Introductory Text
Article 1.The questionnaire set out in the Annex to this Decision...
Article 2.The Member States shall use the questionnaire as a basis...
Article 3.This Decision is addressed to the Member States.
Items to be notified pursuant to Article 7(4)(b)(iii) of Regulation (EC) No 850/2004
1. Authorisation of the exemption:
1.1. Name of the competent authority:
1.2. Address of the competent authority:
1.3. Authorisation identification number:
1.4. Date of the permission:
1.5. Authorisation holder (company name):
1.6. Authorisation holder address:
2. General description of waste:
2.1. Six digit code as laid down in Commission Decision 2000/532/EC...
2.2. Waste name as laid down in Decision 2000/532/EC as amended:...
2.3. Approved amount in tonnes:
2.4. POP(s) substance and concentration exceeding the limit laid down in...
3. Description of treatment technology:
3.1. Pre-treatment required: yes/no
3.2. Final storage:
3.3. Name of final storage site:
3.4. Address of final storage site:
4. Summary of justification of environmental preferability of the management compared...
5. Website address or other reference where to find more information...