)U.K.

Issued in the German Democratic Republic from 1.6.1982 to 2.10.1990U.K.

Description: Bright pink paper model, four pages.

Table of equivalences
Categories of model D4Corresponding categories
AA1, A
BB, BE, C1 (see: 2, 3)
CB, BE, C1, C1E, C (see: 1, 3)
DB, BE, C1, C1E, D (see: 1)
BEB, BE, C1, C1E (see: 2)
CEB, BE, C1, C1E, C, CE (see: 1)
DEB, BE, C1, C1E, D, DE (see: 1)
Additional information:U.K.
1.If the holder of a ‘Klasse C’, ‘CE’, ‘D’ and ‘DE’ entitlement had his 50th birthday before or on 31.12.1999, his entitlement ceased to be valid on 31.12.2000. In case this licence holder exchanged his licence for a new model before or on 31.12.2000 the period of validity and the periodicity of medical examination for the new model applies. If a holder turns 50 after 31.12.1999, he has to exchange his licence for new model on his 50th birthday and thereafter a period of validity of five years applies.U.K.

Where such a licence holder establishes his normal residence in another Member State without being in compliance with the above rules, his ‘Klasse C’ entitlement should not be recognised (unless he has changed his normal residence before the above rules apply to him).