ANNEX VIIU.K.Contracting entities in the sectors of exploration for and extraction of oil or gas



Entities exploring for or extracting oil or gas pursuant to the Закона за подземните богатства (обн., ДВ, бр.23/12.3.1999) or Закона за концесиите (обн., ДВ, бр. 36/02.5.2006):

  • ‘Дайрект Петролеум България’ — ЕООД, София

  • ‘Петреко-България’ — ЕООД, София

  • ‘Проучване и добив на нефт и газ’ — АД, София

  • ‘Мерлоуз Рисорсиз’ — ООД, Люксембург

  • ‘Мерлоуз Рисорсиз САРЛ’, Люксембург

  • ‘ОМВ (България) Извънтериториално проучване’ — ООД, Виена, Австрия

  • ‘Джей Кей Екс България Лимитид’ — Лондон, Англия

  • ‘Рамко България Лимитид’ — Абърдийн, Шотландия

  • ‘Болкан Експлорърс (България) Лимитид’ — Дъблин, Ирландия

  • ОАО ‘Башкиргеология’, Уфа, Руска федерация

  • ‘Винтидж Петролеум България, Инк.’ — Кайманови острови

Czech RepublicU.K.

All contracting entities in the sectors which exploit specified geographical area for the purposes of exploring for or extracting oil or gas (ruled by the section 4 paragraph 1 letter i) of Act No 137/2006 Coll. on Public Contracts, as amended).

Examples of contracting entities:

  • Moravské naftové doly, a.s.


Entities pursuant to:

  • Lov om Danmarks undergrund, see Consolidation Act No 889 of 4 July 2007.

  • Lov om kontinentalsoklen, see Consolidation Act No 1101 of 18 November 2005.


  • Undertakings pursuant to the Bundesberggesetz of 13 August 1980, as last amended on 9 December 2006.


  • Entities operating pursuant to Article 10(3) of the Public Procurement Act (RT I 21.2.2007, 15, 76) and Article 14 of the Competition Act (RT I 2001, 56 332).


  • Entities granted an authorisation, license, permit or concession to explore for or extract oil and gas pursuant to the following legal provisions:

  • Continental Shelf Act 1968

  • Petroleum and Other Minerals Development Act 1960

  • Licensing Terms for Offshore Oil and Gas Exploration and Development 1992

  • Petroleum (Production) Act (NI) 1964


  • ‘Ελληνικά Πετρέλαια Α.Ε.’, pursuant to Law No 2593/98 για την αναδιοργάνωση της Δ.Ε.Π. Α.Ε. και των θυγατρικών της εταιρειών, το καταστατικό αυτής και άλλες διατάξεις.


  • BG International Limited Quanum, Asesores & Consultores, S.A.

  • Cambria Europe, Inc.

  • CNWL oil (España), S.A.

  • Compañía de investigación y explotaciones petrolíferas, S.A.

  • Conoco limited.

  • Eastern España, S.A.

  • Enagas, S.A.

  • España Canadá resources Inc.

  • Fugro — Geoteam, S.A.

  • Galioil, S.A.

  • Hope petróleos, S.A.

  • Locs oil compay of Spain, S.A.

  • Medusa oil Ltd.

  • Murphy Spain oil company

  • Onempm España, S.A.

  • Petroleum oil & gas España, S.A.

  • Repsol Investigaciones petrolíferas, S.A.

  • Sociedad de hidrocarburos de Euskadi, S.A.

  • Taurus petroleum, AN.

  • Teredo oil limited

  • Unión Fenosa gas exploración y producción, S.A.

  • Wintersahll, AG

  • YCI España, L.C.

  • Other entities that operate pursuant to ‘Ley 34/1998, de 7 de octubre, del Sector de hidrocarburos’ and its implementing legislation.


  • Entities responsible for exploration for and the extraction of oil or gas pursuant to the code minier and its implementing rules, particularily Décret no95-427 of 19 april 1995 and Décret no2006-648 of 2 June 2006 relatif aux titres miniers et aux titres de stockage souterrain.


Entities granted an authorisation, permit, licence or concession to explore for or extract oil and gas or to store natural gas underground pursuant to the following legislative provisions:

  • Law No 136 of 10 February 1953;

  • Law No 6 of 11 January 1957, as amended by Law No 613 of 21 July 1967;

  • Law No 9 of 9 January 1991;

  • Legislative Decree No 625 of 25 November 1996;

  • Law No 170 of 26 April 1974, as amended by the Legislative Decree No 164 of 23 May 2000.



All the companies, which are received an appropriate licence and started to explore for and to extract of oil or gas.


  • Public Limited Company ‘Geonafta’

  • Lithuanian-Danish Private Limited Company ‘Minijos nafta’

  • Joint Lithuanian-Swedish Private Limited Company ‘Genčių nafta’

  • Private Limited Company ‘Geobaltic’

  • Private Limited Company ‘Manifoldas’

  • Other entities acting in compliance with the requirements of Article 70 (1, 2) of the Law on Public Procurement of the Republic of Lithuania (Official Gazette, No. 84-2000, 1996; No. 4-102, 2006) and operating in the sectors of exploration for and extraction of oil or gas in accordance with the Law on Earth Entrails of the Republic of Lithuania (Official Gazette, No. 53-1582, 1995; No. 35-1164, 2001).



  • Entities exploring for or extracting oil or gas on the basis of an authorisation or concession pursuant to 1993. évi XLVIII. törvény a bányászatról.


  • The Petroleum (Production) Act (Cap. 156) and secondary legislation under this Act and the Continental Shelf Act (Cap. 194) and secondary legislation under this Act.


  • Entities pursuant to Mijnbouwwet (1 January 2003).


  • Entities authorised to explore for or extract oil or gas pursuant to the Mineralrohstoffgesetz, BGBl. I No 38/1999, as amended.


Entities carrying on activity related to the prospection, exploring for or extracting gas, oil and its natural derivatives, brown coal, coal or other solid fuels on the basis of ustawa z dnia 4 lutego 1994 r. Prawo geologiczne i górnicze, including among others:

  • Polskie Górnictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo S.A.

  • Petrobaltic S.A.

  • Zakład Odmetanowienia Kopalń Sp. z.o.o.

  • Operator Gazociągów Przesyłowych GAZ-SYSTEM Spółka Akcyjna


Entities holding an authorisation, a licence or concession contract for the exploration and extraction of oil and gas pursuant to:

  • Decreto-Lei no 109/94, de 26 de Abril; Declaração de rectificação no 64/94, de 94-05-31 e Portaria no 790/94, de 5 de Setembro;

  • Despacho no 82/94 de 94-08-24 e Despacho Conjunto no A-87/94-XII, de 17 de Janeiro;

  • Aviso, D.R. III, no 167, de 94-07-21 e Aviso, DR III no 60, de 02-03-12