Commission Decision of 20 November 2008 on guidelines for the purpose of the risk-based animal health surveillance schemes provided for in Council Directive 2006/88/EC (notified under document number C(2008) 6787) (Text with EEA relevance) (2008/896/EC)

5.The health status of the farms and mollusc farming areasU.K.

Part B of Annex III to Directive 2006/88/EC differentiates between F1... health status categories:

F2...F2. . .
F2. . .F2. . .
F2. . .F2. . .
F2. . .F2. . .
F2. . .F2. . .

Where appropriate, inspections carried out in the framework of a risk-based animal health surveillance scheme may be combined with:


inspections carried out in the framework of surveillance or eradication programmes F3... (for zones or compartments falling within categories II or IV);


any surveillance carried out to maintain the disease-free status (for zones or compartments falling within category I – declared disease-free [F4having satisfied Article 2a(2)(a) or (b) or Article 2b(2)(a) or (b) of Commission Decision 2009/177/EC implementing Council Directive 2006/88/EC as regards surveillance and eradication programmes and disease-free status of Member States, zones and compartments];


any surveillance carried out as part of control measures pursuant to [F5Part 4 of the Aquatic Animal Health Regulations] (for zones or compartments falling within category V).

When drawing up risk-based animal health surveillance schemes, [F6the appropriate authority] should take account of the following:


for farms or mollusc farming areas situated in areas which have a health status falling within categories II and IV, the inspection frequency required by surveillance or eradication programmes F7... is higher than the frequency recommended by Part B of Annex III to [F8Directive 2006/88/EC]; it is therefore not necessary for [F9the appropriate authority] to lay down specific requirements concerning the inspection frequency for farms and mollusc farming areas situated in areas covered by such programmes;


the need for [F10the appropriate authority] to lay down specific requirements on the frequency of inspections under a risk-based animal health surveillance scheme exists mainly for farms or mollusc farming areas situated in areas which have a health status falling within categories I, III and V, depending on the particular circumstances and national measures;


consideration should be given to the fact that a farm or mollusc farming area may have a different health status in relation to different diseases; this may be the case for farms and mollusc farming areas keeping species which are susceptible to more than one of the listed non-exotic diseases(1).


For example, a rainbow trout farm might be free of infectious salmon anaemia (Category I), be under Category II (under an approved surveillance programme) for viral haemorrhagic septicaemia and have unknown status as regards infectious haematopoietic necrosis (Category III).