Commission Decision of 18 December 2008 on a financial contribution from the Community for 2008 towards expenditure incurred by Greece, Spain and Italy for the purchase and modernisation of vessels and aircraft used for inspection and surveillance of fishing activities (notified under document number C(2008) 8431) (Only the Spanish, Greek and Italian texts are authentic) (2009/7/EC)


Community financial contribution granted towards the purchase and modernisation of patrol vessels and aircraft used for inspection and surveillance of fishing activities

Member StateExpenditure planned in the national fisheries control programme(EUR)Eligible expenditure under this Decision(EUR)Community contribution(Rate of 50 %)(EUR)
Greece14 603 00014 045 0007 022 500
Spain44 225 54612 476 3206 238 160
Italy52 500 00024 000 00012 000 000
Total111 328 54650 521 32025 260 660