1. Introductory Text

  2. Article 1.The detailed interpretation of aviation activities listed in Annex I...

  3. Article 2.This Decision is addressed to the Member States.

  4. Signature

    1. ANNEX

      Guidelines on the detailed interpretation of the aviation activities listed in Annex I to Directive 2003/87/EC


        1. 1. The term ‘flight’ means one flight sector that is a...

        2. 2. The term ‘aerodrome’ means a defined area on land or...

        3. 3. If an aircraft operator performs an aviation activity listed in...


        1. 4. Under the category of activity ‘Aviation’, Annex I to the...

        2. 2.1. Exemption under subparagraph (a)

          1. 5. This exemption shall be interpreted according to the exclusive purpose...

          2. 6. Immediate family comprises exclusively the spouse, any partner considered as...

          3. 7. Government ministers are the members of the government as listed...

          4. 8. An official mission means a mission in which the person...

          5. 9. Flights for the positioning or ferrying of the aircraft are...

          6. 10. Flights that Eurocontrol’s Central Route Charges Office has identified for...

        3. 2.2. Exemptions under subparagraph (b)

          1. 2.2.1. Military flights

            1. 11. Military flights mean flights directly related to the conduct of...

            2. 12. Military flights performed by civil registered aircraft are not covered...

            3. 13. Flights with the CRCO exemption code ‘M’ or ‘X’ are...

          2. 2.2.2. Customs and police flights

            1. 14. Customs and police flights performed by both civil registered and...

            2. 15. Flights with the CRCO exemption code ‘P’ are presumed to...

        4. 2.3. Exemptions under subparagraph (c)

          1. 16. In relation to the below categories of flight, flights for...

          2. 2.3.1. Search and rescue flights

            1. 17. Flights related to search and rescue mean flights offering search...

            2. 18. Flights with the CRCO exemption code ‘R’ and flights identified...

          3. 2.3.2. Firefighting flights

            1. 19. Firefighting flights mean flights performed exclusively to provide aerial firefighting...

            2. 20. Flights identified with STS/FFR in field 18 of the flight...

          4. 2.3.3. Humanitarian flights

            1. 21. Humanitarian flights mean flights operated exclusively for humanitarian purposes which...

            2. 22. Flights with the CRCO exemption code ‘H’ and flights identified...

          5. 2.3.4. Emergency medical service flights

            1. 23. Emergency medical service flights mean flights the exclusive purpose of...

            2. 24. Flights identified with STS/MEDEVAC or STS/HOSP in field 18 of...

        5. 2.4. Exemption under subparagraph (f)

          1. 25. Flights with the CRCO exemption code ‘T’ and flights identified...

        6. 2.5. Exemptions under subparagraph (g)

          1. 26. In relation to the below categories of flight, flights for...

          2. 2.5.1. Flights performed exclusively for the purpose of scientific research

            1. 27. This category exempts flights the only purpose of which is...

          3. 2.5.2. Flights performed exclusively for the purpose of checking, testing or...

            1. 28. Flights with the CRCO exemption code ‘N’ and flights identified...

        7. 2.6. Exemption under subparagraph (i) (public service obligation flights)

          1. 29. The exemption of public service obligation (PSO) flights within outermost...

        8. 2.7. Exemption under subparagraph (j) (de minimis rule)

          1. 30. All commercial air transport operators must hold an air operator’s...

          2. 31. For the application of the de minimis rule, the characteristic...

          3. 32. Only flights which depart from or arrive in an aerodrome...

          4. 33. Flights performed by a commercial aircraft operator operating fewer than...

          5. 34. A commercial operator operating 243 flights per period or more...

          6. 35. A commercial operator operating flights with total annual emissions equal...